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Electronics Engineering degree plan advice
Hello everyone, been following this forum for some time and developed my plan based on the guides and posts. Posting this plan to see if anyone has any recommendations or advice. Due to time constraints of being active-duty military, I can only take 2 classes at a time No, I do not wish to go for Military Technology Leadership or any similarly pointless (unmarketable) AAS degrees.

My current plan is to simultaneously pick up the AS CIT, and AS EET and graduate the two associates simultaneously while on my way to the BS ESET through TESU. Im considering the BA Liberal Studies/Computer Science degree as a backup plan as that requires the fewest credits to complete. I'm a computer nerd and I have electronics experience through the military.  I’m working on this degree path to improve my promotion/career prospects within my field of electronics/radio/computers both in the military and civilian side. I’m primarily interested in the TESU program due to the transfer credits accepted and ABET/ETAC accreditation.

I currently have the following credit distribution with a 3.85GPA: 
Associates of Science, Computer & Information Technology, 34/60cr complete
Associates of Science Electronics Engineering Technology, 31/60cr complete
Bachelors of Science Electronics Systems Engineering Technology, 54/120cr complete.

These are the classes I have left to complete and my plan for completion:

PHY-1150 Physics I w Lab, or TESUAS CIT, AS EET, BS ESET
PHY-1160 Physics II w or TESUAS CIT, AS EET, BS ESET
ITS-1500 Computer Programming I3Sophia: Python ProgrammingAS CIT (COS-2050 will not work)
ITS-1300 Database Fundamentals, 3, Sophia: Relational DatabasesAS CIT
CMP-3540 Network Technology3TESU: TECEPAS CIT, BS ESET (Elective)
ITS-2610 Linux3CompTIA Linux+AS CIT
ITS-3630 Windows Server Configuration, 3TESUAS CIT
CHE-1210 General Chemistry w Lab, 4, TESUAS EET, BS ESET
MAT-2310 Calculus I4TESUBS ESET
MAT-2320 Calculus II, 4, TESUBS ESET
ELD-3010 Digital Electronics3TESUAS EET, BS ESET
ELT-3060 Solid State Devices and Circuits3TESUAS EET, BS ESET
ELD-3110 Microprocessors3TESUAS EET, BS ESET
ELT-3070 Linear and Integrated Circuits3TESUAS EET, BS ESET
APS-2950 Associate Capstone3TESUAS CIT, AS EET, BS ESET (Elective)
APS-4020 Applied Quality Management3TESUBS ESET
MAN-4350 Project Management, 3, Study.comBS ESET
APS-4900 Engineering Tech Assessment, 3, T
ELT-4590 Electronics Sys Eng Tech Capstone3 TESUBS ESET
1 Electronics Elective 3 credits.

Posted separately due to length:
Your Location: Fort Campbell, KY
Your Age: 27
What kind of degree do you want?: Associates of Science, Computer &Information Technology, Associates of Science Electronics Engineering Technology, Bachelors of Science Electronics Systems Engineering Technology
Current Regional Accredited Credits:

College of Western Idaho, 2014, 2016: 9
ENGL 101 English Composition, 3, A
HIST101 Western Civilization, 4 C
COMM101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication, 3 B

Northwest Nazarene University, 2014-2015: 21
HUMN1010 Cornerstone, 3 A-
BIBL1100 Intro to Biblical Studies B-
COMM 2260 Intermediate Video Production, 3 B
COMM 2120 Communication Activities, 1 C
COMM 2280 Audio for Film and Television, 2 A-
MUSC 2250R Violin, 2 A
COMM 2094B Independent Filmmaking, 1 A
MUSC 2250R Violin, 2 A
COMM2094A Future Technologies, 1 A

Western Governors University, 2021: 13
PHIL C168, , Critical Thinking and Logic, B/CR 3
ITEC C182, Introduction to IT, B/CR 4
MATH C957 Applied Algebra, B/CR 3
MATH C955 Applied Probability & Statistics, B/CR 3

Thomas Edison State University, 2023-Present: 9
ENC 1020, English Composition II (TECEP), CR 3
COS 2050, Python Programming, 3 A
SOS 1100, Information Literacy, 3 A-

Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits:

Sophia Credits: 3
PHI-1800 Intro to Ethics 91% or A-

CLEP Credits: 6
Intro to Sociology, 73
American Government, 61

Military ACE Credits: 91 (accepted by TESU, 15 credits towards current degree path)

Any certifications or military experience? CompTIA A+, CompTIA Security+, FCC Amateur Extra Radio License

Budget: cheap and fast, but not the cheapest and fastest available degrees, current plan is approx $2000 out of pocket to finish associates, and another $2500 out of pocket to complete the bachelors after Tuition assistance.
Commitments: 2kids, spouse, Active-Duty Army
Dedicated time to study: Limited, 1-3hrs during weekdays, 5-15hrs weekends. Impacted significantly my military training, operations, or deployment, can only take 2 classes at a time.
Timeline: Finishing the courses required for the degree as fast as possible would be ideal. I would like to finish my associates within 1.5 years, and bachelors within 2.5years
Tuition assistance/reimbursement: Military Tuition Assistance, $4000/16cr per fiscal year
@trailbounder, Welcome to the board, that's a great first post with all the info I was looking for!  You've done a bit of research on those and trying to get the best bang for the buck!  TESU is your best bet for the double associates and double bachelors, if you ever wanted to though, you can get additional certs too as freebies as long as you have the alternative credits to transfer them in...

