08-13-2009, 03:32 PM
I came across mentions of CLEP a few times before really looking in to them. I think the first reference I saw was in an article online about homeschoolers earning college credit (I homeschool my kids). Then about 4 years ago I applied and was accepted at Eastern Oregon University through their distance partnership with the local community college. I went digging around the College Board website trying figure out if my old AP scores were still good and came across all of the CLEP information. I needed a West.Civ class so I took the WC 1 CLEP using Instacert and other resources. I ended up not attending EO because the program wasn't really what I wanted. It was close, but to expensive to not be "just right." Now that I am determined to get the degree I want and go to grad school, I have done a few more CLEPs. My oldest son is only 12 but he tested at post-high school on all of the school districts tests a year and a half ago. He is doing ALEKS math for credit and has negotiated with me to allow him to study and take the Freshman Comp CLEP in lieu of the writing program we were using that he despised.
Terry Total Credits = 100/121
*Goal: BA Liberal Arts Excelsior
*60 Credits from previous college
APUS (12)
NFA (2)
CLEP (15)
AP (8)
Terry Total Credits = 100/121
*Goal: BA Liberal Arts Excelsior
*60 Credits from previous college
APUS (12)
NFA (2)
CLEP (15)
AP (8)