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Done and Done!! Success story time!!
My Turn!! Confusedeeya:

The day I joined these forums, after reading the many success stories of everyone else, I looked forward to that day where I would get to post my own. The day has come! I am pleased to announce I have just received my degrees in the mail from TESC for the March 2014 graduation. I acquired my BSBA in General Management and my AAS in Environmental Safety & Security Technologies, and for a little icing on the cake, my transcripts show a 4.0 GPA (But we all know how that works haha).

It has been a long road with A LOT of testing. After spending my first 3 years as a full time student at a CC, I knew I needed a different approach. I was working at a hardware store, on an ambulance, and also volunteering at a local fire department... so spending 8+ hours a day, 4 days a week sitting in a classroom, only to complete 15-18 credits a semester, was not doing it for me. Not to mention I was unable to get financial aid so the thousands of dollars spent on schooling was making my bank account go in only one direction… down, a lot faster than I was able to bring it back up. I couldn’t be happier about the switch I made to online/distant learning, especially the opportunity to test out of many many classes. For the past few years I have been able to work as a seasonal firefighter and continue to pursue my bachelors, which would not have been possible at a brick & mortar type of school. I completed my AS from my CC at the end of 2012 and compiled an outline for my BSBA from TESC (Many thanks to those who helped with my Degree Outline) and from that moment on, I went “turbo speed” to finish my bachelors. On average I was completing 1 Clep/Dsst every week. Sometimes the more difficult tests took 2 weeks. All together through Clep/Dsst/SL/Aleks/TECEP I completed 27 courses, and also 21 FEMA courses. Unfortunately but luckily, I only lost once, which was a failed Business Law Clep. From the completion of my AS to my BSBA/AAS I took just a little over 1 year, which 6 of those months I was gone for the fire season, narrowing it down to only 8 months of schooling/testing. :willynilly:

I am the first in my family to graduate from a college, both 2 & 4 year, which is a huge accomplishment for me and my family. I just turned 23 a few weeks ago and have my BSBA/AAS/AS which is another accomplishment of mine, setting me aside from everyone I know my age that is spending year after year after year at a CC or B&M school. But most importantly and my biggest accomplishment is that I was able to achieve and pay for all of these degrees without acquiring a single amount of student debt or student loans. All together I would calculate my schooling costs to about $7,000-$8,000. While others I know are paying off $30,000+ of students loans for their Bachelors. Along with the past 4 years of educational experience, I was simultaneously able to get the same 4 years of work, life, and volunteer experience, making my resume look like rarely anyone else’s, close to my age. :coolgleam:

I also believe I lucked out by being able to register and enroll with TESC before all the major changes were made, I know that complicated many peoples degree plan on here.

Right now my next step is, besides taking a small break, is to find a Masters Program that would work with my schedule as a seasonal firefighter (which gives me 4-5 months a year to really focus on schooling). I have been a bit inactive here for the past few months due to my unfriendly work, school, and training schedule, especially with this years fire season starting way sooner than expected. But I will continue to check these forums to not only get information on potential masters programs, but I look forward to helping many new comers with questions as they start down their degree path. The same kind of help I received from this very friendly and helpful community when I started.

I cannot thank this community enough for the help, direction, feedback, motivation, support, and advice you all provided me as I continued along my path. I COULT NOT have done this without you! cheersmate

Thank you all and I will see you around!
BSBA General Management @ TESC 03/2014
AAS Environmental Safety & Security Technologies @ TESC 03/2014
AS Public Fire Service Option @ CC 12/2012

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
College Algebra
US History I
Natural Sciences
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
College Composition

Principles of Supervision
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Business Ethics and Society
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Computing
Management Information Systems
Principles of Financial Accounting
Money and Banking
Principles of Finance
Business Law II

21 Completed

Strategic Management
Sales Management

Business Communications
Business Law
Accounting II

Intro to Stats (24 hours!)

