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How are people getting done so fast?
I am 2 weeks in at UMPI, and I have to say I'm blown away when I read about how some people on here are just plowing thru these classes at the speed of light. I am doing Creative Writing and Project Management right now. I am almost done with Creative Writing and it's one of the most un-fun classes I have ever taken in my life, lol. Project Management is very interesting but it's still by no means something I can absorb and get through in a week. I read a post on here from someone who said "most people finish their degrees in 1 session" at UMPI. How on earth?! I have to do 10 classes thru them and at this rate it's going to take me months. I do have plenty of time to study but I can't just force feed and absorb all that info at that volume and pump out the milestone papers immediately. Am I just slow or are there others who have to go at a slower pace? Every time I read this forum I start wondering if there is something wrong with me, lol...  Confused
Everyone learns differently, you're looking at one poster and their experience, it's not every single person who is getting this done, I've seen someone take 4 sessions and still haven't finished the degree, that's because they've not followed through with the recommendations of transferring in the max credits first, then take the appropriate Your Pace classes to finish. Various variables are at play, different for everyone...

It's great you're asking questions like you did on your initial previous thread here, but as I mentioned in that thread, it's best to provide more details on your situation by filling in the addendum and template, this way we can see a better picture of your scenario and provide advice to help you streamline everything so you can complete it in a timely fashion: Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
[-] The following 2 users Like bjcheung77's post:
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Many of those people have tons of experience, and are leveraging that to get through the material quickly. Also, some of them aren't worrying about grades so long as they pass.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?
[-] The following 4 users Like davewill's post:
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You can sort of get an idea of the time it will take to complete each course based on the time it takes for you to complete a UL course.

Some courses at UPMI could be easier, and some could be harder than courses.

2 courses per session are considered a full-time student at UMPI, so anything faster than that is considered accelerated speed.
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
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(02-02-2024, 09:53 PM)yc1981 Wrote: I am 2 weeks in at UMPI, and I have to say I'm blown away when I read about how some people on here are just plowing thru these classes at the speed of light. I am doing Creative Writing and Project Management right now. I am almost done with Creative Writing and it's one of the most un-fun classes I have ever taken in my life, lol. Project Management is very interesting but it's still by no means something I can absorb and get through in a week. I read a post on here from someone who said "most people finish their degrees in 1 session" at UMPI. How on earth?! I have to do 10 classes thru them and at this rate it's going to take me months. I do have plenty of time to study but I can't just force feed and absorb all that info at that volume and pump out the milestone papers immediately. Am I just slow or are there others who have to go at a slower pace? Every time I read this forum I start wondering if there is something wrong with me, lol...  Confused

You are doing fine! The majority of UMPI students take 3-4 courses per term. Most people do not finish a course in a week. The one's you're reading about are outliers. Stay focused and move at your own pace. Sounds like you're actually learning something which most people who rush through do not and quite often admit that they didn't learn anything. There is NOTHING wrong with you!
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(02-02-2024, 09:53 PM)yc1981 Wrote: I am 2 weeks in at UMPI, and I have to say I'm blown away when I read about how some people on here are just plowing thru these classes at the speed of light. I am doing Creative Writing and Project Management right now. I am almost done with Creative Writing and it's one of the most un-fun classes I have ever taken in my life, lol. Project Management is very interesting but it's still by no means something I can absorb and get through in a week. I read a post on here from someone who said "most people finish their degrees in 1 session" at UMPI. How on earth?! I have to do 10 classes thru them and at this rate it's going to take me months. I do have plenty of time to study but I can't just force feed and absorb all that info at that volume and pump out the milestone papers immediately. Am I just slow or are there others who have to go at a slower pace? Every time I read this forum I start wondering if there is something wrong with me, lol...  Confused

First off, try not to compare yourself to others. It's a big no-no when it comes to learning and just life in general. Everyone's got their own pace, and that's cool (hence the name YOURPACE). I think Abraham Lincoln once said that if he had six hours to chop down a tree, he'd spend four of them sharpening his ax. That's roughly 70% of his time on planning and prep! That’s the part folks don’t see; the part that’s beneath the surface of these success story posts. The folks you see reporting success usually start prepping from day one.

And by the way, when you see those posts about people accelerating through their degrees, it's not about impressing you; it's about expressing to you what's possible with some good foundational work. For example, did you know that you can create PK (prior knowledge)? If I knew I had to (or wanted to) take program management, I would have taken it for free at Saylor (or at the very least read through the course material over a few days); this way when/if I sign up at UMPI it would feel like running downhill and I wouldn't feel overwhelmed. It’s probably what I would have done if I knew I had budget constraints too.

Not everyone's aiming for a one-term completion and not everyone has budget constraints, that’s obvious – it doesn't fit every degree, like say, the biology degree I want. But for a lot of people, tight budgets push them to do more planning and accelerate.

If all of this is too much, at least read the syllabus, and follow the rubric. In my humble opinion, you should start there before you overwhelm yourself with the course content.

(02-03-2024, 12:01 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Everyone learns differently, you're looking at one poster and their experience, it's not every single person who is getting this done, I've seen someone take 4 sessions and still haven't finished the degree, that's because they've not followed through with the recommendations of transferring in the max credits first, then take the appropriate Your Pace classes to finish. Various variables are at play, different for everyone...

