11 hours ago
(This post was last modified: 10 hours ago by Armadillo1.)
I have 6 courses left to take at UMPI to graduate. 3 of which need to be Upper Level, the other 3 could be either upper or lower. These 6 will need to be completed by the end of Spring II. These are just to meet my residency requirement and complete the UL BLS requirement so they can be anything I want them to be. I went through the catalog and highlighted the courses that look interesting to me. I bolded the ones that would probably help my career or fill knowledge gaps the most, I don't need to take the bolded ones, especially if they are one's that will be difficult to complete before the end of term. Anyone have feedback on which of these I should stay away from?
I'm going for my BLS with minors in Criminal Justice & Pre-Law (All of those requirements have already been met). Background on me I've been in the workforce for over 20 years, working in Environmental Health and Safety, Corporate Security Management, I've worked for police departments in the past but not as a sworn LEO. After completing this degree, I want to get my master's in criminal justice and then PhD. With those degrees I want to do research and teach.
UL Courses
BUS 321 Human Resources Mgmt
BUS 335 Organizational Behavior
CRJ 376 Police & Policing
CRJ 376 Punishment & Correction
CRJ 377 Restorative Justice
CRJ 430 Crime Control Policies
HEA 415 Environmental Health
HTY 350 US Environmental History
HTY 370 Arab/Israeli Conflict - this is only on this list, because everyone says this is super easy
HTY 400 Discovering & Interpreting Local History
PSY 341 Drugs & Behavior
PSY 360 Animal Behavior
PSY 375 Sex and Gender
PSY 446 Psychobiology
SOC 430 Theoretical Criminology
SWK 300 Social Welfare Policies
SWK 381 Crisis Intervention
LL Courses
BUS 242 Spreadsheet Applications
CRJ 215 Drug Policy
PSY 200 Social Psychology
PSY 235 Abnormal Psychology
SWK 105 Helping Skills
I'm going for my BLS with minors in Criminal Justice & Pre-Law (All of those requirements have already been met). Background on me I've been in the workforce for over 20 years, working in Environmental Health and Safety, Corporate Security Management, I've worked for police departments in the past but not as a sworn LEO. After completing this degree, I want to get my master's in criminal justice and then PhD. With those degrees I want to do research and teach.
UL Courses
BUS 321 Human Resources Mgmt
BUS 335 Organizational Behavior
CRJ 376 Police & Policing
CRJ 376 Punishment & Correction
CRJ 377 Restorative Justice
CRJ 430 Crime Control Policies
HEA 415 Environmental Health
HTY 350 US Environmental History
HTY 370 Arab/Israeli Conflict - this is only on this list, because everyone says this is super easy
HTY 400 Discovering & Interpreting Local History
PSY 341 Drugs & Behavior
PSY 360 Animal Behavior
PSY 375 Sex and Gender
PSY 446 Psychobiology
SOC 430 Theoretical Criminology
SWK 300 Social Welfare Policies
SWK 381 Crisis Intervention
LL Courses
BUS 242 Spreadsheet Applications
CRJ 215 Drug Policy
PSY 200 Social Psychology
PSY 235 Abnormal Psychology
SWK 105 Helping Skills