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Eng 102 suggestion please..
Any ideaa? I have my Eng 101 already, but the school I am looking at for my Bachelors in Nursing requires the second class also Eng 102. Now I just started meaning this week taking the online version of this class at my local community college..and my oh my I think I am in over my head. The writing required for this class is amazing - and this is not my strongest asset. Does anyone know of a better way to get these credits without out preparring myself for a padded room? I'd gladly drop/withdraw from this class if I can find a better solution. Thank you Dawn
dloth Wrote:Any ideaa? I have my Eng 101 already, but the school I am looking at for my Bachelors in Nursing requires the second class also Eng 102. Now I just started meaning this week taking the online version of this class at my local community college..and my oh my I think I am in over my head. The writing required for this class is amazing - and this is not my strongest asset. Does anyone know of a better way to get these credits without out preparring myself for a padded room? I'd gladly drop/withdraw from this class if I can find a better solution. Thank you Dawn

Can you CLEP out using English Comp w/essay? My husband had the same issue, completeted 101 years ago but needed 102. The CLEP may count for both at your college (6 cr). Wasting 3 CLEP credits(ENG101) *might be better than taking the entire course. Also ask if it is duplication of credit before you try.
Ahggggg.....!!! Tried calling the college about that idea.. and the person that I need to speak with will not be in till Monday - which isn't bad except that if I want to drop the class I am enrolled in I should do it today or tomorrow for the refund and the time frame.... Thank you for the suggestion.
You might try to explain to them that to decide whether to drop the course or not, you need to speak to the person that wont be in until Monday, and try to have them extend the withdrawal deadline until the end of Monday. And make sure you get the name of whomever you talk to if they ok it, as bureaucracies tend to lose track of things.
Excelsior, BS, pursuing degree

CLEP: Hum. (67), Hist. of U.S. I (74), Hist. of U.S. II (71), Intro. Psych. (69), Intro. Soc. (72), Soc. Sci. and Hist. (74), Western Civ I (72), Western Civ II (70), Am. Lit. (60), Intro. to Educ. Psych. (62), P. of Management (74), P. of Market. (74), Intro. Bus. Law (67), P. of Accounting (60), AmGov (68)
DSST: Ethics in Am. (76), P. of Super.(67), HRM (65), Intro to Bus. (70), MIS (65), P. of Fin (62), M&B (65), P. of Stat. (68)
TECEP:: IntFin, SecAna


Total Credits: 129
Check out LSU's Eng 1002.

LSU Independent and Distance Learning
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Freshman College Comp is worth 6 credits and at Bellevue University covers eng 101 and eng 102...By the way it is also the current and last test I need to graduate. I hope to test out in the next week or two and be done.


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