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CLEP - The Educational Dilemma
I am working towards a BA in English with Secondary Education as my primary goal. The CLEP seems a great way to get some of those core courses out of the way but it got me thinking.

1. Will I be able to follow another psych class (for example) if I CLEP'd out of Intro to Psych? My next class or clep would be Educational Psychology.

2. Does anyone think they may would have been better off in the long run if they shelled out the money to take the class? I am concerned I might be missing some key elements especially where psyche and education classes are concerned.

Maybe I am just looking to hard into it. Anyway, I am curious what you all think.
4.18 - English Comp with Essay - 49/50 (Ugh.)
4.21 - Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 54/50
7.18 - Intro to Psychology - 60/50
I took Sociology, Ed Psych, and Human Growth & Dev. They all piggyback eachother. I was also advised to take Abnormal Psych, Adulthood and Ageing, and Gerontology which also is an extension of the other courses. I don't think you are missing out, as a matter of fact you may be getting more because you have to take in a lot of material that might not be covered in depth in the classroom. I think clepping is much harder than going to class. You can only count on yourself for direction, and of course the wonderful people on this board. Good luck!
TESC BA Social Sciences (Completed Feb 09)
Up next: Masters In Education/Adult Education and Training
25 Fema Credits -done Big Grin
Cleps taken:
Human Growth & Dev - passed
Intro to Ed Psych - passed
Sociology - passed
Analyz & Int Lit-passed
English w/essay-passed
Princ of Acct-passed Smile
Organizational Behavior-passed
Intro to Computing-passed
Ethics in America DSST-passed
Intro to World Religions-passed
Technical Writing-passed
Social Science & History-passed
Substance Abuse-passed
Civil War and Reconstruction-passed :eek:
Psychology of Women TECEP- passed
If you are concerned that you will not know the concepts that depends on how you study. A number of us on the board take the slow and steady approach. KNOW the instantcert material. What you are studying here are the key, I'd almost say generic, points from each course. If you study and know the information you should be able to pick up the next level class with no problem. I've taken classes every way invented so far from many different professors in brick and motar schools to online to correspondence. I can honestly say that for me I've retained more and know the core concepts better through using a combination of instantcert/practice tests/online searching to fill in the gaps.

If you just study the material quickly to pass a test your retention may not be as deep. That said cramming has been a way of life on the college campus long before Al Gore invented the internet...
Dale H.
half way...
Enrolled - BS-BGB Excelsior
Completed - 65 credits
Togo - 4 CLEP, 6 DSST, 2 ECE, 1 EC Course, 1 TECEP
dseiler Wrote:I am working towards a BA in English with Secondary Education as my primary goal. The CLEP seems a great way to get some of those core courses out of the way but it got me thinking.

1. Will I be able to follow another psych class (for example) if I CLEP'd out of Intro to Psych? My next class or clep would be Educational Psychology. [SIZE="3"]Yes, many classes bleed over and piggyback into others forming a series such as the soc/psych courses.[/SIZE]

2. Does anyone think they may would have been better off in the long run if they shelled out the money to take the class? I am concerned I might be missing some key elements especially where psyche and education classes are concerned. [SIZE="3"]NO, don't waste your valuable time and money if not needed.[/SIZE]

Maybe I am just looking to hard into it. Anyway, I am curious what you all think.
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Thank you for the replies. I am going to create the balanced approach, cramming with plenty of online research.
4.18 - English Comp with Essay - 49/50 (Ugh.)
4.21 - Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 54/50
7.18 - Intro to Psychology - 60/50
If you have a genuine interest in the subject testing out will be easy and you will gain as much/more knowledge of the subject as if you sat for the class.
University of Massachusetts - Lowell, MS Finance (current)
Lewis University, MBA, Finance
Excelsior College B.S. Liberal Arts, Admin/Mgmt Studies
I really believe that I learned more during my 4 months of testing out of classes than I did during ANY 4-month semester of school! You will not miss out on any important topics if you study IC really well and read up on the subject.
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Traditional Credits: 95
Test Credits: 33
Time Saved: 1 1/2 years![/COLOR][/SIZE]
CLEP Principles of Management, Introductory Sociology, Introductory Psychology, ECE Human Resource management, ECE Organizational Behavior, Intro to Business, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, Criminal Justice, Principles of Supervision, Money and Banking, Business Law II
B.S. Individualized Studies, COSC[/SIZE]

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