07-27-2006, 05:19 AM
Since I'm in the military stationed in England, we have to wait for the tests to get sent back to the States, graded, then we get a notification from either the college online or a letter in the mail. The education office simply refuses to upgrade to modern times. I will be careful not to whine too much as all the CLEP/DANTES/ECE tests are free; you might say it's a fair trade off. The important thing is not to get too wrapped around the axel waiting for results, you just have to study, take the test, then prep for the next one. The scores will eventually start to stream in.
Yesterday I started researching Intro to world religions and Humanities on this forum and in IC; I balked at both once I realized there was a better way. A quick call to my councelor at Excelsior sorted out the fact I could take Intro to Sociology and A & I Lit to fulfill the requirements. Needless to say, they are both scheduled for next week.
Love this forum and the wealth of knowledge here for the reading. Thanks to all for the encouragement and good luck in your own studies as well. Lee
Yesterday I started researching Intro to world religions and Humanities on this forum and in IC; I balked at both once I realized there was a better way. A quick call to my councelor at Excelsior sorted out the fact I could take Intro to Sociology and A & I Lit to fulfill the requirements. Needless to say, they are both scheduled for next week.
Love this forum and the wealth of knowledge here for the reading. Thanks to all for the encouragement and good luck in your own studies as well. Lee