(05-18-2022, 10:40 PM)ss20ts Wrote: The enrollment counselors don't know squat about the YourPace program. They're not UMPI employees. They're a third party contractor.
I have not seen anyone in YourPace transfer in high school credit for a foreign language except an AP exam.
It's only 1 history course! You only need 1. Some people have a preference for the period of time they study. Sophia courses are NOTHING like college courses. I finished Macroeconomics in 3 days on Sophia. Environmental Science took like 2 days because I was binge watching Netflix. ACE courses can be completed really quickly compared to typical college courses. Chem is an option. You need a lab science. Bio and Chem on Study are the best options. They utilize a virtual lab which is faster and easier than the alternatives.
If you spend 2 sessions at UMPI it will cost you $2800 no matter how many courses you complete there. You can also take more courses at UMPI and fewer ACE courses if you want. Just a little something to think about. UMPI tuition isn't per credit. There are no additional fees. No textbooks either. Everything you need is included in the course content on the learning platform. Even graduation is free! I was just looking at a school that charges $250 for graduation. I was like are you for real? LOL
Hi ss20ts
Thank you for providing the info but I finally got my transfer evaluation today. I've attached the PDF here. I used the second column to fill in all the blanks (what I could take at Sophia or SDC), I marked the classes that I'm pretty sure will have to be taken at UMPI and then there are the courses that are Transfer Credits/CLEP.
I wanted to get your thoughts on this - did I map out the Sophia and SDC right?
I ask because my evaluation seemed to be a tiny bit different than some of the corses you suggested as equivalences.
There are a few courses that I wasn't sure about the equivalence - marked in red.
Gen Ed 1C: Bus/Com 210, Pos 101, PCJ 215
• Would Sophia Communication at Work cover this? If not then Study.com Political Science 102?
Gen Ed 3E: Bio 105, 112, 113, 261
• Would Study.com Biology 101L: Intro to Biology with Lab cover this?
Are there any equivalence that exists for these 2:
• Bus 353 Legal & Ethical Environment of Business?
• BUS 334 Advertising, Public Relations?
Finally for the language is Sophia Spanish enough? I saw that it might not be considered a true equivalent. If so I can take it through Study.com but I'd rather do it through Sophia if possible.