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Degree Plan - TESC - BSBA CIS - Advice / Suggestions
I've received my eval from TESC for the BSBA CIS degree. I am seeking advice from all of you on how to best complete this degree. From most important to least important my goals would be: 1) Quick; 2) Easy; 3) Cost. Number 1 is most important. I don't mind learning so I've selected a number of StraighterLine (SL) courses. Or am I misinformed about learning from StraighterLine classes?

I have an Assoc degree from a CC and some IT certs. Please let me know if you think that my existing credits could be applied better than the TESC evaluator has applied them.

Based on the excellent resource found here I have made a stab at identifying sources of credit. The ones I am thinking about taking are in bold. Open to other suggestions. Clearly it would be great if there were some closely-related topics which would "feed" off of each other from a preparation standpoint.

Program: BSBA CIS
SH: 120
SH Appl to Deg Req: 58
SH Rem: 62
Comm Coll SH Appl: 62
SH to be Planned: 58
Overall GPA Met: Yes
Src Institution

Gen Ed (60sh)
SH Comp: 37
Comp all 9 subreqs:
A: English Comp (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ENGL111 Eng Comp I. 2 A ENC-103 *CC *TE
1.. ENGL112 Eng Comp II. 2 A ENC-104 *CC *TE
1.. ENGL113 Eng Comp III. 2 A ENC-105 *CC *TE

B: Mgrl/Bus Comms (Not Started)
> Complete 3sh in managerial comms or business comms
> MAN-373
SL: BUS105

C: Humanities Electives (In Progress)
> Comp 9sh from human; minimum 2 depts req
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. SPD110 Intro to Speech Comm 3 B COM-108 *CC *TE
DSST: Art of West; Prin Pub Spk; Tech Write; Ethics; Intro World Religions
SL: BUS105
CLEP: Humanities; Amer Lit; Eng Lit; Anal & Interp Lit
TECEP: PR Thought & Practice; Tech Writ; Intro New Report; Marketing Comm

D: Macro/Microeconomics (Not Started)
> Comp 1 full year (6sh) of economics (micro/macro)
> ECO-111 and ECO-112
SL: ECON101 and ECON102
CLEP: Princs of Macro and Micro

E: Social Sciences (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. HIS101 Hist of West Civ I. 3 A HIS-101 *CC *TE
1.. PSY202 Intro to Psych II. 3 A PSY-102 *CC *TE

F: Precalculus (Not Started)
> Take 3sh of Quantitative Bus Analysis or Precalculus.
SL: MAT201
CLEP: Precalculus

G: Statistics (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh in intro statistics.
SL: MAT150
DSST: Princs of Stats

H: Natural Sci/Math (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh from Nat Sci Dept; except the math dept.
CLEP: Biology; Chem; Info Sys & Comp Apps; Nat Sciences
DSST: Astronomy; Env & Human; Intro to Comp; MIS; Phys Geol; Prin Phys Sci 1
SL: BIO101; BIO201; CHEM101
TECEP: Kinesiology; Net Tech; Science of Nutrition

I: General Educ Elects (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. PLS242 International Rel II. 3 A POS-316 *CC *TE
1.. PSY201 Intro to Psych I. 3 A PSY-101 *CC *TE
1.. PLS241 International Rel I. 3 A POS-315 *CC *TE
1.. ADJ107 Survey of Criminol 3 A AOJ-103 *CC *TE
1.. HIS266 Mil Hist of Civil War 3 B HIS-299 *CC *TE
1.. MTH115 Technical Math I. 3 B MAT-101 *CC *TE
1.. SOCI102 Intro Soci II. 2 B SOC-102 *CC *TE
1.. SOCI103 Intro Soci III. 2 B SOC-299 *CC *TE

Core (27sh)
SH Comp: 2
Comp all 8 subreqs:
A: Intr Finl/Mgrl Acctg (Not Started)
> Comp 1 full year (6sh) of Intro/Principles of Acct (Intro to
> Financial Acct and Intro to Managerial Acct)
> ACC-101 and ACC-102
SL: ACC101 and ACC102
CLEP: Financial Accounting
DSST: Princs of Financial Accntng

B: Business Law (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh of Business Law.
> LAW-201
CLEP: Intro to Business Law

C: Compu Lit/Intr CIS (In Progress)
> Comp 3sh in an intro to info sys, intro to computers,
> computer literacy, or an intro computing course with applications such as word
> processing, spreadsheets, and databases.
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. DAPR106 Prin of Data Proc. 2 A CIS-101 *CC *TE
DSST: Intro to Computing
It would be great if there were a 1 credit course I could take to close this one out.

