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HELP : Selecting Intro to Programming and Programming with Java
I would like to sign up for these two courses.

a) Introduction to Programming
b) Programming with Java


a) Must be offered online but self-paced
b) Must be counted as college credits (Non credit courses are not acceptable)
c) School must be regionally accredited

I have 15+ years of hands on software development experience, I am looking for self-paced course, so that I can complete them real quick. I am planning to use these credits to satisfy Boston University MSCIS entrance requirement.

Any help will be highly appreciated.
COSC 2012 - Bachelor of Science with a concentration in Business Administration
60.5 foreign credits
IT Cert 15CR
COSC: Cornerstone (A-), Software Eng (A), Strategic Mgt (A)
Penn Foster: Financial Mgt (A), Art App (A), Music App (P)
CLEP: Financial Accounting (65), College Comp (54), American Govt (51), Principles of Mgt (54), Principles of Mkt (61)
DSST: Intro to Computing (452), Management Information Systems (439), Business Ethics and Society (430), Intro to World Religion (467), Money and Banking (58)
ECE: HR Mgt ©, Org Behavior ©, Labor Relations (A)
BYU: Public Speaking (A-)
ALEKS: Int Algebra, College Algebra, Trigonometry, College Algebra with Trig, PreCalculus, Intro Statistics, Biz Statistics, Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SL: Managerial Accounting (B+), Biology for non-major (B-), Anatomy and Physiology 1 (A-), Anatomy and Physiology 2 (A), Medical Terminology (A), Intro to Business (A), Intro to Criminal Justice (A-), US History I (A)
Athabasca University

In 2006, AU became the first Canadian public university to receive accreditation in the United States, through the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), one of six regional organizations in the U.S. that accredits universities.
Accreditation : Athabasca University

Course Delivery Summary
Course Delivery Modes : Athabasca University
Most courses require a proctored final exam.

Course List
Courses by Subject A-B : Athabasca University

Introduction to Computer Programming (C++)
Computer Science 206 : Courses : Athabasca University

Introduction to Web Programming
Computer Science 266 : Courses : Athabasca University

Java for Programmers
Computer Science 308 : Courses : Athabasca University

Berkeley Online
Online Courses - UC Berkeley Extension

scroll down to
Programming Languages and Object-Oriented Programming

then click on a course title
then on the course page see if there's a link called
Online, enroll anytime
I've done courses at athabasca, just keep in mind as a non-canadian the tuition will be quite high. There are also other fees to consider, like the exam fee (usually 80-90 dollars per) that make it a bit expensive. It ends up costing about the same as TESC.

I guess you'll find better options at local/online community colleges...the others on here should know more about that than me.
Goal - BA Mathematics Major at TESC
Plan: International AP Calculus Teacher

B&M (Philosophy, Psychology, Calculus I/II, Physics I/II, Discrete Structures I/II, Comp Sci, Astronomy, Ethics)*42 credits
Athabasca (Nutrition, Globalization)*6 credits
ALEKS (Stats, Precalculus)*6 credits
CLEPS (College Math 73, A&I Lit 73, French 63, Social Sciences and History 59, American Lit 57, English Lit 59)*42 credits
TECEP (English Composition I, II)*6 credits
TESC Courses (MAT 270 Discrete Math A, MAT 321 Linear Algebra B, MAT 331 Calculus III B+, MAT 332 Calculus IV B-,
MAT 361 College Geometry B+, MAT 401 Mathematical Logic B, LIB-495 Capstone B)*21 credits
DSST (MIS, Intro to Computing)*6 credits*(not using)
Athabasca sounds good. Following two courses will probably meet the requirement:

Comp 308 : Computer Science 308 : Courses : Athabasca University
Comp 268: Computer Science 268 : Courses : Athabasca University

Cost per 3 credit courses will be $988. First course also adds an extra $115. They both look like self paced.

Thanks for the links bluebooger.
COSC 2012 - Bachelor of Science with a concentration in Business Administration
60.5 foreign credits
IT Cert 15CR
COSC: Cornerstone (A-), Software Eng (A), Strategic Mgt (A)
Penn Foster: Financial Mgt (A), Art App (A), Music App (P)
CLEP: Financial Accounting (65), College Comp (54), American Govt (51), Principles of Mgt (54), Principles of Mkt (61)
DSST: Intro to Computing (452), Management Information Systems (439), Business Ethics and Society (430), Intro to World Religion (467), Money and Banking (58)
ECE: HR Mgt ©, Org Behavior ©, Labor Relations (A)
BYU: Public Speaking (A-)
ALEKS: Int Algebra, College Algebra, Trigonometry, College Algebra with Trig, PreCalculus, Intro Statistics, Biz Statistics, Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
SL: Managerial Accounting (B+), Biology for non-major (B-), Anatomy and Physiology 1 (A-), Anatomy and Physiology 2 (A), Medical Terminology (A), Intro to Business (A), Intro to Criminal Justice (A-), US History I (A)
Take a look at this one for around $100/credit Computer Science-Independent Study in Idaho-University of Idaho
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA

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