11-23-2021, 10:32 AM
(11-23-2021, 01:17 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: I assume PUG would be similar to UMPI in regards to being CBE, hopefully you can finish a degree in 2-3 terms too! Just make sure to max out your transfer and take the required courses that are easiest or most interesting to you at PUG.
PUG is nothing at all like UMPI. UMPI has 3 credit classes with 1 paper for each class. PUG has 5 and 6 credit classes that are each broken down into 1 credit classes. Each 1 credit class has a series of assignments. My husband is in the Analytics ExcelTrack and you can't max our the transfer credit in that program. You have to take many classes at PUG. There's no transfer equivalency for many of the analytics classes. Those classes have so much work - 12 labs and 2 papers has been the norm per credit. Plus the quizzes and reading. Not to mention the research to be able to complete the labs and papers. He spends faaaaaaaar more time completing the assignments for 1 credit than I do for 3 credits at UMPI.