In Progress
M.B.A Management Cal Coast University
Congratulations on your success! Thank you for sharing your story and keeping us updated on your future goals!
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
Congrats on your success. I like to read success stories like this because they rekindle the fire in me.
- Akintayo

AA General Studies, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

BSBA General Management, 2014 - Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Bachelor of Religious Studies, 2015 - NationsUniversity
Bachelor of Arts in Management - Leadership, 2016 - Patten University

Arnold Fletcher Award, 2014. Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey

Graduate School
Master of Science in Management, MSc - The University of Economics in Bratislava - full time studies

ENMU MBA: 2 classes completed - discontinued as am now to attend a local university in Slovakia

65 Semester Hours from Obafemi Awolowo University
45 Credits from Straighterline
24 Credits from TECEP
13 Credits from Penn Foster College
12 Credits fro ALEKS
4 Credits from TEEX
BA in Social Science-TESC
Arnold Fletcher Award

[h=1]“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~Thomas Edison[/h]
Congratulations! You did an amazing job!
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.
Great post, congrats!
MBA, Western Governors University February 2014
BS Charter Oak State College November 2011
AS in EMS August 2010

I'm always happy to complete the free application waiver for those applying to WGU (I get a free gift from WGU for this).  Just PM me your first/last name and a valid email so I can complete their form.

Thread; COSC AS using FEMA
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story.
BA History 2014 - TESC

The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23

"I'm going on an adventure!' ~AUJ
"It is our fight." ~DoS
"I am not alone." ~BotFA
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that's given to us." ~FotR
"There is still hope." ~TTT
"Courage..." "This day, we fight!" ~RotK

CLEP: A&I Lit 74 ~ Am Lit 73 ~ Eng Lit 72 ~ Humanities 75 ~ College Math 77 ~ Western Civ I 63 ~ Western Civ II 69 ~ Natural Sci 64 ~ US History I 76 ~ US History II 69 ~ Sociology 68 ~ Am Gov 69 ~ Social Sci & Hist 71 ~ College Comp 61 ~ Marketing 70 ~ Management 66 ~ Psychology 67

DSST: Supervision 453 ~ Tech Writing 61 ~ Computing 427 ~ Middle East 65 ~ Soviet Union 65 ~ Vietnam War 74 ~[COLOR="#0099cc"] Civil War 68

[/COLOR]Other: College+ Biblical Social Justice B ~ ECE World Conflicts Since 1900 A

TESC courses: Capstone A ~ Leaders in History A ~ Photography 101 A- ~ Games People Play A ~ International Relations A- ~ Mass Communications I A

$5 off IC - 59690
My hair jewelry business
Congratulations!! What a great post to help motivate the folks like me that are just starting on this journey. What was your approach to studying? I cant imagine doing a test every week.
Bachelors in Liberal Studies TESC 12/11/15

Various certifications and 1 community college class

TESC English 101
TESC Living in the Information age
TESC Intro to Psychology
TESC Intro to Computers

DSST Personal Finance 1/14
DSST Hear's to your health 3/14
DSST Intro to Business 4/14
DSST Organization Behavior 5/14
DSST Substance Abuse 5/14
DSST Intro to World Religion 6/14
DSST Environment and Humanity 7/14
DSST Human Resource Management 8/14
DSST Money & Banking 8/14
CLEP A&I Lit 8/14
CLEP Intro to Sociology 9/14
DSST Intro to Modern Middle East 12/14
DSST Western Europe since 1945 12/14
ALEKS Intermediate Algebra 2/15
ALEKS College Algebra 2/15
ALEKS Intro to stats 2/15
ALEKS PreCalc 2/15
CLEP History of US I 3/15
CLEP History of US II 4/15
CLEP American Gov 5/15
DSST Principles of Sup 5/15
CLEP Amer Lit 6/15
CLEP Social Science 7/15
CLEP Human growth Dev 8/15
CLEP College Comp 9/15
CLEP Humanities 9/15
TESC Capstone 10/15
cstock Wrote:Congratulations!! What a great post to help motivate the folks like me that are just starting on this journey. What was your approach to studying? I cant imagine doing a test every week.

I utilized a handful of resources to study.

To test in 1-2 weeks I would spend about 4-6 hours a day reading and studying the basic material.
REA books were priceless for how helpful they were.
IC Flashcards
Specific Feedback posts.
Khan Academy / Other Instructional Videos

Then the last few days before my test I would spend doing practice tests and going over correct answers.
REA book practice tests
Petersons practice tests
Clep official practice test.

Then the morning of my tests I would just review the notes i took from the specific feedback

Then I take the test and pass Smile
BSBA General Management @ TESC 03/2014
AAS Environmental Safety & Security Technologies @ TESC 03/2014
AS Public Fire Service Option @ CC 12/2012

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature
College Algebra
US History I
Natural Sciences
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Management
College Composition

Principles of Supervision
Organizational Behavior
Human Resource Management
Business Ethics and Society
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Computing
Management Information Systems
Principles of Financial Accounting
Money and Banking
Principles of Finance
Business Law II

21 Completed

Strategic Management
Sales Management

Business Communications
Business Law
Accounting II

Intro to Stats (24 hours!)

