perriquit Wrote:So, is it possible to earn both AA and BA from Excelsior only taking 12 credits using the partnership and having my associates on hold until I finish the 12 credits?
Hi perriquit, I understand the attraction of being within touching distance of an associate qualification, but I don't think EC works in a way that can be used in your question.
When a student enrolls with EC, they enroll with a specific award (AA/AS/BA/BS/etc) in a particular school and major in mind. Once enrolled, the student can change any of these through consultation with their adviser (although they may lose the ability to maintain favourable policies that were in force at the time of their enrollment).
A student can only enroll in one program at a time. So it's not possible to enroll for say, both an AS in Criminal Justice and an AA in Liberal Arts at the same time. One program must be completed (i.e. graduated from) before the next is started (i.e. enrolled into).
I think the EC policy handbook states that EC does not normally permit students who already hold a BS/BA/Higher degree from enrolling in a lower degree (e.g., if a student has a BA in History, they probably won't be permitted to enroll in an AS in Liberal Arts. A similar restriction applies to a third bachelors but exceptions may be made if the student is able to make a convincing written appeal. (Maybe in a situation like where a student graduated with a degree in history 10 years ago, then graduated again in mathematics but now is working in a professional field where a bachelors in Criminal Justice would be a benefit. Likely they would be encouraged in most cases to look at a masters degree).
Based on the above, I don't believe it would then be possible to enroll in a single program with EC, earn 120 credits (including 12 with EC using partnerships) and then on graduation ask for two diplomas/qualifications.
I understand where you are when the option of an associates qualification is so close and the bachelors is another big step away, but if you are already halfway I would encourage you to look at aiming directly for the bachelors.
Hope this helps!
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Excelsior College 2012
Master of Arts in International Relations, Staffordshire University, UK - in progress
All courses taken, 12 credits applied
A&I Literature (74), Intro Sociology (72), Info Systems and Computer Apps (67), Humanities (70), English Literature (65), American Literature (51), Principles of Mangement (65), Principles of Marketing (71)
Management Information Systems (469), Intro to Computing (461)
Excelsior College
Information Literacy, International Terrorism (A), Contemporary Middle East History (A), Discrete Structures (A), Social Science Capstone (A)
GRE Subject Test
Psychology (93rd percentile, 750 scaled score)
English Composition I&II, Economics I&II, Accounting I&II, General Calculus I, Business Communication
Progress history[/SIZE]
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Excelsior College 2012
Master of Arts in International Relations, Staffordshire University, UK - in progress
All courses taken, 12 credits applied
A&I Literature (74), Intro Sociology (72), Info Systems and Computer Apps (67), Humanities (70), English Literature (65), American Literature (51), Principles of Mangement (65), Principles of Marketing (71)
Management Information Systems (469), Intro to Computing (461)
Excelsior College
Information Literacy, International Terrorism (A), Contemporary Middle East History (A), Discrete Structures (A), Social Science Capstone (A)
GRE Subject Test
Psychology (93rd percentile, 750 scaled score)
English Composition I&II, Economics I&II, Accounting I&II, General Calculus I, Business Communication
Progress history[/SIZE]