11-09-2011, 07:30 PM
hi everyone ,
i just wanted to share wityh you all that ive take the defense language test and surprisingly recieved 20 hrs towards my ccaf. not a lot ofpeople know about this but its a great opportunity plus you get an extra 300 dlrs a ppay check if you pass with a 4 for certain languages and a 3 for others . these test are long and hard but definetly worth it . whta i did> request my scores from the defence language institute and mailed them to CCAF then about a month or so later i see credits . hopefully this helps someone get school credit or money ,
i just wanted to share wityh you all that ive take the defense language test and surprisingly recieved 20 hrs towards my ccaf. not a lot ofpeople know about this but its a great opportunity plus you get an extra 300 dlrs a ppay check if you pass with a 4 for certain languages and a 3 for others . these test are long and hard but definetly worth it . whta i did> request my scores from the defence language institute and mailed them to CCAF then about a month or so later i see credits . hopefully this helps someone get school credit or money ,