Jonathan Whatley Wrote:That's exactly what a paid spokesman for a gold bullion company would say.
Glenn Beck's Gold Gurus Charged With Fraud (Stephanie Mencimer, Mother Jones, May 19, 2010 with subsequent updates)
Simply reading a few sentences of this online Magazine
Mother Jones tells me its view point is not exactly level either.
If you wish to call a spade a spade make sure your own cards are named accurately.
You can't judge a notoriously conservative person like Glenn Beck, using a notorious liberally-biased magazine like Mother Jones and expect a fair evaluation.
In my experience as a conservative, I believe that I can trust Sean Hannity's view-point and that it will agree with my own on various particular issues. Of course I know he's biased, but not only do I
know he's biased, but I believe he's
right in his bias opinions.
Not to say that it isn't foolish to take other people's word for it, but if I'm going to get snippets of news then I'd rather get it from him versus Bill Maher.
ACTUALLY, the responsible and good citizen thing to do, would be to go to all my political meetings and have a daily reading of the news to stay informed on what's really happening and to understand the issues so that one can lean on one's own direct experience before forming opinions.
But no, people are too busy and lazy for this. There are ways to make politics interesting.
And a lot of young people say, "But politics divides people". Ya know what though? There is a time and a place for
everything including politics and if you don't make time for it, it won't make time for you. You will lose out in the end.
The problem tho, is that its a shared responsibility so not only you will lose but also the people you love.
If you want to help people this is one way to do it: BE INFORMED and INFORM OTHERS.
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:Well, Congress seems to be failing in its basic responsibility to fund the government. Congress seems to be putting the President in a difficult position, forget politically, perhaps Constitutionally.
Okay the Congress gets its funds for running the government from us the people, so we need and some of us have demanded a budget. Raising the debt ceiling is not the answer to a budget, which means that you spend within a limit.
The President in a difficult position? He started this whole thing with the huge hike in taxes that would come with Obamacare. And has been unwilling to make compromises by sticking to debt ceilings, creating a budget, drilling here and now for natural energy and all sorts of other solutions that could relieve debt. Instead he wants to please everybody and therefore will fail at pleasing anyone.
Obama calls Boehner, still refuses to negotiate - Washington Times
Really its the apathetic American public that loses. Because Obama is as willing to hold us hostage with a shutdown as are Republicans. However, Obama, is unwilling to compromise in any significant points of issue. The Republicans compromised on the debt ceiling. What next? Is Obama, going to do anything to release the pressure of crippling debt?????
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:Close! In recent rankings Midland has been the U.S. city included with the lowest unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in Midland, not seasonally adjusted and not including labor force non-participants (including those who could work but stopped looking), is currently 3.4%.
Midland posts America's lowest jobless rate in December - Top Stories
They gotta be doing something right. The point basically is that. If we look at what is successful
and do it such as drilling for own oil etc. We would make progress in the right direction.
This article above gives a relation of what I already mentioned.
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:Correct: Midland is a oil and gas town during an oil and gas boom. Is its current unemployment rate scaleable across the country? Can we expect it to last forever in Midland? The unemployment rate in Midland was 6.4% at a peak in 2009, 8.3% at peaks in 1992 and 1999. Midland's unemployment rates aren't even quite scaleable to Odessa, Midland's adjacent twin city, where unemployment rates are higher sometimes by several points.
Midland, TX and Odessa, TX Unemployment Rates (Not seasonally adjusted. Via Google Public Data; data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
At this point, I don't think we need to worry about if's and maybe's. Even if a growth in jobs is temporary.
It's money that the person with the job didn't have before. Any experience contractor knows how this works, and
if they are really smart they know how to save for any lean times they may experience.
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:I think we'd disagree on all sorts of specifics. But I agree with these sentiments absolutely.
But I guess as always its in the application that matters most.