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Happy Friday Everyone
I've never had the courage (or the bladder control) to attempt more than 2 tests in a day.

Laughing heartily at "bladder control!!!!"
Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
jadechow Wrote:I've never had the courage (or the bladder control) to attempt more than 2 tests in a day.

I though I was the only one, not about the taking two tests but with the bladder control. thank you for letting me know i am not alone.Big Grin
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
I found a testing place that will let you leave the testing room to pee!! You have to let them know and the Bathroom is in the library, but when I really had to go in the middle of Intro to Sociology I was happy to be able to.Big Grin

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
That is good to know, Linda. I'll have to ask next time I'm "marathon" test taking if I'm allowed to leave the room to "relieve" myself. I'm afraid they might think I have a sparks chart of astronomy taped to the back of the toliet tank or something. hilarious

And, let's not forget, there's always Depends. Although I don't think I am probably the target market that the Kimberly Clark corporation had in mind. Hey, maybe it's an entirely new demographic for them to pursue.

Wait, did I just use the terms "target market" and "demographic" casually in a sentence? I may just be ready to take that Intro to Marketing test after all. Testing center - here I come. Oh wait...that leads me back to the whole bladder control is just one big, vicious circle!:eek:

Have a great weekend everybody!
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Purple"]Thomas Edison State College BSBA - 6/10
Excelsior College BS Liberal Arts - 9/10

Amberton MBA - 12/13 [/COLOR]
How long did you study for , I am signed up for the HRM ECE on next Thursday!

Was it very difficult to pass all three exams?

I would like to know, since I plan on taking all three soon.

Thank you all for the thoughtful remarks and comments. I found both DSST Org Beh and DSST HRM to have some overlap with each other (also with Prin of Mgt and Prin of Sup). HGD had overlap from Intro to Psych and Intro to Soc, just like some have said on this forum. I used the practice exams for the Petersons DSST Org Beh and HRM, and I used the REA book for HGD. I probably won't attempt to take 3 tests again anytime in the near future as my head hurts because I am trying to complete my Bachelors and I studied for and just took the Fire Marshall (FDNY) exam and I am still studying for Fire Lieutenant (FDNY), plus I just became a father. I think I have a full plate.

P.S. This site is a godsend.


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