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Called Prometric Today.. Iffy about the conversation I had
So this morning I called Prometric to ask them about calculators that were authorized to be used when taking the Principles of Statistics test. I did this, because I spoke with my proctor first off, and he said he didn't think there would be a problem using the TI BAII plus but we would have to look into it. I figured I would go one step ahead and call Prometric and ask if they had a list so I could remove any shadow of a doubt from my mind. Anyway, the lady had told me that it had to be non-programable and a basic calculator that would do addition, subtraction, and division, and that's it. After she had told me this, she asked if there was anything else, and then asked for my name. Why would she want my name? I'm curious as to what she would need it for. Maybe I'm being paranoid about this, but I don't want this going back to my testing center and them being like Prometric called and no you can't use the BAII plus. Honestly, this would seriouslly mess me up for tomorrow as I'm already comfortable with using this calculator and would dread using the online one. Feedback anyone?
TESC: BS Technical Studies - Graduated March 2012

* I want to give this forum a big thank you, being a part of this community has helped me to achieve the completion of my Bachelors degree and has helped me in pursuing my dream of becoming a United States Naval Officer. I leave this message here in my signature for everyone to read and serve as a reminder of what this community, and the completion of a college degree can mean. I hope that the attainment of my dream through continuing education can serve as motivation for others. *
This is the description of the calculators allowed: "The only calculators that may be used, no exceptions, are commercially-produced handheld calculators that are battery or solar-operated, silent, nonprogrammable, and do not have either a full alphabetic keyboard or graphical display."

If there is any question on the test center's part, they will offer you a very basic calculator. I understand that you are stressing about this with your test being today (and this reply is probably too late for you), but to other candidates I would suggest practicing with a very basic, very standard calculator... just in case. There is nothing worse than working with the unfamiliar!

I would not be worried about the fact that the representative asked for your name. I do not believe anything is ever passed along regarding a specific candidate unless there was a report filed by a test center administrator (after an exam has been delivered).
Thanks for the reply. I was allowed to use the calculator and I apparently looked into it too much because it went smoothly.
TESC: BS Technical Studies - Graduated March 2012

* I want to give this forum a big thank you, being a part of this community has helped me to achieve the completion of my Bachelors degree and has helped me in pursuing my dream of becoming a United States Naval Officer. I leave this message here in my signature for everyone to read and serve as a reminder of what this community, and the completion of a college degree can mean. I hope that the attainment of my dream through continuing education can serve as motivation for others. *
Congrats brother.
Spanish- 64, Heres to Your health-414
Almost Done with My Embry Riddle Pro Aero Degree.

Great news!
Congrats on passing the test!
You have more gonads than I do man. I have a math phobia so I took the stats. I might have been able to pass the DSST stats test but I really didn't want to tempt fate. Good for you!
BSBA CIS from TESC, BA Natural Science/Math from TESC
MBA Applied Computer Science from NCU
Enrolled at NCU in the PhD Applied Computer Science

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