lavagirl Wrote:This is what I got today.
"Thanks for your note. You are allowed to use a calculator while taking the MAT-105 TECEP and the MAT-105 test description should have included this statement: You may use a nongraphing, nonprogrammable calculator during testing.
Online courses and TECEP exams measure a similar set of knowledge but do not have to follow the exact same processes. The test development committee decided that the MAT-105 TECEP requires the use of a calculator but not a text."

It did not hurt to try but are you willing to consult the next level? Just forward the complete email to (see procedure below). Remember to address the committee formally and I would also attach the PDF files of each syllabus and test description.
Ask if this is not the proper procedure in this case, if they would be so kind as to advise on what the next step would be? Possibly the Dean of School.
I am not suggesting this exam requires open book since it really is HS math, it is simply the principle of the matter. The TECEP should be allowed the same tools as the course, if not moreso. The exam is comprehensive, much harder than taking two sections which allow plenty of time to study for each.
Looking at it from another angle, makes me wonder if they are purposely trying to make the exams more difficult. I would bet the person who came up with the pay per credit tuition without adding language to exclude the use of TECEPs is not sitting comfortably in his/her seat right now.
Administrative (Non-Academic) Appeals and Waivers
Students may appeal a decision from any office in the College regarding an administrative action, policy or procedure. Such an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Administrative Appeals Committee via mail (Thomas Edison State College - Administrative Appeals Committee, 101 W. State St., Trenton, NJ 08608-1176), email at or fax at (609) 943-5232.
Supporting documentation not submitted with the appeal may otherwise be required by the Committee. The Administrative Appeals Committee considers administrative matters involving financial relief, waivers, exceptions to policies, and other special considerations of departmental decisions across all divisions of the College.
Academic Appeals and Waivers
"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry
AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award.
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