09-14-2009, 07:29 PM
I submitted my first assignment on 9-10-09. I was concerned because one question of the first assignment was not defined in the text.
On that point, I have noticed that the text is very general in nature and will leave you searching the internet for assistance or heading back to old textbooks. I asked the instructor for clarification and of course the answer was more vague than I would have liked. However, he did respond quickly.
So, It took me a good full day to complete the assignment. I expected the instructor to grade hard so I answered the 7 assignment questions in great detail.
I turned in 6 pages of homework, but this includes restating all the homework questions before answering them as requested in the syllabus. I would say that there is about 3/4 page of essay for each question.
There were only two statistics problems in this lesson.
I got a response from the instructor on 9-12-09 that he would have my assignment graded by the following Sunday (which I took to mean 9-19-09). I was worried because I am trying to finish the course this month and this would really set me back if he only graded one per week.
Fortunately, I received an e-mail from him that he graded the lesson (I got an A @ 96%). He grades using a structured rubric the criteria of which are: Content- Organization- Format- Spelling, Grammar, & Punctuation - Clarity and Style. But he is obviously not as strict as I had imagined.
I was really concerned about this. English is my worst subject and any time I find an instructor who says they grade based on strict adherence to proper English I just cringe.
So now I am off to work on the rest of the assignments (5). And then get a paper done. I figure it will take me a full week to do the assignments in detail. So maybe I will finish the course next week.
I will continue to do updates with the instructors progress.
On that point, I have noticed that the text is very general in nature and will leave you searching the internet for assistance or heading back to old textbooks. I asked the instructor for clarification and of course the answer was more vague than I would have liked. However, he did respond quickly.
So, It took me a good full day to complete the assignment. I expected the instructor to grade hard so I answered the 7 assignment questions in great detail.
I turned in 6 pages of homework, but this includes restating all the homework questions before answering them as requested in the syllabus. I would say that there is about 3/4 page of essay for each question.
There were only two statistics problems in this lesson.
I got a response from the instructor on 9-12-09 that he would have my assignment graded by the following Sunday (which I took to mean 9-19-09). I was worried because I am trying to finish the course this month and this would really set me back if he only graded one per week.
Fortunately, I received an e-mail from him that he graded the lesson (I got an A @ 96%). He grades using a structured rubric the criteria of which are: Content- Organization- Format- Spelling, Grammar, & Punctuation - Clarity and Style. But he is obviously not as strict as I had imagined.
I was really concerned about this. English is my worst subject and any time I find an instructor who says they grade based on strict adherence to proper English I just cringe.
So now I am off to work on the rest of the assignments (5). And then get a paper done. I figure it will take me a full week to do the assignments in detail. So maybe I will finish the course next week.
I will continue to do updates with the instructors progress.