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tsimmns Wrote:I emailed them earlier and for once it was a quick reply. I forgot to mention I'm under the 2015 catalog. They did go ahead and approve Principles of Supervision and Intro to Computer Information Systems into Business Electives. I'm still waiting to decide on the other courses needed in the AOS, but this has given me options to ponder at least.
Can't see the picture, you may want to copy/paste the text into the thread instead.
And for your catalog, are you saying you're on the 2014-2015, or the 2015-2016?
There's changes between the two and I don't recall what was different.
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Wait, am I understanding you correctly in that not each 3/4 requirements from the list needs to be UL? You're saying from what I'm gathering is that I could have a LL MKTG and ACCY classto meet the 3 out of 4 requirement and take the rest as UL MGMT classes? If that's the case then I've been going about the process of gathering classes all wrong. And I apologize for the blurry photo as I'm on my phone, I'll try and type the information in tomorrow while at work.
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tsimmns Wrote:Wait, am I understanding you correctly in that not each 3/4 requirements from the list needs to be UL? You're saying from what I'm gathering is that I could have a LL MKTG and ACCY classto meet the 3 out of 4 requirement and take the rest as UL MGMT classes? If that's the case then I've been going about the process of gathering classes all wrong. And I apologize for the blurry photo as I'm on my phone, I'll try and type the information in tomorrow while at work.
12cr out of the AOS has to be UL. It can be any 12cr. So if MKT and ACC courses are LL, but the MAN courses are UL, that's fine. No requirements on WHICH courses need to be UL.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers DSST Computers, Pers Fin CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats Ed4Credit Acct 2 PF Fin Mgmt ALEKS Int & Coll Alg Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics Kaplan PLA
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tsimmns Wrote:Wait, am I understanding you correctly in that not each 3/4 requirements from the list needs to be UL? You're saying from what I'm gathering is that I could have a LL MKTG and ACCY classto meet the 3 out of 4 requirement and take the rest as UL MGMT classes? If that's the case then I've been going about the process of gathering classes all wrong. And I apologize for the blurry photo as I'm on my phone, I'll try and type the information in tomorrow while at work.
Yes, it's as dfrecore explained. Now you can update your plan accordingly.
"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry
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05-03-2017, 12:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 12:32 PM by tsimmns.)
Here is my evaluation, however I can't seem to find a spreadsheet for the 2015 catalog. Here is my evaluation though, sorry for it not being in a pretty format at the moment. I think the first thing is do like bricabrac said and move the LLM course into Business Electives and knock the CIS class out. Then take ACCY 151 from SL that transfers into TESU as ACCY 201 Intermediate Accounting. That leaves me only a MKTG class and finish out with the UL MAN classes. I about to finish World Religion at along with the Principles of Supervision, so that will knock out 6 more hours for me. After that, I plan to focus on English II and the Principles of Finance there. It's been a long process, but I can see the end.
1: BSBA General Education (60 SH) (In progress)
SH Earned: 56 Complete all 4 subrequirements:
A: IntellecSkill 18 SH (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
For TESU course options, go to Intellectual and Practical Skills Cour ses
SH Earned: 18
ENC-101 3 SH *must earn a grade of C or better (Complete)
English Composition I
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 ENGL101 English Composition 12/01/01 B 3.00 ENC-101
ENC-102 3 SH *must earn a grade of C or better (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
English Composition II
6 ENGL102 Effectiveness in Writing 02/22/22 --- ( 3.00) ENC-102
MAT-121 OR MAT-119 3 SH (Complete)
College Algebra OR Quantitative Business Analysis
2 MATH121 College Algebra 05/01/02 C 3.00 MAT-121
STA-201 3 SH (Complete)
2 BUS230 Economic Statistics I 05/01/04 D 3.00 STA-211
MAN-373 3 SH (Complete)
Business/Managerial Communications
2 BUS271 Business Communication 05/01/03 C 3.00 COM-300
Intellectual and Practical Skills Electives 3 SH (Complete)
2 MATH267 Cal for Bus Econ & Accy I 05/01/03 B 3.00 MAT-231
B: Pers/Socl Resp 9 SH (In progress)
For TESU course options, go to Personal & Social Responsibility Cours es
SH Earned: 5
Diversity or Global Literacy 3 SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
7 SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology 08/01/16 CR 3.00 SOC-101
Responsible Ethical Leadership 3 SH (In progress)
4 PHI-384 Ethics & Business Professional 10/19/15 CR 2.00 PHI-384
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
1 credit needed
Personal and Social Responsibility Elective 3 SH (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
C: HumClt/PhysWrld 15SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to Human Cultures & the Physical and Natur al World Courses
SH Earned: 15
ECO-111 3 SH (Complete)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 ECON203 Prin of MacRo 05/01/04 D 3.00 ECO-111
