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Ethical caution
I can't seem to keep up with the post, but I feel I have to put my 2cents in.

Since I have taken 3 CLEP test in the past month I have read that warning every time. I must sayit really made me pause and think a good few minutes the 1st time and I did make sure to read it fully the other times.

I feel we all have our own interpretation of what violates that agreement. I will not post anything that I feel is directly forbidden. I have no problem saying something like "know who Marx, Weber and Cooley are and what they believe". I am not giving away any specific answers or questions, I am only directing others to some names they should be familiar with. Now if I said "Know who Blah Blah Cooley is and that he is the person that came up with the blah blah method of blah". That would be stepping over the line, it is to specific and to close to an actual answer to an actual question.

As to if the moderators edit some post; that is their right and responsibility. The forum is open to the general public I would not want CLEP or DSST to feel it is violating the rules and close it down. You DO NOT pay to be a member of this forum, the forum is free and anyone can post. I expect the moderators to uphold the quality and integrity of this forum.

Finally I have only one person that I really have to answer to and that is myself. I will not post anything that I feel is crossing the line or forbidden, by the agreement I signed. If I do nothing I feel is ethically wrong then I don't worry about being caught or exposed and I can sleep at night. If I say I will not divulge any specific exam question then I will not. Telling someone an area to study is just directing them to more efficient study.

I must say I have enjoyed reading all the post I have gotten to so far and I think a good debate is invigorating for the mind.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
gcalvin Wrote:I am not criticizing the exam feedback threads generally. I am talking about posting specific questions seen on exams -- a clear violation of ethics policies, and a phenomenon I have not seen on this forum until recently.

[COLOR="Navy"]Please site the exact posts and questions to me for review.

If found to be exact questions they can and will be edited (deleted) from the thread.

This is the best solultion to correct the ethical issue that you have raised.

What say ye all????? [/COLOR]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
ShotoJuku Wrote:[COLOR="Navy"]

If found to be exact questions they can and will be edited (deleted) from the thread.

This is the best solultion to correct the ethical issue that you have raised.

What say ye all????? [/COLOR]

Here Here!! Tha would satisfy my concerns per the specific feedback section. I believe that all of us at IC would agree that specific questions on here is illegal and should be edited.

On a side note, I have never seen a thread grow so fast. 52 posts and 825 views in 23 hours... Yikes:eek: !!
Well if we are going to start censoring posts, because some-self-appointed-Nazi thinks it is Test Compromise, I am out of here!

Wow, I did not know someone has taken all of the Exams and knows without a shadow of a doubt, what the Correct answers and questions are for each test.

When I finish my Degree, I will come back and start pointing fingers and making B.S allegations!Sad Cool

I've used the specific exam forums extensively to supplement my studies, and I have yet to see an exact question and answer that was on any of my tests.

I am against censoring posts. What is acceptable to most might not be acceptable to whomever is doing the censoring or vice versa. I'd just leave it at: If you have any issues using the specific exam feedback section, don't use it. Look elsewhere for your study resources.
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
ok - this thread has OFFICIALLY gotten out of control...
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
There must be some middle ground. If you start censoring, then you get into the argument of Freedom of Speech.....JUST BE CAREFUL!!
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light: and there was [SIZE="5"]INSTANTCERT[/SIZE].
[U][U]A pass is a pass![/U][/U]

CLEP Passed
Social Science & History (6)
English Comp w/Essay (6)
A & I Literature (6)
Biology (6)
Natural Science (6)
Intro to Psychology (3)
Intro to Sociology (3)
Intro to Educational Psychology (3)
Human Growth & Development (3)
American Government (3)

DSST Passed
Drug & Alcohol Abuse (3)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Intro to Computing (3)
Technical Writing (3)
Astronomy (3)
Counseling (3)

Research Methods in Psychology (3)
Cultural Diversity (3)

FEMA (25)
NFA (3)

***Admitted to Wayne State University Law School
I need a cig, and I don't even smoke!!!
Cleps Passed: (36) English Comp w/essay, Freshman Comp, A & I Lit, Princ of Management, , College Math, Humanities, US History 1 and US History 2, Marketing

Dantes Passed: (48) Astronomy, Supervision, Bus. Math, Intro to Bus, Human Resource Management, Ethics in America, Tech Writing, Intro to Computing, World Religions, Personal Finance, Intro to LE, Org Behavior, Environment & Humanity, Here's to your Health and Criminal Justice.

Traditional: (43)

FEMA: (13)

Military: (70+)
I think that some of us might be missing the real intent of Shoto's question. He is asking if a real question from the test with the answer is posted in the feedback section should he edit or not? To me it is illegal if he does not delete. If questions are allowed to be posted it will eventually cheapen the degrees that we have all worked so hard to obtain and could possibly shut down this avenue to a degree. I want my siblings to be able to use this method and have the end result be the same or even better quality than a B&M degree. I don't think there have been any instances of exact questions yet, but this is a good topic to hash out prior to the fact. This issue is not about censorship, it is about abiding by the law!


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