06-20-2008, 07:18 PM
I think I have been sitting in front of my computer too much lately. As I worked today it reminded me why I don't post to many web sites. The simplest thing is
[SIZE="5"]If anyone feels that a post is inappropriate, unethical, illegal etc. They should politely share their concerns with the web master and/or moderators. It really is that simple.[/SIZE]
Perhaps ethical cautions are best done in private.
I resolved today to strictly limit all my discussions to requesting education related information, providing education related information, or if i can, in some way provide support or assistance to anyone here in reaching there goals. That's why I'm here and it's who I am as a person. I'm sorry if my posts gave any other impression.
On a personal note. I read John Bears Guide to Non-traditional Degrees over 20 years ago. My life has had many triumphs and tragedies during that time. However obtaining a degree remained a long delayed goal, yet somehow I could not seem to get started. One night a little over a month ago, I was looking at a job posting for which I am ideally qualified, except for a degree. Something in me changed. I said to myself "#@$% it, I can do this!" I didn't tell anyone until I took the first test because I was too scared I would jinx myself or something. It would be hard to describe how happy I was after completing my first test. Now I have 18 fresh credits, I very excited and I believe I have the determination to see this to the end. It's nice to be here "online" with other people who are doing, or have done, the same thing.
[SIZE="5"]If anyone feels that a post is inappropriate, unethical, illegal etc. They should politely share their concerns with the web master and/or moderators. It really is that simple.[/SIZE]
Perhaps ethical cautions are best done in private.
I resolved today to strictly limit all my discussions to requesting education related information, providing education related information, or if i can, in some way provide support or assistance to anyone here in reaching there goals. That's why I'm here and it's who I am as a person. I'm sorry if my posts gave any other impression.
On a personal note. I read John Bears Guide to Non-traditional Degrees over 20 years ago. My life has had many triumphs and tragedies during that time. However obtaining a degree remained a long delayed goal, yet somehow I could not seem to get started. One night a little over a month ago, I was looking at a job posting for which I am ideally qualified, except for a degree. Something in me changed. I said to myself "#@$% it, I can do this!" I didn't tell anyone until I took the first test because I was too scared I would jinx myself or something. It would be hard to describe how happy I was after completing my first test. Now I have 18 fresh credits, I very excited and I believe I have the determination to see this to the end. It's nice to be here "online" with other people who are doing, or have done, the same thing.
[SIZE="1"]Social Sciences & History..... ..- 69
US History I Col-1877............- 75
American Government ...........- 68
US History II 1865-Pres........ .- 77
Intro to Sociology................ .- 75
Intro to Psychology.............. .- 76
Human Growth & Development.- 74
Info Sys & Computer App........- 69
Analyze & Interpret Literature..- 79[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Social Sciences & History..... ..- 69
US History I Col-1877............- 75
American Government ...........- 68
US History II 1865-Pres........ .- 77
Intro to Sociology................ .- 75
Intro to Psychology.............. .- 76
Human Growth & Development.- 74
Info Sys & Computer App........- 69
Analyze & Interpret Literature..- 79[/SIZE]