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Registration Date: 05-12-2009
Date of Birth: 08-22-1988 (36 years old)
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 10:10 AM
Status: Offline

rickyjo's Forum Info
Joined: 05-12-2009
Last Visit: 10-31-2013, 02:12 PM
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rickyjo's Contact Details
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AIM Screen Name: mytyricky
rickyjo's Signature
Please stop corporate child abuse, learn about World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and other "troubled teen" facilities that abuse kids and cheat parents:

The Goal:
A.S. From Excelsior


63 FEMA courses complete 1/2/10
4 NFA courses Complete 1/5/10
A+ (Computer Repair)
N+ (Networking)
MCP XP PRO (Microsoft Certified Professional)
AP English Literature
ALEKS Beginning Algebra
ALEKS Intermediate Algebra
ALEKS College Algebra
Straighterline Macro Econ
Straighterline Micro Econ
Straighterline Accounting I
Straighterline Accounting II
Penn Foster Info Literacy
Penn Foster Art Appreciation
Penn Foster Music Appreciation
Penn Foster Psychology