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Confused And Ready To Give Up
Hello people,
I am still struggling with my final decision about choosing a major.
I am all over the board with my decision. I really wonder sometimes if many of us will be here after a couple of years still trying to work out the major we want whereas other go getters will be all done with their Masters leaving us poor folks in the dusthilarious

But before you start shaking your head in pity at the poor folks who can not make up their minds, let me remind you that some people get confused when they are faced with too many options. I happen to be a traveller in this particular boat. This does not mean that I am dumb or lazy. It just means I am plain confused:confused:

Anyway, the point of this long ramble is that - I need a kick in the buttBig Grin

No seriously. I am second guessing every desicion I am making.
After all the pondering- I went ahead and chose the liberal studies option on my TESC application. I was originally considering BSBA management or BS
So why in Gods name did I go and chose the Liberal studies option?
That my friends is exactly my point.
Maybe this place and this method of studies is NOT for confused people like me.
All you folks have done nothing but provide positive support and I feel as I am just wasting every ones time as well as mine and should just quit.
candothis Wrote:. . .
No seriously. I am second guessing every decision I am making.
After all the pondering- I went ahead and chose the liberal studies option on my TESC application. I was originally considering BSBA management or BS
So why in Gods name did I go and chose the Liberal studies option?
That my friends is exactly my point.
Maybe this place and this method of studies is NOT for confused people like me.
All you folks have done nothing but provide positive support and I feel as I am just wasting every ones time as well as mine and should just quit.

Why not complete a liberal studies degree, THEN go on to a Master's program? By that point, you'll probably have a better idea what directions interest you.

In the bigger picture, at the BA and AA levels the major is less important than actually finishing the degree. You're doing yourself more harm than good by raking yourself over the coals on this one. It's certainly not the most productive use of your energy at this point.
candothis Wrote:Hello people,
I am still struggling with my final decision about choosing a major.
I am all over the board with my decision. I really wonder sometimes if many of us will be here after a couple of years still trying to work out the major we want whereas other go getters will be all done with their Masters leaving us poor folks in the dusthilarious

But before you start shaking your head in pity at the poor folks who can not make up their minds, let me remind you that some people get confused when they are faced with too many options. I happen to be a traveller in this particular boat. This does not mean that I am dumb or lazy. It just means I am plain confused:confused:

Anyway, the point of this long ramble is that - I need a kick in the buttBig Grin

No seriously. I am second guessing every desicion I am making.
After all the pondering- I went ahead and chose the liberal studies option on my TESC application. I was originally considering BSBA management or BS
So why in Gods name did I go and chose the Liberal studies option?
That my friends is exactly my point.
Maybe this place and this method of studies is NOT for confused people like me.
All you folks have done nothing but provide positive support and I feel as I am just wasting every ones time as well as mine and should just quit.

My guess is that this is not the first time you have experienced trouble making a decision--and likely won't be the last. So, I will leave the butt-kicking request to someone else and just share two decision-making methods that you may find helpful for this decision and others.

1. Pros and Cons

This method is as old as the hills and I'm sure you've heard about it--and maybe even tried it. Simply listing the pros and cons can be very helpful. Now, I suspect that you're thinking, "But I don't even know what they are. What if I'm wrong about the pros or miss a really important con?? I don't know what I don't know!!" Well--my #2 will help a little with that, but do yourself a favor and try this:

Set aside one to two hours wherein you'll do nothing but think about this problem and write down all the pros and cons you can think of for each major. Resolve that you will live with your decision and DON'T LOOK BACK.

2. I often find it helpful to turn a problem around when I'm trying to make a decision. In this case, instead of trying to figure out which major is "correct" or "best"--ask yourself, "What is the worst thing that could happen to me if I pick the "wrong" major?" And, since you have this wonderful forum--you could ask people something along the lines of, "How many of you graduates or near-graduates wish you had chosen a different major, and why?" I don't expect you would get many, if any responses. If I'm right, that'll show you that it's not that big of a deal (which in the vast majority of cases, it's not. If you knew what you wanted to do with your degree, you would know what major(s) would be most useful. Since it appears that you, like most people, don't know exactly what you want to do, liberal studies is as good an option as any). If I'm wrong, then you'll have even more information to help you make the best decision.