ECO-112 3 SH (Complete)
2 ECON202 Prin of Economics II 12/01/03 D 3.00 ECO-112
Interdisciplinary 9 SH (Complete)
SH Earned: 9
2 POL271 Intro to Criminal Justice Syst 12/01/02 B 3.00 AOJ-102
2 THEA201 Apprec of Theatre 12/01/01 B 3.00 THA-101
2 MUS234 University Band 05/01/03 A 2.00 MUS-199
5 ELT1210 Basic Elec Princ Ckts 09/05/12 CR 1.00 ELE-111
D: Gen Ed Elect 18 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to General Education Elective Courses< /a>
SH Earned: 18
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 MUS233 University Band 12/01/02 A 2.00 MUS-115
2 BISC103 Inquiry Into Life Laboratory I 05/01/02 B 1.00 BIO-199
2 MUS133 University Band 12/01/01 A 2.00 MUS-110
2 MUS334 University Band 05/01/04 B 2.00 MUS-399
2 MUS333 University Band 12/01/03 B 2.00 MUS-399
2 SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II 05/01/04 D 3.00 SPA-102
2 SPAN101 Elementary Spanish 12/01/03 D 3.00 SPA-101
2 BISC102 Survey of Biology I 05/01/02 D 3.00 BIO-101
2: Core (27sh) (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
SH Earned: 26 Complete all 8 subrequirements:
A: Accounting 6 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to ACC-101 Princi ples of Financial Accounting
AND ACC -102 Principles of Managerial Accounting
SH Earned: 6
Group 1 (Complete)
SH Earned: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
1 ACC1213 Principles of Accounting I 08/01/02 B 3.00 ACC-101
1 ACC1223 Principles of Accounting II 08/01/02 D 3.00 ACC-102
B: Business Law 3 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to LAW-201 Busi ness Law
!! Exception req met
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 BUS250 Legal Environment of Business 12/01/02 B 2.00 LAW-201
C: Computers 3 SH (Complete)
Choose an introduction course in: Information Systems; Computer Literacy; Computing w/applications such as Word Processing, Sprea dsheets, Databases.
For TESU course options, please contact an Advisor
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 MIS241 Management Information Systems 12/01/02 B 3.00 CIS-110
D: Finance 3 SH (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
For TESU course options, go to FIN-301 Prin ciples of Finance
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 FIN-301 Principles of Finance 02/22/22 --- ( 3.00) FIN-301
E: Management 3 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to MAN-301 Prin ciples of Management
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 MGMT371 Prin of Management 12/01/08 A 3.00 MAN-301
F: Marketing 3 SH (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to MAR-301 Intr oduction to Marketing
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
2 MKTG351 Marketing Principles 12/01/08 B 3.00 MAR-301
G: Business/Society 3SH (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
For TESU course options, go to MAN-372 Internat ional Management
OR BUS-311 Business in Soc iety
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
3 MAN-371 International Business 02/22/22 --- ( 3.00) MAN-371
H: Strategic Mngt 3 SH (Complete)
This Capstone course must be taken at Thomas Edison State University or via an approved Thomas Edison State University Academic P rogram Review.
For TESU course options, go to BUS-421 Strategic Management
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
4 BUS-421 Strategic Management 07/12/16 CR 3.00 BUS-421
3: General Mngt (18SH: 12SH must be upper level) (In progress)
SH Earned: 6 GPA Achieved/Needed: 3.000 / 2.000 Complete both subrequirements:
A: GMS Required 9 SH (In progress)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete three courses (one course from three of the following four areas)
**At least 12 semester hours within the ent ire Specialization must be at the 300/400 level.
SH Earned: 3
Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
Group 2 (Not started)
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits
Group 3 (Complete)
2 MGMT383 Human Resource Management 12/01/11 B 3.00 HRM-331
B: GMS Elective Area (In progress)
*must earn grades of C/CR or better
Complete 9 more Semester Hours (SH) from any assortment of the areas below.
**At least 12 semester hours within the entire Sp ecialization must be at the 300/400 level.
SH Earned: 3
Group 1 (Not started)
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
Group 2 (In progress)
5 LMM1101 Leadership Management I 01/10/10 CR 3.00 HRM-215
______ _______________ _________________________ __________ _______ _______ __________
3 credits needed
4: Business Electives (9sh) (Pending completion of unfinished activity)
Complete 9 SH from accounting, banking, business, computer applications, computer information systems, finance, management, hotel /motel/restaurant management, insurance, operations management, public administration, real estate, law, marketing, and retailing m anagement, fundraising.
For TESU course options, please cont act an Advisor
!! Exception uner 1 sh core take 10 sh
SH Earned: 10
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
5 EDP2183 Adv Computer Networking 09/05/12 CR 3.00 CAP-181
5 LMM1102 Managerial Communications I 01/10/10 CR 1.00 MAN-273
3 CIS-102 Intro to Computer Info S 02/02/22 --- ( 3.00) CIS-102
3 MAN-201 Principles of Supervision 02/02/22 --- ( 3.00) MAN-201
5: Free Electives (6sh) (Complete)
For TESU course options, go to Elective Courses
SH Earned: 6
Source Course Title Term Grade SH TESU # Notes
5 ELT1712 Basic Solid State Theory 09/05/12 CR 3.00 ELT-200
5 AVI1707 Fund of Avi Systems 06/05/14 CR 3.00 ELA-202