D: Princ of Finance (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh of Princs of Finance.
> FIN-301
DSST: Princs of Finance

E: Prins of Management (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh of Princs of Management.
> MAN-301
DSST: Princs of Management

F: Intro to Marketing (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh of Intro to Marketing
> MAR-301
DSST: Princs of Marketing

G: Bus in Soc/Int'l Mgt (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh of business in society, intro to intl
> business, intl management or intl marketing
TECEP: Business in Society

H: Business Policy (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh in bus policy
> BUS-421
TECEP: Business Policy

CIS Option (18sh)
SH Comp: 13
GPA Achieved/Needed: 4.0 / 2.0
Comp all 3 subreqs:
A: Programming (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. CSC206 Assembly Language 3 A COS-231 *CC *10Y *TE

B: Systs Analy & Design (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh in sys analysis or sys analysis and design I.
Would the MIS work for this?

C: CIS Electives (In Progress)
> Comp 12sh in other computer info sys courses or in
> computer application courses. Of these 12SH, 3SH may
> be addl programming language credits.
SH Comp: 10.00
Group 1 (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CAP-284... Internet Appls--Html/Cgi. 3 CR CAP-284 *10Y *NE
Group 2 (Comp)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CAP-382... Advanced LAN Administrati 3 CR CAP-382 *10Y *NE
Group 3 (Pending)
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CAP-282... LAN Administration....... (4) --- CAP-282 *PL *DOC *NE
Group 4 (Not Started)
CLEP: Info Sys & Comp Apps

Business Electives (9sh)
> Comp 9sh from acctg, banking, business, comp apps, comp
> info sys, finance, mgmnt, hotel/motel/restaurant mgmnt,
> insurance, ops mgmnt, public admin, real estate, law,
> marketing, and retailing mgmnt, fundraising.
Semester Hours Completed: 5 Required: 9 Remaining: 4
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
2.. CAP-171... Windows.................. 3 CR CAP-171 *NE
2.. CAP-170... Computing Environments.2 CR CAP-170 *NE
SL: ACC1501
FEMA: IS-230a Funds of Emer Mgmnt
Anyone know if this FEMA course would be accepted?

Free Electives (6sh)
> Comp 6sh.
!! Exception
Excess credit in Gen Ed------5 SH required
SH Comp: 5
Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
1.. ADJU100 Intro Law Enforcmnt. 2 B AOJ-101 *CC *TE
1.. ADJ212 Crim Law Ev & Pro II. 3 A AOJ-299 *CC *TE

Src Course # Title SH Grd TESC # Notes
--- ---------- ------------------ --- --- ---------- ---------
1 ADJU140 Intro Secuity Admin 2 B AOJ-131 *TE*CC
1 ADJU267 Orgnzed Crime Corr 2 B AOJ-299 *TE*CC
1 GENL100 Orientation .67 A FEL-101 *TE*CC
1 PHED100 Fund Phys Activity .67 C PEA-199 *TE*CC
1 SOCI101 Intro Soci I 2 B SOC-101 *TE*CC
1 ADJU117 Spec Enfrcemt Prob 2 B AOJ-299 *TE*CC
1 ADJU126 Prevent Juv Delinq 2 A AOJ-361 *TE*CC
1 ADJU237 Admin of Justice 2 C AOJ-102 *TE*CC
1 ADJU186 Interr Rept Writng 2 A AOJ-341 *TE*CC
1 ADJ211 Crim Law Evi & Proc I 3 B AOJ-245 *TE*CC
1 PED135 Bowling I 1 A PEA-199 *TE*CC
1 PHED174 Volleyball .67 B PEA-199 *TE*CC
(Credits in parentheses are anticipated earned)
*10Y Course is 10yrs old, but has been approved
*CC Community College Credit
*DOC Course is 10yrs old, and Demonstration of Currency must be met.
*NE Non-course Equiv
*PL Planned Credit
*TE Transfer Equiv
*U Used! - has already been used elsewhere
Business Comm: SL is good for this

Nat Sci/Math: Not sure if Astronomy is the best one to take, ask around

CIS Electives: DSST MIIS is an elective you can use here, you cannot use it for the Sys Analysis and Design. I took the Penn Foster course for 2 credits ACE for that and it was a piece of cake. I don't know if it is still ACE approved. Check with TESC's registrar, do not trust the advisors.

