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GoodSearch - Web search, coupons, discounts & deals for charity!
They also have this feature called GoodShop. Every time you use a code or something the company will give a percentage of your order to a charity you choose.
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Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Music Fundamentals
Computer Literacy
English Composition w/ Essay CLEP 57
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP 65
Introductory Psychology CLEP 57
Western Civilization I CLEP 55[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Studying for:
Principles of Management
American Government
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Music Fundamentals
Computer Literacy
English Composition w/ Essay CLEP 57
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP 65
Introductory Psychology CLEP 57
Western Civilization I CLEP 55[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Studying for:
Principles of Management
American Government