07-27-2006, 05:30 AM
Basket Weaver Wrote:Yesterday I started researching Intro to world religions and Humanities on this forum and in IC; I balked at both once I realized there was a better way. A quick call to my councelor at Excelsior sorted out the fact I could take Intro to Sociology and A & I Lit to fulfill the requirements. Needless to say, they are both scheduled for next week.
I think you made a wise decision Lee,
Not that Intro to World Religions and Humanities are TOO difficult....it's just that, given a choice, Sociology and A & I Lit are much more doable with less prep time.
Best of luck on both exams,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.
Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.
Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0