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Gov. Shutdown?
UptonSinclair Wrote:I was born here, I grew up here, and I spent 12 years serving in the military of this country. Thankfully, during that time I also experienced the world beyond the borders of this country and realize the world is a very big place. I have more than paid my debt to this society.

As for the idea that I would not be able to get the benefits outside this country that I get here; you should look into what some of the Social Democracies have to offer. They charge high taxes, but they also have far better access to those little unnecessary things like healthcare and education.

Upton Sinclair

I wanted to state something here.

First, Thank you for your service. America can never repay any of its service members for what they do.

AS ncpenn said, I think anyone should be able to live where they want to.
However, I'm saddened for you and your choice, as apparently America and her historic way of life isn't worth fighting for let alone tolerating in any area, either in her politics, economy or society.

One of the most important things I value in America is her history. Throughout history regardless of what has happened, good, bad & ugly, I have seen a nobility of purpose in the design of her laws.
They were written with justice in mind : Justice: is the manifestation of righteousness and is served when there is a balance between sin and punishment, virtue and reward.

Probably the second most important thing I value is the freedom we have in America, to keep a bigger percentage of our paychecks, to make more decisions as individuals rather than collectively or by someone else. This freedom can only be had with justice.

This is only my opinion, but I do not want to be taken care of. I want to take care of myself with the best tools that I choose to use whether it is regarding, healthcare, education, etc.
"Those who expect to be ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be."
- Thomas Jefferson

Graduated, Finished, Completed!! my B.A. in History from TESC!!!!! Technically February 2013 & Generally May 2013!!!
quasarvs Wrote:Throughout history regardless of what has happened, good, bad & ugly, I have seen a nobility of purpose in the design of her laws.
They were written with justice in mind : Justice: is the manifestation of righteousness and is served when there is a balance between sin and punishment, virtue and reward.

This was not very noble, in my opinion.
Senate budget bill nearly quadruples funding for Ohio dam project | Fox News
Conservatives Rail Against "Kentucky Kickback" Dam Project Inserted In Bill To End the Shutdown |

The moral of the story, for me, is the government was shut down due to a stalemate and political posturing, we were all inconvenienced (whether you personally felt it or not), government workers were left wondering if they were jobless, and so many other issues...and ultimately, the only thing any Republicans got out of the deal was a huge budget increase for a pet project in Mitch McConnell's district. (What about not overspending, again?) Oh, and those government workers that were worried about their jobs were given a two week paid vacation. (How much did that cost all of us taxpayers?) Sure, other Republicans were angry - their districts did not get any kickbacks - but I bet Mitch is pleased.

Historically, I've voted Republican on financial matters (Dem on social), but I'm so disgusted with both parties at this point, and my fellow voters keep voting these self-serving airbags into office. Noble is, by no means, the word I think of when I think of our Legislative body.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award

AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
quasarvs Wrote:Well I would appreciate seeing your evidence that taxes are at a historic low; especially when including Obamacare.
Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Quote:Again as I said before I understand debt ceiling credit card example.
But we have two different opinions on solving the debt issue.
Apparently your opinion is basically the historic democrat position of raising taxes to continue to fund the existing & extra unnecessary and unconstitutional government programs.

You completely ignored the part where I said you can cut spending. I gave two options to prevent debt. Not raising the debt ceiling is not an option that prevents debt. ACA is unconstitutional in your opinion. According the Supreme Court, it is not unconstitutional.

Quote:2. So why not get rid of laws such as ACA that increase spending in order to keep spending under our government's incoming revenue?

The Republican budget included the savings that is estimated to come with ACA. ACA is also a revenue generator. Currently, the government is covering the very expensive emergency room bills of the uninsured.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
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mrs.b Wrote:This was not very noble, in my opinion.
Senate budget bill nearly quadruples funding for Ohio dam project | Fox News
Conservatives Rail Against "Kentucky Kickback" Dam Project Inserted In Bill To End the Shutdown |

The moral of the story, for me, is the government was shut down due to a stalemate and political posturing, we were all inconvenienced (whether you personally felt it or not), government workers were left wondering if they were jobless, and so many other issues...and ultimately, the only thing any Republicans got out of the deal was a huge budget increase for a pet project in Mitch McConnell's district. (What about not overspending, again?) Oh, and those government workers that were worried about their jobs were given a two week paid vacation. (How much did that cost all of us taxpayers?) Sure, other Republicans were angry - their districts did not get any kickbacks - but I bet Mitch is pleased.

Historically, I've voted Republican on financial matters (Dem on social), but I'm so disgusted with both parties at this point, and my fellow voters keep voting these self-serving airbags into office. Noble is, by no means, the word I think of when I think of our Legislative body.

Please get my drift, when I say noble I mean HISTORIC noble. In other words, our laws as founded and with the intent of the original Founding Fathers. Basically, I am speaking as though I just came out of history class.
I don't care about America because of what I see today such as Hannity, John McCain or George Bush.
I care about America because of what she was; not exactly what she has become.

That's why I assume those who can only speak negatively about America as if they don't care and never cared, do not have much knowledge or even a detailed overview of United States History.
I respect people in history like: Capt. John Smith, Sir Walter Raleigh, John Rolfe, Nathaniel Bacon, William Bradford, Elder William Brewster, Miles Standish, John Winthrop, Benjamin Banneker, Daniel Boone, David Crockett, Jonathan Edwards, George Washington, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, Thomas Paine, Joseph Brant, Nathan Hale, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Noah Webster, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Monroe,
John C. Calhoun, Henry Clay, Jim Bowie, Sam Houston, Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Clara Barton, Booker T. Washington, Andrew Carnegie, McKinley and I could name a lot more all the way up to my current more modern favorite Ronald Reagan.

Nobody is by no means perfect; however, these people and what they accomplished throughout history I deem noble.
"Those who expect to be ignorant and free, expect what never was and never will be."
- Thomas Jefferson

Graduated, Finished, Completed!! my B.A. in History from TESC!!!!! Technically February 2013 & Generally May 2013!!!

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