08-10-2015, 07:42 PM
So i've been on this board for a few years lurking and posting rarely sometimes life got in the way and plans changed but I stayed committed to finally finishing my bachelors. Now here I am approaching the finish line and I feel like TESC is trying to screw me I have 136 credits, more than should be needed to graduate and yet now I'm presented with needing 7 more credits. I finally decided on a BA in social sciences I've corresponded with an adviser who has not been very helpful and I know this forum has a wealth of information. Below is my evaluation and I've attached a word doc of all my transfer credits can someone please help me figure out what can go where so I can graduate already.
BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 57.00
Complete all 5 subrequirements:
A: Intellectual Skills (In Progress)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) to include:
> *Written Communication (ENC-101 and ENC-102 w/grade of C or
> better), 6SH
> *Oral Communication, 3SH
> *Quantitative Literacy (College-Level Math), 3SH
> *Information Literacy, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 English Composition I.... 3.00 A ENC-101 *TE
ENC-102 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 English Composition II... 3.00 A ENC-102 *TE
Oral Communication (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM100 Intro to Mass Communicati 3.00 B COM-108 *TE
Quantitative Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MATH101 College Algebra.......... 3.00 C MAT-121 *TE
Information Literacy (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Civic Learning (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) to include:
> *Diversity, 3SH
> *Ethics, 3SH
> *Civic Engagement, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Diversity (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. SOC101 Intro to Sociology....... 3.00 A SOC-101 *TE
Ethics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. PHI-384... Ethics & Business Profess 3.00 CR PHI-384 *NE
Civic Engagement (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. POSC101 American Government...... 3.00 B POS-110 *TE
C: Human Cultures (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours (SH) in Humanities and/or
> Social Sciences.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ART1010 Introduction to Art...... 3.00 A ART-100 *CC *TE
2.. HST1410 History of United Stat... 3.00 B HIS-113 *CC *TE
1.. MUS107 Appreciation of Music.... 3.00 A MUS-100 *TE
1.. PSYCH151 Intro to Pychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *TE
D: Natural World (Completed)
> Complete 4 semester hours in the Natural Sciences.
> Mathematics courses cannot be used to satisfy this
> requirement.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BIO101 Principles of Biology.... 4.00 B BIO-113 *TE
E: GE Electives (Completed)
> Complete 20 semester hours (SH).
Semester Hours Completed: 20.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CS106 Survey of Computers & Pro 3.00 B COS-101 *TE
1.. HUM101 Intro to Humanities...... 3.00 A HUM-101 *TE
1.. COMM140 Film Appreciation........ 3.00 A FIL-160 *TE
1.. HHP135 Dance Methods............ 2.00 A DAN-199 *TE
1.. ENG310 Technical & Report Writin 3.00 A ENG-201 *TE
1.. PHIL308 World Religions.......... 3.00 A REL-277 *TE
1.. BIO332 Human Anatomy & Physiolog 3.00 B BIO-212 *TE
Area of Study (30SH: 15SH must be upper level)
Semester Hours Completed: 23.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.050 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Social Sciences (24) (In Progress)
> Complete 24 semester hour credits in the Social Sciences.
> Among the 30 credits required within the entire
> concentration:
> -at least THREE different subjects must be included for
> breadth of knowledge.
> -A student must earn at least 12 semester hours in ONE
> subject.
> -A maximum of 18 semester hours can be earned in any ONE
> subject area in order to have a balanced interdisciplinary
> concentration.
> -A maximum of SIX credits at the 100 level
> -A grade of C or better is required.
> can be applied toward the area of concentration.
