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Holocaust in Literature Thoughts (Shmoop)
I started the Holocaust in Literature course. Unit 1 was great. The trouble started with unit 2. It is similar to the complaints people have about Saylor- you get sent all over the place.

They link a lot to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum site. If you just stayed there it would be fine. But Shmoop sends you to even more sites that are linked to from USHMM. Read this essay on this blog. Watch this Huffington Post video. Go to this psychology journal and read the such and such chapter. Go to this site and examine this painting and then go this other site to read about. I really prefer or StraighterLine with the information being centralized and in a straightforward order.

The literature they have chosen holds my attention though. They have both long and short things to read. One item might just be a short poem or essay. Somethings they have a recording of it, so you don't even have to read. The subject is keeping me motivated. It is an interesting course and there are only 4 units. So far the unit tests have all had 20 questions. So there are only actually 80 questions to answer in the entire class (unless the last test will have more, I'm on unit 4 now). The questions can be tough. Take notes. But don't just take notes on the content. Take notes on WHERE the information you read is on internet. You need to be able to find the site where you read, listened or looked at the orginal work or the commentary. With so many links it is hard to keep track. If you retake an exam the questions are different. The first unit is a history of the Holocaust, some actually might be able to challenge that test without reading through the lessons. I probably could have answered at least half prior to reading through the unit. I like the lessons on the actual Shmoop site. It is following link after link that is getting tedious.
Credit Sources:
Guilford Technical Community College (59)
U.S Army Training

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