02-01-2014, 01:42 PM
Ok, so I have been away for many months due to studying for a the new certification after finishing my post-bac certificate at Stephen's college and my new job as Health Information Management Director at our local hospital. I'm happy to report that I passed my RHIA certification in Sept. and I have passed my 6 month anniversary as HIM Director. Needless to say I'm very happy that I found this forum and a great supportive network to guide me through this process which led me to go further with my education than I ever expected. I only wanted my Associates degree. Now 5 years later I have 4 degrees and a Post-Bac certificate, an additional high level professional certification and as a result my career was catapulted into a new realm I never expected was possible 5 years ago. This brings me to my topic, does this method really work?
A lot of us that have been hear for years have read and heard people say things like this is cheating, you don't really learn the material, this is a short-cut that will catch up with you etc etc. I'm here to say that this method works and I'm living proof! I use the information I learned studying for my various CLEP, DSST and ECE exams all the time. I do remember the information I studied for the exams, well maybe not American Govt, and I use the information daily while problem solving and working with my staff. I used almost every method available to me while I was completing my degrees: CLEP, DSST, ECE, UExcel, Straighterline, ALEKS and traditional online coursework. I honestly don't think one worked any better in preparing me than another, but they all worked. I do laugh to myself when I quote something I learned while studying for an exam when I counsel an employee or when I'm talking at a meeting.
I had to do this yesterday after a couple staff members had a confrontation during a stressful situation. Even though I'm doing something I have never done before I have heard that during the interview process I was the most prepared of any of the applicants interviewed, and they do an entire 8 hour interview process which includes 3 different interview panels and 3 one-on-one interviews only after you passed the initial phone panel interview! My CFO is very supportive and has said on several occasions that I'm doing a great job. Now, I will give you that I'm 50 years young and have lots of practical experience, but I believe a lot of my knowledge was gained throughout this educational journey. So for those that doubt this process can work, doubt no more and just do it! Give it your all and work hard and before you know it you will be posting your success story! Good luck!
A lot of us that have been hear for years have read and heard people say things like this is cheating, you don't really learn the material, this is a short-cut that will catch up with you etc etc. I'm here to say that this method works and I'm living proof! I use the information I learned studying for my various CLEP, DSST and ECE exams all the time. I do remember the information I studied for the exams, well maybe not American Govt, and I use the information daily while problem solving and working with my staff. I used almost every method available to me while I was completing my degrees: CLEP, DSST, ECE, UExcel, Straighterline, ALEKS and traditional online coursework. I honestly don't think one worked any better in preparing me than another, but they all worked. I do laugh to myself when I quote something I learned while studying for an exam when I counsel an employee or when I'm talking at a meeting.
I had to do this yesterday after a couple staff members had a confrontation during a stressful situation. Even though I'm doing something I have never done before I have heard that during the interview process I was the most prepared of any of the applicants interviewed, and they do an entire 8 hour interview process which includes 3 different interview panels and 3 one-on-one interviews only after you passed the initial phone panel interview! My CFO is very supportive and has said on several occasions that I'm doing a great job. Now, I will give you that I'm 50 years young and have lots of practical experience, but I believe a lot of my knowledge was gained throughout this educational journey. So for those that doubt this process can work, doubt no more and just do it! Give it your all and work hard and before you know it you will be posting your success story! Good luck!
Completed 2/09 - 5/13
RHIA Post-Bac Cert - Stephens - 5/13
MHA - Bellevue Univ - 3/12
BSHS - Excelsior 12/10
BSLS - Excelsior 3/10
ASLS - Excelsior 4/09
ECE - A&P - B
ECE - Found. of Gerontology - B
ECE - Ethics: Theory & Practice - B
ECE - Psych. of Adulthood & Aging - A
ECE - Social Psych. - B
ECE - Abnormal Psych. - B
ECE - HR Management - B
ECE - Research Methods of Psych. - B
ECE - Pathophysiology - A
CLEP - American Govt - 58
CLEP - Intro. to Sociology - 63
CLEP - A & I Lit - 70
DSST - Fund. of Counseling - A (65)
DSST - Org. Behavior - A (67)
DSST - Environment & Humanity - A (62)
DSST - Found. of Education - A (64)
DSST - Here's to Your Health - 461 (Pass)
DSST - Substance Abuse - 460 (Pass)
DSST - Principles of Supervision - A (61)
DSST - Lifespan Developmental Psych - A (59)
DSST - Criminal Justice - 443 (Pass)
DSST - MIS - 415 (Pass)
UExcel - Intro. to Psych (Beta)- Pass
ALEKS - College Alg, Stats
Straighterline - Medical Term, Pharmacology I & II
FEMA - PDS + more
RHIA Post-Bac Cert - Stephens - 5/13
MHA - Bellevue Univ - 3/12
BSHS - Excelsior 12/10
BSLS - Excelsior 3/10
ASLS - Excelsior 4/09
ECE - A&P - B
ECE - Found. of Gerontology - B
ECE - Ethics: Theory & Practice - B
ECE - Psych. of Adulthood & Aging - A
ECE - Social Psych. - B
ECE - Abnormal Psych. - B
ECE - HR Management - B
ECE - Research Methods of Psych. - B
ECE - Pathophysiology - A
CLEP - American Govt - 58
CLEP - Intro. to Sociology - 63
CLEP - A & I Lit - 70
DSST - Fund. of Counseling - A (65)
DSST - Org. Behavior - A (67)
DSST - Environment & Humanity - A (62)
DSST - Found. of Education - A (64)
DSST - Here's to Your Health - 461 (Pass)
DSST - Substance Abuse - 460 (Pass)
DSST - Principles of Supervision - A (61)
DSST - Lifespan Developmental Psych - A (59)
DSST - Criminal Justice - 443 (Pass)
DSST - MIS - 415 (Pass)
UExcel - Intro. to Psych (Beta)- Pass
ALEKS - College Alg, Stats
Straighterline - Medical Term, Pharmacology I & II
FEMA - PDS + more