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Confusion on College Composition vs Modular
Hello, I have a few questions that hopefully someone here can clarify for me.

My understanding of the two is as follows, please correct me if I have read incorrectly:

College Composition consists of 50 multiple choice questions questions and then two mandatory essays which are then added (for a possible total of 12 points) to your multiple choice score to determine your final overall score.

The Modular test consists of 90 multiple choice questions which are graded immediately after taking the test, upon which you are given your score. The receiving institution then grades your optional essays and adds the extra points onto your multiple choice score. This essay can also NOT be taken, but the credits are then recommended at 3 instead of 6.

So, my questions are: Are the individual points for each multiple choice question then graded at a different scale in order to account for the increase/decrease in questions asked?

And, if you choose NOT to take the essay at all are the points then graded at an even different scale in order to account for the extra 12 points you would not be potentially receiving from the essay?

I hope I was able to explain that well enough.

Currently I have 3 college credits in a ENC101 class and potentially need 3 more for degree requirements. If it makes sense to logically take the test without the essay, I would obviously prefer that. However, if the essay just ends up being "free" points added on to the multiple choice portion, then I would see no reason for anyone to ever forgo the essay option.

Thank you for any information that could be provided.
Are you enrolled in a college or have an advisor you can ask regarding the grading questions?

I read that some colleges do not accept the modular one, so be sure you take the correct one for your college.
TESU BSBA General Mgmt 6/10/16 Wink
TESU: TECEP Public Relations Thought & Practice - 82
Penn Foster: Financial Mgmt 94, International Business 97, Strategic Mgmt 98, Corporate Finance 99, Consumer Behavior 95, Human Resource Mgmt 99
Saylor: Business Law & Ethics 82, Corporate Communication 76, Principles of Marketing 72
Sophia: Intro to Sociology 90, Conflict Resolution 87, Project Mgmt 88
Straighterline: Principles of Mgmt 94, Organizational Behavior 88, American Government 92
The Institutes: Ethics and the CPU Code of Professional Conduct (free 2 CR)

COSC - Associate of Science Honors General Studies 2014
COSC - Cornerstone - A
Straighterline: Into to Religions A, Business Ethics B, West. Civ. I B, Intro to Env. Science B
CLEP: A&I Literature - 69
Thanks for providing that link. You definitely can opt-out, after reading further on what you posted I think they must scale the scores differently because of these two sentences: "The resulting COMBINED score is reported as a single scaled score between
20 and 80. Separate scores are not reported for the multiple-choice and essay sections."

and the Modular reads: "The multiple-choice section is reported as a score between 20 and 80"

To me, that would mean that the scale is weighted differently in order to achieve a score closer to the 50 for passing without the mandatory essays.

Given that information, it would almost seem easier to me for anyone to take the modular essay, as your multiple choice scores are weighted higher, and then in addition you can still receive the same number of essay points as the non-modular.

I have tried talking to the institution I am interested in attending, however I've gotten multiple answers and I'm not sure they are use to these kinds of questions.
If you have already taken ENC 101, the modular exam may not help you. I believe the modular is equivalent to ENC 101. If you take the 6 credit College Composition, it is worth 101 and 102. What your school would do (if they accept the CLEP) would be to award 3 credits for the 6 credit exam since the first 3 credits would be duplicate, and the other 3 would be transcribed.

Double check with your adviser/registrar on how the credits is treated. What school are you currently attending?
CLEPS Passed: 10 DSST Passed: 11 TECEPS: 1

Don't waste time by trying to save time. The only sure way to complete your degree is to knock out credits quickly and efficiently.

Don't let easiness bite you in the rear. Know your endgame (where you want to be) and plan backward from there. Your education is a means to an end.

Be honest professionally, socially and academically. There are people (especially little ones) who look up to you and they're going by your example.

Be proud. Whether you're an Engineer or Fast Food worker, there is honor and dignity in hard work.

Picking on people weaker than you only proves that you are a weak person.
Not sure if this will help completely answer the OP's question, but College Composition Modular's score never changes - it is completely based on the multiple-choice questions! If (and this is a big IF) your school is one of the very rare ones who requires the optional essays for the College Composition Modular exam, they have the option of using the CLEP-supplied essays or their own. These completed essays are then forwarded back to the school for their own purposes.

In regards to all of the exams which offer optional essays, your score from the multiple-choice is available immediately upon completion the day of the exam and this score never changes. Whether your school requires or does not require the optional essays will never change that score.

Referring to the 3 vs 6 units for the College Composition Modular exam. All I can say is, it is completely up to your school how they award the units. I have heard of some school's who award 6 units for each of the lit exams, no matter whether there is a requirement to complete those optional essays or not. I have heard of others who only award 3 units (again, no matter what is required in regards to the essays).

Bottom line, check your school's CLEP policy. Confirm with your school's Registrar's Office.

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