Hi All...
I just had an extremely informative conversation with my new EC Advisor (3rd Advisor change in one year, but 3rd time is evidently the charm - this Advisor was up-to-date on all EC policies), during which she mentioned that EC is temporarily restoring the DSST HTYH to Upper Level status.
What a "Whoa Nelly" moment - I hadn't even asked about this long dead issue as I had unsuccessfully pleaded my case regarding the status of this exam to my previous Advisor numerous times. New Advisor told me that this policy change is going to be in effect for a "short time" so if I wanted to sit for the exam to do so quickly. I'm assuming that the initial problem of HTYH being listed in the current EC catalog as Upper Level has something to do with this "reverse" change. I'm also guessing that an updated catalog will reflect HTYH's new LL status - Jan 2016, maybe???
Speed is not one of my Super-Powers:roflol:, and I've been entrenched in studying for DSST's Business Ethics since the beginning of this month - but all that being said, I'm still enrolled in IC, have accessed the HTYH Specific Exam Feedback, and am very seriously thinking of attempting to rev up my engine and giving HTYH a try...(HTYH was my first choice for DSST UL credits almost a year ago...)
Anyone enrolled at EC wishing to take HTYH for UL credit, check with your Advisor. I have confirmation in both a written email, and as it appears on my "Course Approvals" that HTYH is Upper Level...
I just had an extremely informative conversation with my new EC Advisor (3rd Advisor change in one year, but 3rd time is evidently the charm - this Advisor was up-to-date on all EC policies), during which she mentioned that EC is temporarily restoring the DSST HTYH to Upper Level status.
What a "Whoa Nelly" moment - I hadn't even asked about this long dead issue as I had unsuccessfully pleaded my case regarding the status of this exam to my previous Advisor numerous times. New Advisor told me that this policy change is going to be in effect for a "short time" so if I wanted to sit for the exam to do so quickly. I'm assuming that the initial problem of HTYH being listed in the current EC catalog as Upper Level has something to do with this "reverse" change. I'm also guessing that an updated catalog will reflect HTYH's new LL status - Jan 2016, maybe???
Speed is not one of my Super-Powers:roflol:, and I've been entrenched in studying for DSST's Business Ethics since the beginning of this month - but all that being said, I'm still enrolled in IC, have accessed the HTYH Specific Exam Feedback, and am very seriously thinking of attempting to rev up my engine and giving HTYH a try...(HTYH was my first choice for DSST UL credits almost a year ago...)
Anyone enrolled at EC wishing to take HTYH for UL credit, check with your Advisor. I have confirmation in both a written email, and as it appears on my "Course Approvals" that HTYH is Upper Level...
"I dwell in Possibility." Emily Dickinson
2011-12 CLEP Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80 / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13 SL Eng Comp I - 95.3% P / Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014 EC/UEXCEL Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!
2017-2019 Study.com Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit
2011-12 CLEP Int Psych - 75 / H G & D - 69 / Ed Psych - 72 / Am Lit - 80 / A & I Lit - 75 / Eng Lit - 73 2012-13 SL Eng Comp I - 95.3% P / Eng Comp II - 97.5% P 2014 EC/UEXCEL Ab Psych - A / Soc Psych - A / Psych A & A - A / Gerontology - A / Info Lit - P 2015 BYU Sport Psych - A / DSST Sub Abuse - 470 / Int World Rel - 481 / H T Y H - 465 / Tor College HIS 301 - 81% P 2016 EC LA498 Capstone - A
1991 AA Liberal Arts USNY Regents College
2016 BSLA Magna Cum Laude Excelsior College - A 5 year journey COMPLETED!
2017-2019 Study.com Certs. - Am Lit/Brit Lit/Shakespeare/Poetry Review Shmoop - Shakespeare's Plays/Shakespeare in Context/Women's Lit