IMHO, what you need to do is collect as much information as possible (likely already done) put it all together to the best of your ability, make a decision and DON'T LOOK BACK. Reading this forum will steer you clear of most serious mistakes.

If I had this to do over again, I would have exchanged almost half of the time I spent deciding and redeciding and hand-wringing and checking and double-checking for CLEP study time. I probably could have knocked off three or more months in completing my degree by just studying the flashcards instead of wondering if I should take a cheap keyboarding class for easy credit (and calling and writing the school and setting up an account and trying to get the book for a good price and all the other time-suckers that involves).

Well, I said I wasn't the one to provide the butt-kicking--and I'm not, but see if these quotes help:

"It is not always what we know or analyzed before we make a decision that makes it a great decision. It is what we do after we make the decision to implement and execute it that makes it a good decision.”

William Pollard

“When you approach a problem, strip yourself of preconceived opinions and prejudice, assemble and learn the facts of the situation, make the decision which seems to you to be the most honest, and then stick to it”

Chester Bowles

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure--the process, is its own reward.”

Amelia Earhart
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
You could quit. Many people do. In fact, over 50% of the people who start a degree never finish.

That's one option, and I'm not going to talk you out of it for the same reason I wouldn't try and talk you into it- you have to do the work and only you know if your up to it.

So, it seems to me that you have 2 choices.

A) Earn a degree in something.

B) Don't earn a degree in anything.

Statistics prove that your income potential is higher WITH a degree. So, I would argue that it's better to have a degree in underwater basket weaving than to have no degree. Statistics also show that people who drop out of college earn no more than someone who never went to college.

IF you decide to earn a degree, you really only have to decide

A) Business

B) Not business

Both have general electives, but the business requires a core and concentration in one direction while a non-business degree goes in another direction.

I'll point out some differences:
business requires more of your "left brain" thinking. You'll have to study finance, statistics, pre-calc math, and some accounting. Business graduates are usually higher paid, and you can probably find work as a graduate without going into an MBA program. Successful business people have what's called "business acumen" which you can google. It means you are a little more competitive, a little more aggressive, and a little more driven than your average Joe. You strive for success and to come out on top.

non-business allows for more "right brain" intuitive thinking. You'll study social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences with only a single math course. The liberal arts attempt to "educate" you rather than "train" you for a career. Often you'll need to go to graduate school in order to do the job of your undergrad major (a psychologist, a professor, a scientist, etc) Liberal arts people are thinkers. They love learning and understanding the bigger picture. They appreciate art and culture. They think about people and our society. They contemplate.

Most people can say "that's me" to one of the above. I think you should go with the one that is a better fit, not the one you think you should become.

Finally, LISTEN to some of the advise you are getting. It's good! It's sound.

Barcotta wrote :
IMHO, what you need to do is collect as much information as possible (likely already done) put it all together to the best of your ability, make a decision and DON'T LOOK BACK. Reading this forum will steer you clear of most serious mistakes.

If I had this to do over again, I would have exchanged almost half of the time I spent deciding and redeciding and hand-wringing and checking and double-checking for CLEP study time. I probably could have knocked off three or more months in completing my degree by just studying the flashcards instead of wondering if I should take a cheap keyboarding class for easy credit (and calling and writing the school and setting up an account and trying to get the book for a good price and all the other time-suckers that involves).

You should read it twice. It's spot on. Petedude also gave you great advise- he said to worry about your "specialty" in your grad degree. I couldn't agree more. On the road through your bachelor's degree, you will gain skills and exposure that better qualify you to consider grad school options. Simply, you'll probably know what you like and what your good at by the time your done with your bachelor's degree.

