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Help can someone tell me if I am ready for dsst Statisitics???
Hi Everyone,
I would like to Take the DSSt exam for statisitics. I am strong in z scores, probability, means ,modes, medians, foundations of statistics. Is this enough base to pass this test??? Any input would be appreciated.
i don't think those are enough to even get a pass. I'd suggest taking straighterline statistics to gauge your level and get credits upon completion as well.
99rdhsis Wrote:Hi Everyone,
I would like to Take the DSSt exam for statisitics. I am strong in z scores, probability, means ,modes, medians, foundations of statistics. Is this enough base to pass this test??? Any input would be appreciated.

These are the areas you need to know to pass. Are you strong in these areas?

If you are going to take the DSST, I'd suggest Khan Academy.

He has lessons and assessments on his website. I suppose you could go directly to the assessments and see if you can work through them and if not, watch the videos to see if you can learn them easily. I don't think, with what you posted, that is enough to pass. But, in my view it's better to be over prepared than under prepared.
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
Thanks for the input!!
I do use the Khan Academy---thank you!
Thanks! I will study more!
Are you a member of Instacert? If not, you might want to join. There is a LOT of feedback on this exam. That's in addition to the flashcards. Also, somewhere around, there are probably sample tests you can take (fairly inexpensive) to see where you stand.

Good luck, and, from what I recall in the Instacert feedback, it's a pretty forgiving exam.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
Sounds like enough to me, but of course, I don't have to pay for your failure.

Do you know the formula for standard deviation by memory and understand it?
63 CLEP Sociology
75 CLEP U.S. History II
63 CLEP College Algebra
70 CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
68 DSST Technical Writing
72 CLEP U.S. History I
77 CLEP College Mathematics
470 DSST Statistics
53 CLEP College Composition
73 CLEP Biology
54 CLEP Chemistry
77 CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications
Yes today I have done well with standard deviation and of course variance-----and I can remember the formulas as well. I have been just writing down the formulas to commit them to memory---seems to be working. Thanks for the reply.
Yes I am a member--I do the flash cards---stats for idiots--khan academy----I really want this class to be done!!! I have passed dsst and clep in the past--I have 6 done to date--math is just not my thing! Thanks for the reply!

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