> **At least 15 of the 30 credits required within the
> concentration must be at the 300/400 level.**
Semester Hours Completed: 17.00 Required: 24 Remaining: 7
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PSYC309 Motiviation & Emotions... 3.00 B PSY-387 *TE
1.. BA320 Organizational Behavior.. 3.00 A HRM-311 *TE
1.. PSYC300 Social Psychology........ 3.00 B PSY-370 *TE
1.. HHP325 Substance Abuse.......... 2.00 C PSY-305 *TE
2.. PSY2070 Human Growth and Devel... 3.00 A PSY-210 *CC *TE
1.. GEOG201 World Regional Geography. 3.00 B GOG-230 *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 1 credits
B: Social Sciences (6) (Completed)
> Complete 6 additional semester hours of Social Sciences
> coursework.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. ECO-111... Macroeconomics........... 3.00 CR ECO-111 *NE
2.. HST1430 History of United Stat... 3.00 C HIS-114 *CC *TE
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH). A grade of C or better is required in
> this course as well as within all courses that make up the
> Area of Study.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
Electives (27SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours (SH) of college level coursework
> as Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BA310 Human Resource Management 3.00 A HRM-231 *TE
1.. BA305 Principles of Marketing.. 3.00 A MAR-301 *TE
1.. BA309 Retailing................ 3.00 A REM-201 *TE
1.. ENGL406 English Romanticism...... 3.00 B ENG-389 *TE
1.. BA313 Business Finance......... 3.00 B FIN-214 *TE
1.. BA210 Business Law I........... 3.00 B LAW-201 *TE
1.. SPAN202 Intermediate Spanish II.. 3.00 B SPA-202 *TE
1.. BA208 Business Law II.......... 3.00 C LAW-202 *TE
1.. MATH406 Mathematical Statistics.. 3.00 C STA-201 *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
1 SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I 3.00 C SPA-201 *TE
1 BIO331 Human Anatomy & Physiolog 4.00 B BIO-211 *TE
2 SOC1010 Introduction to Sociol 3.00 C SOC-101 *RI*TE*DUP*CC
2 NUR1010 Introduction to Nursin 1.00 B NUR-199 *TE*CC
3 BUS-101 Introduction to Business 3.00 CR BUS-101 *NE
3 ACC-101 Prin. of Finl Acctg 3.00 CR ACC-101 *NE
3 ACC-102 Prin. of Mgrl Acctg 3.00 CR ACC-102 *NE
3 ACC-201 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 CR ACC-201 *NE
3 MAN-301 Principles of Management 3.00 CR MAN-301 *NE
3 ACC-303 Cost Accounting 3.00 CR ACC-303 *NE
BA General Education (60 SH)
Semester Hours Completed: 57.00
Complete all 5 subrequirements:
A: Intellectual Skills (In Progress)
> Complete 15 semester hours (SH) to include:
> *Written Communication (ENC-101 and ENC-102 w/grade of C or
> better), 6SH
> *Oral Communication, 3SH
> *Quantitative Literacy (College-Level Math), 3SH
> *Information Literacy, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
ENC-101 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 English Composition I.... 3.00 A ENC-101 *TE
ENC-102 (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL101 English Composition II... 3.00 A ENC-102 *TE
Oral Communication (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. COMM100 Intro to Mass Communicati 3.00 B COM-108 *TE
Quantitative Literacy (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. MATH101 College Algebra.......... 3.00 C MAT-121 *TE
Information Literacy (Not Started)
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
B: Civic Learning (Completed)
> Complete 9 semester hours (SH) to include:
> *Diversity, 3SH
> *Ethics, 3SH
> *Civic Engagement, 3SH
Semester Hours Completed: 9.00
Diversity (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. SOC101 Intro to Sociology....... 3.00 A SOC-101 *TE
Ethics (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. PHI-384... Ethics & Business Profess 3.00 CR PHI-384 *NE
Civic Engagement (Completed)
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. POSC101 American Government...... 3.00 B POS-110 *TE
C: Human Cultures (Completed)
> Complete 12 semester hours (SH) in Humanities and/or
> Social Sciences.
Semester Hours Completed: 12.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
2.. ART1010 Introduction to Art...... 3.00 A ART-100 *CC *TE
2.. HST1410 History of United Stat... 3.00 B HIS-113 *CC *TE
1.. MUS107 Appreciation of Music.... 3.00 A MUS-100 *TE
1.. PSYCH151 Intro to Pychology....... 3.00 A PSY-101 *TE
D: Natural World (Completed)
> Complete 4 semester hours in the Natural Sciences.
> Mathematics courses cannot be used to satisfy this
> requirement.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BIO101 Principles of Biology.... 4.00 B BIO-113 *TE
E: GE Electives (Completed)
> Complete 20 semester hours (SH).