It's great you're asking questions like you did on your initial previous thread here, but as I mentioned in that thread, it's best to provide more details on your situation by filling in the addendum and template, this way we can see a better picture of your scenario and provide advice to help you streamline everything so you can complete it in a timely fashion:

[-] The following 1 user Likes indigoshuffle's post:
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I completed my UMPI BA in History and Political Science in 4 terms. I had no incentive at all to do it any quicker (I could have without a question done it in 3 if I wanted to) as I used FAFSA. Not being in a hurry was a very pleasant, chill experience as it did not disrupt my regular daily schedule or activities at all. There would have been no benefit to me if I did it in one or two terms (quite the opposite - it might have introduced more stress and anxiety). There is nothing wrong with taking 2 courses in a term - I did so few times with no regrets at all. But like few people already mentioned, it is a very individual matter. While I had no reason to hurry, it does not mean that this is the case for everyone else. If I had no FAFSA that would have been enough of a reason for me to do it in 3 terms. What about 2? I would probably try to do it initially, but I would still consider the possibility that it may take longer. Having a realistic expectation is, in my opinion, quite important for sanity's sake. If 1 term is the quickest possible, then this is by definition a best-case scenario. Is "betting" on a best-case scenario wise? I don't think so. If someone boasts that he or she did it all in one term (or, even in few weeks) - let him or her believe that this is somehow a higher tier of an achievement compared to a degree that took, say, a full year of terms. Ther will always be those people who (mostly willingly) want to imply the fallacy "Hey, I did in in 1 term. If you do not do so, I am therefore a better learner." (or student, or smarter, or insert whatever world you see fitting). Just because one finds speed relevant, it does not mean that others should do so too. There are way too many variables regarding speed.
[-] The following 5 users Like Chankosumo's post:
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(02-02-2024, 09:53 PM)yc1981 Wrote: I am 2 weeks in at UMPI, and I have to say I'm blown away when I read about how some people on here are just plowing thru these classes at the speed of light. I am doing Creative Writing and Project Management right now. I am almost done with Creative Writing and it's one of the most un-fun classes I have ever taken in my life, lol. Project Management is very interesting but it's still by no means something I can absorb and get through in a week. I read a post on here from someone who said "most people finish their degrees in 1 session" at UMPI. How on earth?! I have to do 10 classes thru them and at this rate it's going to take me months. I do have plenty of time to study but I can't just force feed and absorb all that info at that volume and pump out the milestone papers immediately. Am I just slow or are there others who have to go at a slower pace? Every time I read this forum I start wondering if there is something wrong with me, lol...  Confused

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you!  You need to go at your own pace.  For some, they have a ton of time and limited responsibility, so that can help.  Or they have a ton of support from their family, who pick up some slack.

I tried a competency-based program a while back.  I learned that I need a MUCH slower pace.  I work full-time and have very little help from anyone.  I still have to take care of all of the appointments and activities for my kid and my dog.  I am also the only one to cook dinner, pay bills, and do laundry.  It's like pulling teeth to get anyone to do the simplest chores.  I am also trying to manage a health condition.  With all that in mind, I switched to a program with ten-week sessions.  The content is spread out over a more extended period of time, so it gives me more time throughout the week.  It also helps that I am in no hurry to get it done.  I took 5 courses last year, but now I am slowing down to two courses a year - going every other term.  If I find myself with more time, I might add more.

So, not everyone is going fast.  It's definitely admirable and do-able with the right set of circumstances.  You just gotta do what works best for you and enjoy the ride.  Smile
[-] The following 1 user Likes Vle045's post:
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(02-03-2024, 07:46 PM)Vle045 Wrote: There is absolutely nothing wrong with you!  You need to go at your own pace.  For some, they have a ton of time and limited responsibility, so that can help.  Or they have a ton of support from their family, who pick up some slack.

I tried a competency-based program a while back.  I learned that I need a MUCH slower pace.  I work full-time and have very little help from anyone.  I still have to take care of all of the appointments and activities for my kid and my dog.  I am also the only one to cook dinner, pay bills, and do laundry.  It's like pulling teeth to get anyone to do the simplest chores.  I am also trying to manage a health condition.  With all that in mind, I switched to a program with ten-week sessions.  The content is spread out over a more extended period of time, so it gives me more time throughout the week.  It also helps that I am in no hurry to get it done.  I took 5 courses last year, but now I am slowing down to two courses a year - going every other term.  If I find myself with more time, I might add more.

So, not everyone is going fast.  It's definitely admirable and do-able with the right set of circumstances.  You just gotta do what works best for you and enjoy the ride.  Smile

CBE is definitely not for everyone! I tried 2 master's programs at WGU and just hated the format. And I have 2 bachelor's degrees from UMPI and an MBA from Amberton which isn't a CBE program so I thought I would be really comfy with WGU. Nope. Couldn't stand it. So I know where you're coming from. I'm actually looking for a 8-10 week program to do my second master's. Unless UMPI comes out with a master's I want, I don't think CBE from elsewhere is my thing anymore.
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Its a CBE program. Some will be quicker and some slower. I had experience in my degree field so it was quicker. If I did something like business it would probably be slower. Its just how CBE works.

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