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Need Help Picking Tests
I'm going to being attending Texas A&M, and would like to knock out as many hours as I can before I actually have to start school. I'm going to be taking the American Government test for sure, but the others are up in the air.

I need to take 2 of the following and score at least a 65: Western Civ I, Western Civ II, U.S. History I, U.S. History II. It's just my luck that the tests that I always see called the hardest also require the highest standards.

The other test I need to take is one for economics. It's either Micro or Macro. Just a 50 to get the credit

Any input on which of my choices I should take. I have no particular interest in any sort of educational benefit- I'm going to be a science major and these courses are extraneous. If Western Civ I and U.S. History II turn out to be the two easiest options, then by all means, I'm down.
Welcome to the forum!

I'm planning to get my Master's degree from Texas A&M.

So far, I've only taken US History I and II. I didn't find them to be easy but I did get good scores. Here is my study materials list:

I am just starting to study for American Government. I'm seeing a lot of overlap with what I learned for the history CLEPs. I'm glad I took those first.

Best wishes on your exams!
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
I dont see consistent scores that high, However. So, You might want to check out the history courses at MITI know they offer War and American Society which has a lot of crossover to supplement and possibly another study guide.

I myself have 56/ 59/ 61 on 3 of the tests you mentioned. I would say I only went through the IC cards once with 3 hours of study. I would think you need to double that at least and maybe add a supplement to gurantee of 65. Macro or Micro, you should be just fine with IC alone.

I would say U.S. History 2 should have the highest score because the info is most recent. U.S. 1 if you had a good grade school history class as well.

Hope this helps

[SIZE="2"]TESC-AS: Electronic Systems
TESC-BA: History
Phoenix College-MBA: Masters of Business Administration
Keller Graduate School-MISM: Masters of Information Systems Management

"There's always something waiting at the end of the road. If you're not willing to see what it is; you probably shouldn't be out there in the first place."

[SIZE="1"]Cleps/DSST Failed:
Intro to Psychology 45/46, Chemistry 47/50
Cleps/DSST Passed:
Analyzing/Interp Lit 48/47, Intro to Computing 64/47
Business Law 53/50, English Comp w Essay 54/50
College Mathematics 54/50, MIS 445/400
Biology 56/50, Technical Writing 59/46
Sociology 67/50, World Religions 445/400
Intro Middle East 51/47 Environment/Humanity 51/46
Human/GrowDevelop 65/50 Educational Psych 55/50
Ethics 460/400 Vietnam War 64/44
Civil War/Recon 56/47 Western Europe 59/45
US History 1 59/50 US History 2 61/50
Western Civ 2 56/50

Intro to Stats
Intermediate Algebra
College Algebra w Trig
From what I've read here, I think your best bet (easiest) of the four is U.S. History I. I'm taking that particular test in 2 days. I'm using IC and REA's History of the U.S. I, Early colonizations to 1877 (comes with cd with 3 practice tests and explanations). Got it cheap from eBay.

Can you get a 65 on it? Depends on the amount of studying you do. Good luck!

CLEP's Taken:
[SIZE="1"]A & I Lit-6CH (62), American Gov't (63), Introductory Business Law (64), History of the United States I (66), Introductory Psychology (61), Introductory Sociology (73), American Literature (63), Macroeconomics (58)[/SIZE]

DSST's Taken:
[SIZE="1"]Intro to World Religion (464), Astronomy (70)[/SIZE]

Up Next:
[SIZE="1"] Taking a break![/SIZE]

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