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Completed 12 Straighterline Courses in 30 days!
spatton713 Wrote:has anyone taken these 2 courses on straighterline? how long did it take and how easy or hard was it many tests are there? What all schools have you guys successfully transfered these courses to?

Hey Spatton,

I took the general calculus course. Interestingly (and not shown on my signature), my first two courses were the ECE Intro to Psychology and Calculus I, both of which I got a 'B' grade for during the free beta testing. This was back in 2008, but such is life Smile

What maths do you know so far?

What calculus do you know so far?

Before I went into this course, I was all up on precalculus, linear algebra, and calculus up to calc 3 (geometrical/differential equations - linear algebra + calc) plus a whole load of other interest maths modules include number theory, analysis and propositional/predicate/modal logic. And I only got an approximate passing 70% with SL because I didn't practice as much as I should have.

The point is, if you're familiar with the material, you'll be fine. If you can afford to take your time, you'll especially be good. I had a load of group theory and stuff and beacause I had forgotten the basics, calculus was harder than it needed to be. As long as you get your practice problems in, you will pass.

Any advice from oe500 is particularly relevant as he's going for a maths major. Ultimately, check the syllabus and practice the hell out of the questions and you'll be fine.

Good luck!
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Excelsior College 2012
Master of Arts in International Relations, Staffordshire University, UK - in progress

All courses taken, 12 credits applied
A&I Literature (74), Intro Sociology (72), Info Systems and Computer Apps (67), Humanities (70), English Literature (65), American Literature (51), Principles of Mangement (65), Principles of Marketing (71)
Management Information Systems (469), Intro to Computing (461)
Excelsior College
Information Literacy, International Terrorism (A), Contemporary Middle East History (A), Discrete Structures (A), Social Science Capstone (A)
GRE Subject Test
Psychology (93rd percentile, 750 scaled score)
English Composition I&II, Economics I&II, Accounting I&II, General Calculus I, Business Communication

Progress history[/SIZE]
29Palms, your best bet would email or call and ask. As far as I know, they only accept credit card payments.

But after all, they are a business. I wouldn't see why they wouldn't take cash if you mailed it to them....

Certification (ACA) University of Central Florida
B.A. (Social Sciences) Thomas Edison State University
Hi Chiquitacobbe,
Congratulations to all SL candidates, who accomplished their goals in such a short time.

I started the ENG Comp 1 as well, did the first quiz so far and felt overwhelmed, not sure whether I want to do it. I left school many years ago. You started not too long ago and have accomplished a lot. I would like to get done soon, but seem to be stuck. I think I should follow your example, try to get the quizzes out of the way then focus on the essays.
Congratulations, I know it was really hard work, but you pushed through it. I wish i could do it as well. I just started Eng Comp1 and feels overwhelmed. What tips can you give on Eng Comp 1&11? What other courses, in your opinion was easiest/easier?
What courses did you sit?
kumare Wrote:Hi Chiquitacobbe,
Congratulations to all SL candidates, who accomplished their goals in such a short time.

I started the ENG Comp 1 as well, did the first quiz so far and felt overwhelmed, not sure whether I want to do it. I left school many years ago. You started not too long ago and have accomplished a lot. I would like to get done soon, but seem to be stuck. I think I should follow your example, try to get the quizzes out of the way then focus on the essays.

Hi Kumare-
There are a total of 14 graded quizes, I just completed the 7th one last night. I think my first writing assignment of a paragraph is coming up. I have been following the straighterline presentation and taking notes and also reading through the OWL. One thing I noticed that helps alot are the games (crossword puzzles, matching, jumble) I write down all the questions for the crossword puzzle and the answers to help with definitions and then reset the puzzle and keep going until I have all the defintions. Also, taking some notes during the lesson helps. Stick with it and take your time. I am very nervous about the writing portion. So I'm trying to score as high as I can on the quizzes to keep my grade high. I'll keep you posted and please keep me posted on your progress as well.
Hi Chiquitacobbe,
Thanks I will keep in contact with you. I am 'dreadding' starting up again, but I know I have to do it.
Doctor H Wrote:Business Communication is a breeze. Its a very easy course. Good Luck!!! Macro and Micro are marathon courses, ie. veeeeeery lengthy. But if I did it, so can you.

How long did it take you to complete the two courses? On a scale of 1-10, how difficult was it? Is there math involved? I am so bad at math and want to take the college algebra course to get my CCAF AAS in Logistics.
what classes did you take i am looking for some assistance My email is Thank you.

Just a reminder, SL is now "tagging" people who are quick workers and requiring them to re-take their final exams with a proctor.
SL FOR SURE has people here who read this forum, I'd re-think posting in this thread.
In attempts to improve academic integrity StraighterLine will require any course purchased on or after November 1st to use proctoring for each course's final exam. This only affects courses purchased on or after November 1st, 2012. Pricing for the $99 subscription model currently requires a one-time $39 registration fee. It will raise to $49 to accommodate the cost. Pricing models for $399 a la carte and $999 Freshman year will see no pricing changes. CEO Burck Smith wrote a letter with the full announcement and details and can be viewed here: StraighterLine’s New Online Proctoring Policy | Burck Smith's CEO Corner

While we reserve the right to identify cheaters and deal with them accordingly the change is meant more to set a standard for future students. You do not need to worry about us "tagging" you for posting in this forum. Nor are we saying completing lots of courses in a short period of time is going to automatically flag you.

If you're curious why we are posting here, the volume of questions about our upcoming change has prompted the need to directly address your concerns here.

cookderosa Wrote:Just a reminder, SL is now "tagging" people who are quick workers and requiring them to re-take their final exams with a proctor.
SL FOR SURE has people here who read this forum, I'd re-think posting in this thread.

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