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Has anyone taken Straighterline Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting for TESC)?
I posted this on the other Straighterline Accounting 1 & 2 thread, but am reposting this here to make it easier to find for people who are interested in taking this course.

I PASSED!!!!! Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting for TESC!) It was HARD for me, but it is doable, and even more doable if you have taken accounting recently (I hadn't taken accounting in 20 years!) The math on the tests was easy, but you had to know where to plug the numbers in. And if you aren't so great at plugging the numbers into the correct spots, you can still pass/nearly pass with the terms and concepts. I would say about 30% of the test problems were actual accounting entry type/math problems (which always gave me the most trouble).

I didn't do any of the assignments, or listen to but one of the lectures. I listened to the very first lecture and it had nothing at all to do with what was on the test, so that was the last time I did that.

The tests took 1 hour 15 minutes each (for the 4, 4 chapter tests) 2 hours for the midterm, and 3 hours for the final. It took me every bit of time to finish. And the scrolling back and forth is so slow that it takes a lot of the time.

I did the 4, 4 chapter tests first, then the midterm, then the final. The final is weighted higher, but it only covers half the book, like the midterm does. I started on Friday and finished a few minutes ago.

I got the 8th edition, international version, of Hilton's Managerial Accounting off Amazon and it was perfect. YOU CAN NOT DO THIS WITHOUT THE BOOK. DON'T EVEN TRY! The terms and concepts were all from the book, almost verbatim, though they were hard to find when each test covered a few hundred pages. The book was $4 shipped, used, when I got mine.

I am beyond thrilled to be done with this, but I would recommend it to anyone who is okay decent at accounting, for sure. Accounting is not my strong suit, but I passed. So if I can, most people could.

Messages In This Thread
Has anyone taken Straighterline Managerial Accounting (Cost Accounting for TESC)? - by livinginlilliput - 04-15-2012, 02:16 PM

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