Sorry I'm feeling a little long winded, but I have a question for you now. Is "this" the big huge important decision that your letting derail your entire future?
Here are 2 more cents, and that's probably all it's really worth but here I go. What your major is in is all relative to your situation. I read people on hear that look down on a degree in Liberal Studies but I think it is a great plan. I am 7 classes from a BSLA from EC. I am 41 and I have been an aircraft mechanic or supervisor my entire adult life. my current manager told me if I want to move up, I need a degree. It doesn''t matter what it is in, I just need a piece of paper to go with my experience. If I were wanting to move into a new career field, I would probably need a more specialized degree. I will not encourage my kids to go my route because they will just be starting out. What I amtrying to say, is that it is all relative to your personal situation.


Now it's only worth about 1 cent the way the market is going. I should have typed faster!!!

Hey, these are some of my favorite posts to date...y'all are really helping to put it all in perspective. Candothis, I have been agonizing over this too, so I feel your pain. I'm starting to wake up to the reality that this particular choice will be a good one no matter what it is. I hope you stick with it. Smile
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkBlue"]B.S., Biology, Excelsior College
Well said Jennifer. Well said.

Now if only I was so eloquent Rolleyes
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
Aw shucks you guys- You don't even let a person give up in peaceSmile

I knew I could count on you people for a good kick in the BUTTWink
This is just what I needed to hear and then some!

It feels good to have people on your back who refuse to let you give up.

Micheal - your quotes were totally inspirational. I have printed them out and I am hanging them up for a quick check on reality when self doubt kicks in.

Jennifer- your post should be added to the instantcert homepage or something. It would help others like me snap out of their dilemma sooner rather than later. The left brain, right brain theory is priceless and spot on.

Petedude and dc67- thanks for your words of encouragement.

I have no doubt that there are others on this board (you know who you are)
who like me are stuck in a rut.
And like me I hope your advise is helping them to move on with SOMETHING rather than letting precious time go by just struggling with decisions.

Like Sunshine said

Hey, these are some of my favorite posts to date...y'all are really helping to put it all in perspective

I'll keep you all posted on where I am with all this...
So long
If u were my kid, I'd give u some very simple advice.

Go the cookderosa route!

Burn rubber through the BA, and do the Harvard Extension. (u can actually work on them concurrently!)

Won't matter what your BA is in. Although, I would get it in something rather than Liberal Studies. U could have your Masters from Harvard in a few short years from now.

Your opportunities will be limitless. No other route offers that kind of versatility.


Your resume will go straight to the top of EVERY pile. If you have any kind of people skills, you should have extreme success in whatever career you should choose (and you have a myriad of choices).
[U][U]A pass is a pass![/U][/U]

CLEP Passed
Social Science & History (6)
English Comp w/Essay (6)
A & I Literature (6)
Biology (6)
Natural Science (6)
Intro to Psychology (3)
Intro to Sociology (3)
Intro to Educational Psychology (3)
Human Growth & Development (3)
American Government (3)

DSST Passed
Drug & Alcohol Abuse (3)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Intro to Computing (3)
Technical Writing (3)
Astronomy (3)
Counseling (3)

Research Methods in Psychology (3)
Cultural Diversity (3)

FEMA (25)
NFA (3)

***Admitted to Wayne State University Law School
DetroitSki Wrote:If u were my kid, I'd give u some very simple advice.

Go the cookderosa route!

Burn rubber through the BA, and do the Harvard Extension. (u can actually work on them concurrently!)

Won't matter what your BA is in. Although, I would get it in something rather than Liberal Studies. U could have your Masters from Harvard in a few short years from now.

Your opportunities will be limitless. No other route offers that kind of versatility.


Your resume will go straight to the top of EVERY pile. If you have any kind of people skills, you should have extreme success in whatever career you should choose (and you have a myriad of choices).

I don't know Detroit, how do you REALLY feel?

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