Semester Hours Completed: 20.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CS106 Survey of Computers & Pro 3.00 B COS-101 *TE
1.. HUM101 Intro to Humanities...... 3.00 A HUM-101 *TE
1.. COMM140 Film Appreciation........ 3.00 A FIL-160 *TE
1.. HHP135 Dance Methods............ 2.00 A DAN-199 *TE
1.. ENG310 Technical & Report Writin 3.00 A ENG-201 *TE
1.. PHIL308 World Religions.......... 3.00 A REL-277 *TE
1.. BIO332 Human Anatomy & Physiolog 3.00 B BIO-212 *TE
Area of Study (30SH: 15SH must be upper level)
Semester Hours Completed: 23.00
GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.050 / 2.000
Complete both subrequirements:
A: Social Sciences (24) (In Progress)
> Complete 24 semester hour credits in the Social Sciences.
> Among the 30 credits required within the entire
> concentration:
> -at least THREE different subjects must be included for
> breadth of knowledge.
> -A student must earn at least 12 semester hours in ONE
> subject.
> -A maximum of 18 semester hours can be earned in any ONE
> subject area in order to have a balanced interdisciplinary
> concentration.
> -A maximum of SIX credits at the 100 level
> -A grade of C or better is required.
> can be applied toward the area of concentration.
> **At least 15 of the 30 credits required within the
> concentration must be at the 300/400 level.**
Semester Hours Completed: 17.00 Required: 24 Remaining: 7
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PSYC309 Motiviation & Emotions... 3.00 B PSY-387 *TE
1.. BA320 Organizational Behavior.. 3.00 A HRM-311 *TE
1.. PSYC300 Social Psychology........ 3.00 B PSY-370 *TE
1.. HHP325 Substance Abuse.......... 2.00 C PSY-305 *TE
2.. PSY2070 Human Growth and Devel... 3.00 A PSY-210 *CC *TE
1.. GEOG201 World Regional Geography. 3.00 B GOG-230 *TE
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 3 credits
_____________________________________________________________________ 1 credits
B: Social Sciences (6) (Completed)
> Complete 6 additional semester hours of Social Sciences
> coursework.
Semester Hours Completed: 6.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
3.. ECO-111... Macroeconomics........... 3.00 CR ECO-111 *NE
2.. HST1430 History of United Stat... 3.00 C HIS-114 *CC *TE
Liberal Arts Capstone (3 SH)
> Complete course LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone for 3
> semester hours (SH). A grade of C or better is required in
> this course as well as within all courses that make up the
> Area of Study.
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
___ LIB-495___ _________________________ ______________________ 1 course needed
Electives (27SH)
> Complete 27 semester hours (SH) of college level coursework
> as Electives.
Semester Hours Completed: 27.00
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
1.. BA310 Human Resource Management 3.00 A HRM-231 *TE
1.. BA305 Principles of Marketing.. 3.00 A MAR-301 *TE
1.. BA309 Retailing................ 3.00 A REM-201 *TE
1.. ENGL406 English Romanticism...... 3.00 B ENG-389 *TE
1.. BA313 Business Finance......... 3.00 B FIN-214 *TE
1.. BA210 Business Law I........... 3.00 B LAW-201 *TE
1.. SPAN202 Intermediate Spanish II.. 3.00 B SPA-202 *TE
1.. BA208 Business Law II.......... 3.00 C LAW-202 *TE
1.. MATH406 Mathematical Statistics.. 3.00 C STA-201 *TE
Src Course # Title S.H. Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ---------
1 SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I 3.00 C SPA-201 *TE
1 BIO331 Human Anatomy & Physiolog 4.00 B BIO-211 *TE
2 SOC1010 Introduction to Sociol 3.00 C SOC-101 *RI*TE*DUP*CC
2 NUR1010 Introduction to Nursin 1.00 B NUR-199 *TE*CC
3 BUS-101 Introduction to Business 3.00 CR BUS-101 *NE
3 ACC-101 Prin. of Finl Acctg 3.00 CR ACC-101 *NE
3 ACC-102 Prin. of Mgrl Acctg 3.00 CR ACC-102 *NE
3 ACC-201 Intermediate Accounting I 3.00 CR ACC-201 *NE
3 MAN-301 Principles of Management 3.00 CR MAN-301 *NE
3 ACC-303 Cost Accounting 3.00 CR ACC-303 *NE