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Finally pulling the trigger BSBA Degree Plan
Hello everyone,

For those of you who have helped me, thank you very much. I have done a TON of research, and I'm finally going for it. I have an Associates Degree in Computer Science and Networking from ITT Technical Institute. Most of the colleges I've looked at do not accept the credits from ITT. University of Phoenix accepted 44 of the ITT credits, but it would cost me $45,195 or something like that to complete the remaining credits for my BSBA there. Excelsior accepted 6 of my 120 credits. After looking at APU, Excelsior, Charter Oaks, contacting University of Phoenix, and even going back to ITT to see if my credits would transfer into the BSBA degree there, I've decided to go with my first choice college TESC, and start from scratch.

I pulled up my TESC BSBA Degree Plan, and wanted to post it for review by the forum before I move ahead. Does it look good? I did complete 11 FEMA courses, but I'm not sure where they would go in the degree plan, free electives I think. There are 6 credits to fulfill in the free electives, so I would just select 6 of the FEMA courses I've completed and put them there yes? So what's the next step? Wouldn't I need to speak with a counselor at TESC to make sure this degree plan is valid, and fulfills the requirements of the BSBA? Here's the degree plan.

BSBA General Management

I. General Education Requirements - 60 credits

A. English Composition - 6 credits
English Composition w/ Essay - CLEP [the new CLEP is called College Composition] (6)

B. Humanities - 12 credits
Managerial Business Communications - TESC guided study course (3)
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - CLEP (6)
Humanities - CLEP (3) [partial credit]

C. Social Sciences - 12 credits
Principals of Macroeconomics - CLEP (3)
Principals of Microeconomics - CLEP (3)
Introductory Psychology - CLEP (3)
Substance Abuse - DSST (3)

D. Natural Sciences & Mathematics - 9 credits
Pre-Calculus - CLEP (3)
Principles of Statistics - DSST (3)
Natural Sciences - CLEP (3) [partial credit]

E. General Education Electives - 21 credits
Here’s to Your Health - DSST (3)
College Mathematics - CLEP (6)
Humanities - CLEP (3) [partial credit]
Natural Sciences - CLEP (3) [partial credit]
Social Sciences & History - CLEP (6)

II. Professional Business Requirements - 54 credits

A. Business Core - 27 credits
Financial Accounting - CLEP (3)
Managerial Accounting - Straighterline Accounting II (3)
Introductory Business Law - CLEP (3)
Introduction to Computing - DSST (3)
Principles of Finance - DSST (3)
Principles of Management - CLEP (3)
Principles of Marketing - CLEP (3)
Business Ethics in Society - DSST (3)
Business Policy - TECEP (3)

B. Area of Study: General Management - 18 credits
Money & Banking - DSST (3)
Management Information Systems - DSST (3)
Marketing Communications - TECEP (3)
Advertising - TECEP (3)
Organizational Behavior - DSST (3)
Human Resources Management - DSST (3)

C. Business Electives - 9 credits
Business Mathematics - DSST (3)
Principles of Supervision - DSST (3)
Introduction to Business - DSST (3)

III. Free Electives - 6 credits
Fundamentals of Emergency Management FEMA (1)
Leadership and Influence FEMA (1)
Decision Making and Problem Solving FEMA (1)
Developing and Managing Volunteers FEMA (1)
Effective Communication FEMA (1)
Emergency Planning FEMA (1)

Your plan looks perfect. Yes, FEMAs will only fill free electives. I don't think you need an advisor just yet. Keep in mind at each new catalog year something could possibly change; so check on the new catalogs as you are moving along in case adjustments are needed. I would enroll at least three-four months prior to your estimated testing completion date; so you could both register for your tesc course and give plenty of time for evaluation to update.

Good luck on your journey!
Thanks bricabrac
Congratulations, gmagerr on moving forward! YeeHaw!
If you pay the $75 application/eval fee that should give you limited access to an advisor. However, if you are following the degree plan of a recent TESC graduate then you are probably good to go - initially. Especially with regards to the Gen. Ed. requirements. That's what I did. I followed the degree plan of Elinor (Sept 2011) and I only ran into one snag at the end - the advisor didn't want to approve the ECE World Conflicts exam - I talked with another advisor, turned out she was the director, I mentioned a recent grad taking the same test and she immediately approved it. No problems after that. I graduated yesterday with two degrees. Yay, me.
Yay, You!!!
BricaBrac is right on the money.
Good luck.

I forgot one thing (you don't have to do this at the beginning) but remember on your last few dantes/clep exams to include TESCs school code so your transcripts will be forwarded for free. All exams to date are included on the transcript.

Take care.

Undergraduate Ways to Earn Credit - Thomas Edison State College - acalog ACMS?
CLEP = "Students who wish to have their score reports sent to Thomas Edison State College should provide the official college code, 2748, at the time of testing."
DSST = "Students who wish to have their score reports sent to Thomas Edison State College should provide the official college code, 9001, at the time of testing."
Thanks bricabrac,

I didn't know that
It looks good to me. But if bricabrac says its good, trust that it is perfect Smile
Congrats on your decision. I am very proud of my TESC BSBA. The diploma is right next to my wife's UT BSBA in our office.
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
I'm not too crazy about taking Humanities. What could I take in place of Humanities? It can be two 3 credit courses
How is your knowledge of French, Spanish or German? You can probably substitute one of those CLEPs for the Humanities CLEP.
If not a foreign language, what about Technical Writing DSST? Then you could pick another gen ed elective of your choice, like Sociology CLEP.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!

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