07-08-2008, 02:06 PM
Today, the registrar's office at COSC told me that they are no longer going to be counting the Dantes exam into your GPA. It will simply be recorded as a pass (no weight no gpa). This policy has not taken effect yet, but will be in the very near future.
Perhaps this may be old news to some folks, but I figured I would share with anyone elase who was in the dark as I was.....
Perhaps this may be old news to some folks, but I figured I would share with anyone elase who was in the dark as I was.....

Oficially a Graduate!!

COSC B.S. Independent/Liberal Studies (Business Admin & Healthcare Admin)
Exams Passed:
- DSST: Technical Writing 64
- DSST: Principles of Supervision 58
- CLEP: A&I Literature 74
- DSST: Intro to Business 66
- DSST: Ethics in America 63
- DSST: Intro to World Religions 67
ALL DONE!! hilarious[SIZE=4]