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Do you have to be in the military to take DSST?
I think I could do very well with some of the DSST tests. Do you have to be in the military to take those tests and get credit for them. And can you take those at a clep testing center if I am eligible?
Anyone can take the DSST exams, only the military take them free of charge. You can read more about them and the testing location at their website and yes most places have both testing for DSST and CLEP exams:
or you can search this forum for more information.
Passed CLEP & DSST, Principles of Marketing, Principles of Management, Principles of Supervision, Human Resource Management, Here's To Your Health, Civil War & Reconstruction, Drugs & Alcohol Abuse, Introduction To Psychology, Introduction To Sociology, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, Criminal Justice, Into to Law Enforcement, Astronomy, Environment and Humanity, Technical Writing, Foundations of Education, Western Europe Since 1945, DSST Organization Behavior, ECE Ethics: Theory & Practice, Intro to Business, ECE Abnormal Psychology, ECE World Population, ECE Psychology of Adulthood and Aging, Fundamentals of Counseling
Anyone can take the DSSTs only the Military can take them for free!

You just need to find a testing center that offers the DSSTs , and they are indeed open to civilians.
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!
No - you don't have to be in the military to take DSST/Dantes exams.

As far as taking them at a CLEP testing center, call the center beforehand to see if they are an authorized testing center for DSSTs/Dantes.

For more information about the exams (and to find test centers), you can visit this website: DSST -

Hope this helps!

57 credits done... 63 more to go!
B.S.B.A. International Business
Thomas Edison State College

Soli Deo Gloria!
whats the difference between a dsst and clep??
DSST's are generally thought to be harder than CLEPs, since they offer quite a few UL (upper level) tests. DSST's are multiple choice, with 4 choices, whereas CLEP's have 5 choices. Other than that, really the only difference is the subjects offered by each company.

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