BTW, your two associates, if you get them at the same time, they'll be just one associates with double area of study.  So, that means you can get an AAS Applied Computer Studies plus the AAS Environmental, Safety, Security Technologies as a second degree because they share the same Associates Capstone course!  Or if you want the AS Comp Sci & AS Math, that's a secondary option...

I would really decide on what Bachelors or double Bachelors you're looking at, complete the requirements for the double associates first and graduate (as long as you have the 24 residency credits completed with the remaining TECEPs and Associates capstone), you can then come back for the two Bachelors later unless you want to graduate them both at the same time...

My recommendation is to do the balanced mix/match trifecta of certs, degree, experience, you can do the TESU degrees, and ladder up to a Masters later down the road.  Having said that, you may want to do a quick Associates & Bachelors combo, then get an ECPI University Masters in System Engineering - Mechatronics. Link:

It'll look something like this example, Coursera & TEEX certs plus ACE credits, Pierpont BOG AAS Info Systems emphasis, UMPI BAS MIS & PM minors plus 3 classes that go towards UMPI MAOL, complete the UMPI MAOL (optional), then end it with the ECPI University Masters in System Engineering - Mechatronics (or a different masters altogether). Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
You have 9 TESU credits right now. Make sure you get 6 more before you graduate with your Associate degree(s). Your degrees all have capstones, so that can be at least 3 of the needed TESU credits. If you don't have at least 15 TESU credits, you'd have to pay the residency waiver fee and that'd just be a waste of money.
In progress:
TESU - BA Computer Science; BSBA CIS; ASNSM Math & CS; ASBA

Pierpont - AAS BOG
Sophia (so many), The Institutes (old), (5 courses)
ASU: Human Origins, Astronomy, Intro Health & Wellness, Western Civilization, Computer Appls & Info Technology, Intro Programming
Strayer: CIS175, CIS111, WRK100, MAT210
(03-18-2024, 10:12 AM)rachel83az Wrote: You have 9 TESU credits right now. Make sure you get 6 more before you graduate with your Associate degree(s). Your degrees all have capstones, so that can be at least 3 of the needed TESU credits. If you don't have at least 15 TESU credits, you'd have to pay the residency waiver fee and that'd just be a waste of money.
I'm active-duty military, I only need 12 credits for residency for the associates, and 24 credits for Bachelors. The capstone gives me the last 3 credits I need by itself.
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(03-18-2024, 01:06 PM)trailbounder Wrote:
(03-18-2024, 10:12 AM)rachel83az Wrote: You have 9 TESU credits right now. Make sure you get 6 more before you graduate with your Associate degree(s). Your degrees all have capstones, so that can be at least 3 of the needed TESU credits. If you don't have at least 15 TESU credits, you'd have to pay the residency waiver fee and that'd just be a waste of money.
I'm active-duty military, I only need 12 credits for residency for the associates, and 24 credits for Bachelors. The capstone gives me the last 3 credits I need by itself.

I highly recommend against the bachelor in liberal arts route if you have any aspirations toward officership. At least for the USAF/USSF, your mileage may vary with other branches. That's something you'd need to check.

For USAF/USSF, the AFOCD matrix dictates which CIP codes are acceptable for which AFSC. Turns out, TESU expanded super fast by throwing a whole load of programs under general studies CIP codes that often bear little relation to the degree title (BA Math, for example, has a generic interdisciplinary biological studies CIP, not a Math CIP). Makes them functionally pretty useless for USAF and USSF officer accessions. 

For example, the BA Comp Sci does have a Comp Sci CIP code (11.XX series), but the BA Liberal Arts with a concentration in Comp Sci does not.

TESU also have no idea what to do when two AOS' are combined in one degree (e.g. BA Comp Sci and Math). So you could start off with an 11.XX series CIP that's Tier 1 for many AFSC's, but by combining two AOS' you could end with a CIP that only qualifies you under Tier 3 or 4 in the "any degree" category.

Your engineering degree route should be just fine, but do confirm the CIP with an advisor if comissioning is something you're thinking about, or at least don't want to accidentally rule out.
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(03-18-2024, 01:06 PM)trailbounder Wrote:
(03-18-2024, 10:12 AM)rachel83az Wrote: You have 9 TESU credits right now. Make sure you get 6 more before you graduate with your Associate degree(s). Your degrees all have capstones, so that can be at least 3 of the needed TESU credits. If you don't have at least 15 TESU credits, you'd have to pay the residency waiver fee and that'd just be a waste of money.
I'm active-duty military, I only need 12 credits for residency for the associates, and 24 credits for Bachelors. The capstone gives me the last 3 credits I need by itself.

Being active duty also lets you use TECEPs for residency, which can save you a TON of money.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?

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