In Progress
M.B.A Management Cal Coast University
What an INSPIRING STORY! SO HAPPY for you! So PROUD of you! You family must be thrilled!!!

Way to go!

seanmathews Wrote:My Turn!! Confusedeeya:

The day I joined these forums, after reading the many success stories of everyone else, I looked forward to that day where I would get to post my own. The day has come! I am pleased to announce I have just received my degrees in the mail from TESC for the March 2014 graduation. I acquired my BSBA in General Management and my AAS in Environmental Safety & Security Technologies, and for a little icing on the cake, my transcripts show a 4.0 GPA (But we all know how that works haha).

It has been a long road with A LOT of testing. After spending my first 3 years as a full time student at a CC, I knew I needed a different approach. I was working at a hardware store, on an ambulance, and also volunteering at a local fire department... so spending 8+ hours a day, 4 days a week sitting in a classroom, only to complete 15-18 credits a semester, was not doing it for me. Not to mention I was unable to get financial aid so the thousands of dollars spent on schooling was making my bank account go in only one direction… down, a lot faster than I was able to bring it back up. I couldn’t be happier about the switch I made to online/distant learning, especially the opportunity to test out of many many classes. For the past few years I have been able to work as a seasonal firefighter and continue to pursue my bachelors, which would not have been possible at a brick & mortar type of school. I completed my AS from my CC at the end of 2012 and compiled an outline for my BSBA from TESC (Many thanks to those who helped with my Degree Outline) and from that moment on, I went “turbo speed” to finish my bachelors. On average I was completing 1 Clep/Dsst every week. Sometimes the more difficult tests took 2 weeks. All together through Clep/Dsst/SL/Aleks/TECEP I completed 27 courses, and also 21 FEMA courses. Unfortunately but luckily, I only lost once, which was a failed Business Law Clep. From the completion of my AS to my BSBA/AAS I took just a little over 1 year, which 6 of those months I was gone for the fire season, narrowing it down to only 8 months of schooling/testing. :willynilly:

I am the first in my family to graduate from a college, both 2 & 4 year, which is a huge accomplishment for me and my family. I just turned 23 a few weeks ago and have my BSBA/AAS/AS which is another accomplishment of mine, setting me aside from everyone I know my age that is spending year after year after year at a CC or B&M school. But most importantly and my biggest accomplishment is that I was able to achieve and pay for all of these degrees without acquiring a single amount of student debt or student loans. All together I would calculate my schooling costs to about $7,000-$8,000. While others I know are paying off $30,000+ of students loans for their Bachelors. Along with the past 4 years of educational experience, I was simultaneously able to get the same 4 years of work, life, and volunteer experience, making my resume look like rarely anyone else’s, close to my age. :coolgleam:

I also believe I lucked out by being able to register and enroll with TESC before all the major changes were made, I know that complicated many peoples degree plan on here.

Right now my next step is, besides taking a small break, is to find a Masters Program that would work with my schedule as a seasonal firefighter (which gives me 4-5 months a year to really focus on schooling). I have been a bit inactive here for the past few months due to my unfriendly work, school, and training schedule, especially with this years fire season starting way sooner than expected. But I will continue to check these forums to not only get information on potential masters programs, but I look forward to helping many new comers with questions as they start down their degree path. The same kind of help I received from this very friendly and helpful community when I started.

I cannot thank this community enough for the help, direction, feedback, motivation, support, and advice you all provided me as I continued along my path. I COULT NOT have done this without you! cheersmate

Thank you all and I will see you around!

I'm done!Smile Thanks to InstantCert,, ALEKS, CLEP and a LOT of work on my part and a lot of support from hubby and family. If I can do it, so can you! 

Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - Bachelor of Science Nursing; RN, BSN (Graduated in the top of 1/4 of class with Sigma Theta Tau honors)
+ 3 courses completed towards MSN.
Excelsior College (EC) - Associates in Applied Science (passed NCLEX- RN exam and became a Registered Nurse)

The test's Passed (CLEP'S, DSST's, ALEK's, etc.):
3          Introduction to Sociology
3          Lifespan and Developmental Psychology
3          Humanities (64)
3          History of the United States I (60)
3          History of the United States II (65)
3          American Government (54)
6          Biology (58)
6          Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (67)
3          Principals of Management (72)
3          ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra
3          CLEP Intro to Psych
3          ALEKS: Statistics

YOU CAN DO IT!!![Image: smile.png]

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