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Where to begin? (help is apprecaited greatly)
Im 21 and have been out of HS for 3 years.
Im in the USAF and want to get commissioned.
Trying to figure out what cleps to take (im currently deployed but will be back in state next month)
I want to get a Science degree of some sort. Heck, even an English or Physocology. (these are the fields i love). Im pretty much shooting to be a Pilot or back in the career field i am currently in.
I found a spreadsheet of the degrees they PREFER you have to get into the career of Pilot and my CURRENT field, but this does not mean i need that degree to achieve this. I know pilots/officers in my career with history, english, and even biology.
they are:
Science, Physical

The schools offered at my base back home are
•The University of South Carolina - Sumter
•Saint Leo University
•Webster University
•Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
•Central Carolina Technical College

i want to do as many CLEPS or DANTES i can do get the credits needed to achieve my commissioned the fasted i can.

for my CCAF here is what i need:

Degree Requirements Required Completed Needed
Physical Education 4.00 4.00 0.00
Technical Education 24.00 17.00 7.00
Technical Core (Minimum 12 SH) 12.00 - 24.00 17.00
Technical Elective (Maximum 12 SH) 0 - 12.00 0.00
Management (LMMS) 6.00 0.00 6.00
Program Elective 15.00 0.00 15.00
General Education 15.00 0.00 15.00
Oral Communication 3.00 0.00 3.00
Written Communication 3.00 0.00 3.00
Mathematics 3.00 0.00 3.00
Social Science 3.00 0.00 3.00
Humanities 3.00 0.00 3.00
Totals: 64.00 21.00 43.00
sidenote: ive already taken ENG121 - ACADEMIC WRITING I (online class) but havent gotten the credit transferred over yet.

thanks so much for your help in advance!
One of the frequent posters, Dcan, has gone... well, I'd say the extra mile, but it's much more than that, and created a wiki page that augments this forum. You might want to search wiki from the search box at the top of this page, and you'll find the link. Once there, look for the degree plans. Many of the plans followed by your fellow posters are there in one place. Good luck.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
thanks for the reply. has any1 here gotten a commissioned by using this method?
Dthom, Check out TESC's web site. I thought that one of the peopole who told his story was in the military. Also, and I may be showing my age, what about Officer's Candidate's School? Back in the day, I thought that enlisted could become officers that way, and then had to get a batchelors degree within a certain period of time after getting their commissions. It would seem that if you had a TESC degree, you could apply to OCS.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
If you don't have your math classes for your degree may I suggest ALEX (ALEC) an internet site where you pay 20.00 per month to actually get the course done. They have a free trial and I suggest you check it out. If you like the format many of the members here have done most, if not all of their math requirements for college, including statistics. If you have a strong math background, you can complete several courses within a month and have them transferred via ACE transcript.

As for CLEP suggestions I always like the six hour courses (two classes for the price of one test), Biology, Humanities, English Lit, American Lit. If you need social sciences, Intro to Psych and Intro to Sociology are both quick and easy. If you need actual science courses with labs, check out Straighterline. I just did the second semester of Freshman English via Straighterline and it is ACE accredited.

Of course, like everyone here would tell you, check out the school you are interested in graduating from and make sure how many credits they will transfer over from tests alone, and include asking about ACE credit. TESC has a very good policy for the military personnel by giving them instate tuition. They transfer over everything. I am currently enrolled with TESC.

Best of luck in your career as a pilot.
A.S. General Transfer Chattanooga State 2009
B.S.L.A. Thomas Edison State College June 7, 2013
i have to decided i would like to get my Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
through Excelsior!
here is the outline for my degree through them

now where do i start? where do i go for the cleps? are they online or do i have to go to my education office on base?
dthom Wrote:here is the outline for my degree through them

now where do i start? where do i go for the cleps? are they online or do i have to go to my education office on base?

They are proctored exams and are not online so you'll have to go through the education office on base. You could also take them at most colleges and universities too. As for which one to start with, that's up to you because there is not set order. I'd recommend taking those involving subjects you feel strongest in first. Check out this page of DF Wiki for help in studying: Study Guides - Degree Forum Wiki
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.

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