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Class Suggestions witih list

I'm looking to attend TESU. I have 24 credits to complete and they've sent me a list of options so I can finish. Can anyone provide me some insight of what the easier classes are? A couple TECEP's are ok, however I am looking to pad my GPA a bit. I transferred a lot of graded classes in.


According to your evaluation, the following requirements remain for the BA in Social Sciences:

Intellectual and Practical Skills Elective (1 course needed)
Quote:Introduction to Mass Communication I (COM-120)
Introduction to Mass Communication II (COM-121)
Public Speaking (COM-209)
Public Relations: Thought and Practice (COM-210) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
Interpersonal Communication (COM-330)
Elements of Intercultural Communication (COM-335)
Managerial Communications (MAN-373) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Leadership Communications (MAN-376)
Marketing Communications (MAR-321-TE) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
Computer Concepts and Applications (CIS-107) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Management Information Systems (CIS-301)
Database Management (CIS-311)
System Analysis and Design I (CIS-320)
Introduction to Computers (COS-101)
C Programming (COS-116)
Assembly Language (COS-231)
Data Structures (COS-241)
Fundamentals of Information Technology (CMP-202)
Network Technology (CMP-354-TE) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Programmable Logic Controllers (CTR-212)
DC Circuits (ELE-211)
AC Circuits (ELE-212)
Technical Writing (ENG-201) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Introduction to News Reporting (JOU-110) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
News Writing (JOU-352)
Applied Liberal Arts Mathematics (MAT-105) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Intermediate Algebra (MAT-115)
Quantitative Business Analysis (MAT-119)
College Algebra (MAT-121) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Precalculus (MAT-129)
Calculus I (MAT-231)
Calculus II (MAT-232)
Discrete Mathematics (MAT-270)
History of Mathematics (MAT-301)
Linear Algebra (MAT-321)
Calculus III (MAT-331)
Calculus IV (MAT-332)
Mathematical Modeling (MAT-351)
College Geometry (MAT-361)
Introduction to Critical Reasoning (PHI-130-TE) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
Living in the Information Age (SOS-110)
Principles of Statistics (STA-201) This is also offered as a TECEP exam

Responsible Ethical Leadership Courses (1 course needed)

Quote:Environmental Ethics (ETH-210) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
Contemporary Ethics Humanities (PHI-286)
Ethics and the Business Professional (PHI-384)
Biomedical Ethics (PHI-475)
Ethics in the Social Sciences (SOS-450)

Personal and Social Responsibility Elective (1 course needed)

Quote:Introduction to Anthropology (ANT-101)
Elements of Intercultural Communication (COM-335)
World Geography (GOG-230)
Global Issues in Society (GLB-301)
Leadership in a Global Environment (LDR-422)
World History from 1600 to Present (HIS-126) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
American Civil Rights Movement (HIS-210)
Introduction to Chinese History and Culture (HIS-261)
African History and Culture (HIS-301)
African American History (HIS-306)
International Relations I (POS-315)
Conflict in International Relations (POS-420)
Introduction to Comparative Politics (POS-282) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
Psychology of Women (PSY-270) This is only offered as a TECEP exam
An Introduction to Islam (REL-275)
Introduction to World Religions (REL-405)
Eastern Religions (REL-406)
Western Religions (REL-407)
Introduction to Sociology (SOC-101) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Marriage and the Family (SOC-210) This is also offered as a TECEP exam
Cultural Diversity in the United States (SOC-322)

General Education Electives (2credits required)
Quote:General Education Electives can be completed with any course from the General Education course list which is not a duplicate of a course which has already been taken or is required for the degree. To complete exactly 2 credits, we recommend taking PLA-100 Intro to Prior Learning Assessment (1 credit, 4 weeks) and ENG-298 Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice (1 credit). If you would like to choose a 3 credit course to complete this requirement of a topic which you would enjoy more, the General Education Course List can be found here: Thomas Edison State University | General Education Courses - 2015 or Before

Social Science Area of Study (2 courses needed)
Quote:The social science area of study consists of 30 credits of required coursework and several stipulations which must be met using these 30 credits.
a minimum of 15 credits must be upper level (300/400 level) coursework (currently 12 credits of upper level coursework is applying, so at least one of the final courses must be 300/400 level)
a minimum of 12 credits of one subject must be completed (not to exceed 18 credits of the same subject)
currently 9 credits of history is applying, 6 credits of psychology. all other subjects have only 3 credits. So the final two courses must both be psychology courses or, one must be a history and the other can be from another subject.
a maximum of 6 credits of 100 level coursework can apply
this has been met. Of the final 2 courses, one must be upper level and the other can be 200, 300, or 400.
Course options:
White Collar Crime (AOJ-303)
Victimology and Criminal Behavior (AOJ-381)
Public Policy, Crime and Criminal Justice (AOJ-484)
Western Civilization I (HIS-101)
Western Civilization II (HIS-102)
American History I (HIS-113)
American Civil Rights Movement (HIS-210)
American Civil War (HIS-235)
Introduction to Chinese History and Culture (HIS-261)
African History and Culture (HIS-301)
African American History (HIS-306)
The Middle East (HIS-310)
War and American Society (HIS-356) 6 credit course
Dialogues on the Experience of War: War and Reintegration (HIS-425) 6 credit course
Critical Thinking for Homeland Security (HLS-355)
Counterterrorism: Constitutional and Legislative Issues (HLS-410)
Homeland Security: Preparedness, Prevention and Deterrence (HLS-420)
Protecting the Homeland: Response & Recovery (HLS-429)
Homeland Security Capstone (HLS-498)
Developmental Psychology (PSY-211)
Thanatology: An Understanding of Death and Dying (PSY-300)
Worlds of Childhood (PSY-317)
Research in Experimental Psychology (PSY-322)
Introduction to Counseling (PSY-331)
Abnormal Psychology (PSY-350)
Psychology of Personality (PSY-352)
Organizational Theory (PSY-360)
Physiological Psychology (PSY-374)
Social Psychology (PSY-379) 6 credit course
History and Systems of Psychology (PSY-400)
Constitutional Issues (POS-310)
International Relations I (POS-315)
Conflict in International Relations (POS-420)
Developmental Psychology (PSY-211)
Thanatology: An Understanding of Death and Dying (PSY-300)
Worlds of Childhood (PSY-317)
Research in Experimental Psychology (PSY-322)
Introduction to Counseling (PSY-331)
Abnormal Psychology (PSY-350)
Psychology of Personality (PSY-352)
Organizational Theory (PSY-360)
Physiological Psychology (PSY-374)
Social Psychology (PSY-379) 6 credit course
History and Systems of Psychology (PSY-400)
Juvenile Delinquency (SOC-242)
Criminology (SOC-291)
Social Gerontology (SOC-315)
Cultural Diversity in the United States (SOC-322)
Complex Organizations (SOC-361)
Sociology of Work (SOC-362)
Women and Social Action (SOC-376)
Gangs (SOC-384)
Modern Sociological Foundations (SOC-387)
Contemporary Sociological Theory (SOC-417)
The Management of Stress and Tension (SOS-320)
Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business and Beyond (SOS-360)
Challenges in U.S. and Global Public Health (SOS-370)
Deliberative Democracy and Social Action (SOS-425)
Terrorism (SOS-440)
Ethics in the Social Sciences (SOS-450)
Research Methods in Social Sciences (SOS-492)

LIB-495 Liberal Arts Capstone
recommend taking in the final term and if possible, as the only course for the term

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