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Can't access Peterson's Practice Tests
Lindagerr Wrote:I just got through with Opera and firefox on a different computer. Try this link

Good luck

Hi Linda,

Thanks for checking those for me. I tried your link, but it didn't work. I tried using firefox on my sis's computer, but it didn't work either. This is really puzzling me! I'm not sure what I should do.
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
I always have to go in using Google Chrome. Good luck!

DSST (27)
Personal Finance - 448 Astronomy - 61 Civil War and Reconstruction - 68 History of Vietnam War - 68 Substance Abuse - 59 World Religions - 473 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 55 Environment and Humanity: Race to Save the Planet -61 Intro to Modern Middle East - 58
CLEP (48)
American Literature-73 American Government-62 U.S. History I - 64 U.S. History II -73 A&I Literature - 75 Western Civ I - 58 Western Civ II - 61 English Literature - 67 Humanities -76 Intro Sociology - 62 Social Sciences & History - 69
Other (43)
English Composition, Literature & Composition, Art Appreciation, General Psychology, Intro to Anthropology, Abnormal Psychology, Travel Agency Operations, Advanced Hospitality (7 credits), Intro Computer Software, Digital Photography, War and American Society, TESC Capstone
Intermediate Algebra

**Not official, but BA History at Thomas Edison State College!!!!!!*
Lyanne Wrote:I always have to go in using Google Chrome. Good luck!

thanks for your input. Do you have any special settings when you use Google Chrome? I downloaded Google Chrome, but it didn't work.
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
Go into Tools - Internet Options - Privacy Tab - Advanced - Accept Third Party Cookies

Accepting Third Party cookies is the key to Windows
Accepting Cookies is the key to Mac

You can always turn it off.
Storyteller Wrote:Go into Tools - Internet Options - Privacy Tab - Advanced - Accept Third Party Cookies

Accepting Third Party cookies is the key to Windows
Accepting Cookies is the key to Mac

You can always turn it off.

Hi Storyteller,

I tried what you said in Internet Explorer and it still didn't work. It actually was already set to accept Third Party Cookies. Do you have anymore ideas? Smile
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
UPDATE: Alright, so I spent a huge portion of yesterday messing around with the computer and trying different things. Still doesn't work! So I noticed when I click on the link that after a few minutes this error message comes up:

[SIZE="4"]The connection has timed out[/SIZE]
The server for Peterson's - Your Comprehensive Guide to College Information is taking too long to respond.

What does that mean? How can the server for Petersons be busy if other people are getting on! Anyone have any suggestions??

Also, I'm going to try using my computer in a wi-fi zone and see if I can connect. If I can then it must be our internet. If not then maybe its my computer.
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
I was able to use your link and get on to that page, BUT it is not the page you want.

Useing the link I gave you I got on 3 different computers with 4 different operating systems. Have you tried cleaning out your cache? What about turning off your virus blocker for a few minutes and seeing if you can get on?

Try this link, I did find a different that was bad, this one is before the sign in INSPIRE Information

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
I have not been able to access Peterson's practice tests either. I was able to sign into the site several days ago, but not since. When I click on Testing and Education Reference Center, I come to a page saying: "You have been idle for too long. Your session has timed out. Click here to resume." But I did log off before leaving the site last time. When I click on the link, I go to what looks like an error page. It won't let me resume. I tried logging off again and accessing again, but it did not work.

I don't know what is wrong.

When I logged off I came to, is that supposed to happen?
Laceylady try thr last link I posted. If you still get the timed out screen see if there is a home button at the top left of the page and click that. I have been getting in and out with no problem.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
HorseManiac Wrote:Lyanne,
thanks for your input. Do you have any special settings when you use Google Chrome? I downloaded Google Chrome, but it didn't work.

Under preferences ---> under the hood, I have every box checked except the one that says "Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google"

I'm afraid that's the extent of my knowledge. I do have some trouble with the site loading, not sure if it is a chrome problem or a Petersen's problem.

I hope you figure this out.

DSST (27)
Personal Finance - 448 Astronomy - 61 Civil War and Reconstruction - 68 History of Vietnam War - 68 Substance Abuse - 59 World Religions - 473 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union - 55 Environment and Humanity: Race to Save the Planet -61 Intro to Modern Middle East - 58
CLEP (48)
American Literature-73 American Government-62 U.S. History I - 64 U.S. History II -73 A&I Literature - 75 Western Civ I - 58 Western Civ II - 61 English Literature - 67 Humanities -76 Intro Sociology - 62 Social Sciences & History - 69
Other (43)
English Composition, Literature & Composition, Art Appreciation, General Psychology, Intro to Anthropology, Abnormal Psychology, Travel Agency Operations, Advanced Hospitality (7 credits), Intro Computer Software, Digital Photography, War and American Society, TESC Capstone
Intermediate Algebra

**Not official, but BA History at Thomas Edison State College!!!!!!*

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