There are 3 of us that took this DSST exam today and did not pass, we all "just missed" the 400 mark and are thinking of retaking this exam in 90 days. Like mentioned above, this test was HARDER than anything we prepared for.
I thought there was about 35-40% of brand new material that I've never heard about...the Peterson Practice Exams were okay, but still many things were brand new to me.
Does anybody know if this test was recently revised? I know that in 2013, the scores were only needing 46, now in June 2014, you need a 400 + to pass.
Thanks for any help!
Moved from specific feedback section.
I thought there was about 35-40% of brand new material that I've never heard about...the Peterson Practice Exams were okay, but still many things were brand new to me.
Does anybody know if this test was recently revised? I know that in 2013, the scores were only needing 46, now in June 2014, you need a 400 + to pass.
Thanks for any help!
Moved from specific feedback section.