Business in society: Most people take the DSST Business Ethics and Society test for this, not the TECEP. Its graded instantly and there is a ton of feedback on it.

Princples of Mgmt: most people take the CLEP

For the Accounting I&II: Take the SL course and not the CLEP or DSST. You use the same book for both courses so its worthwhile knocking them both out.

Business electives: FEMAs don't count, they are gen eds, ACC1501 I assume thats managerial accounting and that would work, you can also do DSST Intro To Business which is a piece of cake
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
ryoder cannot use it for the Sys Analysis and Design. I took the Penn Foster course for 2 credits ACE for that...

Is that the same class about which you state "Its too bad the PF sys design can no longer work at TESC." in this post?
Also, given my strong IT background would I be better served to do the CLEP Info Sys and Comp Apps for my 3 Natrual Science/Math credits?

H: Natural Sci/Math (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh from Nat Sci Dept; except the math dept.
CLEP: Info Sys & Comp Apps
TriscuiT Wrote:Also, given my strong IT background would I be better served to do the CLEP Info Sys and Comp Apps for my 3 Natrual Science/Math credits?

H: Natural Sci/Math (Not Started)
> Comp 3sh from Nat Sci Dept; except the math dept.
CLEP: Info Sys & Comp Apps

That sounds like a smart move on your part. According to the PDF it slots into the NatSciMath block. Just confirm with an advisor, of course. But I'm a bit paranoid, personally. Smile
Community-Supported Wiki(link approved by forum admin)

Complete: TESU BA Computer Science
2011-2013 completed all BSBA CIS requirements except 4 gen eds.
2013 switched major to CS, then took a couple years off suddenly.
2015-2017 finished the CS.

CCAF: AAS Comp Sci
CLEP (10): A&I Lit, College Composition Modular, College Math, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Management, Microecon, Sociology, Psychology, Info Systems
DSST (4): Public Speaking, Business Ethics, Finance, MIS

ALEKS (3): College Algebra, Trig, Stats
UMUC (3): Comparative programming languages, Signal & Image Processing, Analysis of Algorithms
TESU (11): English Comp, Business Law, Macroecon, Managerial Accounting, Strategic Mgmt (BSBA Capstone), C++, Data Structures, Calc I/II, Discrete Math, BA Capstone

Warning: BA Capstone is a thesis, mine was 72 pages about a cryptography topic

Wife pursuing Public Admin cert via CSU.
I just checked the ace site and it shows that the course is no longer offered.
I don't know for sure though.
I took it in February and it satisfied TESC's requirement for sys analysis.
PF also has a 1 credit systems design course which I took but it is 300 dollars and the 2 credit course will suffice.
You will have to call both Penn Foster and talk to the registrar at TESC to confirm if you can use this course.
If you don't have an ACE account, create one and take some time to learn how to do course searches on the site.

The CLEP Info Sys course fulfills the BSBA requirement for a computer class or could be used as a natural science requirement if you have something else that fits. Even the MIS DSST is considered a natural science course and I used it for my Nat Sci degree this year.

Structured Systems Analysis

Credit Type: Course
ACE Course Number: 0028
Organization: Penn Foster College
Location: Self-study.
Length: Correspondence program.
Dates Offered: 4/1/1991 - 5/31/2011
Objective: To provide knowledge of the System Development Life Cycle and the role of the system analyst and project manager with emphasis on documentation, scheduling, monitoring, and control.
Learning Outcome: Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to understand the basic development of an Information System Life Cycle; and describe the roles of the systems analyst and project manager.
Instruction: Major topics covered in the course are feasibility studies and needs assessment, systems planning, systems analysis, and project management. Methods of instruction include self-study, texts, study guides, and a proctored final examination.
Credit Recommendation: In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, 2 semester hours in Management Information Systems or Information Technology (6/94) (12/00).
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science
ryoder Wrote:I just checked the ace site and it shows that the course is no longer offered.

Do you mean the CLEP "Information Systems And Computer Applications"? I see that as still listed here.

Edit: I see that you were meaning the PF course.

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