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Best study spot & music
Where do you study? At home, the library, coffee shop, other?
What music, if any, do you listen do while studying?

I'm wondering because I have trouble concentrating on study material sometimes. The public library is even distracting because people chit chat and bring young children who run around and make noise! The same goes for coffee shops. As for home, well, I'm online right now, what does that tell you? Maybe I have ADD?

I'd love to hear any suggestions about how others get "in the zone".

Thanks! Wink
What I've heard is that it's best to "set up" a study area from scratch. It's sort of a subconscious deal. With Instantcert that's hard, because you already more than likely have that area set up for casual browsing and fun, etcetera.

However - if you have a laptop with wireless connection or somesuch that you can take elsewhere - you should find a quiet, peaceful and secluded place within your home that you can go and set up a non-intrusive light for your study, and if possible, only study there.

This has a lot to do with subconscious association - for example, if you try to study in bed, or in the couch you watch TV, or in the chair you eat food, etcetera... Your mind wanders because it is not accustomed to the focus you are trying to give in THAT area and wants to do what it likes to do instead.

Basically just helps to have an area that you HAVE to go to in order to study, so that your mind knows it's set in. A whole bunch of subconscious stuff that might not benefit you if you don't believe it, but hey. Smile

PS: I only listen to music while I study in order to drown out the music of others (I live in a barracks where people love to blare their music), but when I do it's classical. While I like classical, it's not interesting enough to actively catch my attention and distract me while I'm focused on something else (whereas music I like a lot better I'll find myself singing to before I realize what I'm doing).
Well, since I was "studying" when I read your post I probably wont have much to offer in the RIGHT way to set up a study area, but I can tell you what I've done wrong so far........on the couch or in bed i fall asleep, I have a computer room where I can sit but I get tired of sitting in that straight back chair. I prefer the laptop because I can move away from what ever else is going on in the house, Ive made friend with everyone at the coffee shop and they all talk too much so I gave that up, LOL. Then I realized I can reply to posts and play games and render myself oblivious to the rest of the world no matter what is going on. SOOOO, for me it has all boiled down to setting up a special place in my head for studying. I try to take a walk or something else first and make sure I am mentally prepared to sit down and study. I take breaks in between study sections, (I once read the human brain can only spend so many minutes at a time filing information into the long term memory without a break)... And MOST important for me.... I've learned that when I take a break I close the laptop and walk away from it for a few minutes. If I play a game or read something on line or check e-mail during my break I find it harder to get focused again.... Maybe I am ADDhilarious
I'm bad at studying. I usually read the posts on the discussion board first and then get less study time in.hilarious When I studied Statistics I had to take my laptop into a room away from anyone including my wife. Someone asking me a question or just making a statement to me can totally derail me. The discussion board has really benefited me though. I believe it has shortened my study prep material by getting peoples suggestions.

One thing I heard works is having peppermint candles burning while studying. I got a little heater thing from AVON from my wife that you put a few drops of scented oil in and it will slowly vaporize it with the mint smell. I really think it helps.

I listen to no music while studying and I don't listen to too much music anymore in general. I get dumb lyrics stuck in my head the whole day and can't concentrate. I really value silence and I enjoy meditating on the deeper things in life. So no music unless it is classical.

I can't study with people around at all. I am quite social and I usually end up talking. I can't concentrate when others are talking around me. I feel for those in a baracks. I've been there.
Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]
Sammy Wrote:I'm bad at studying. I usually read the posts on the discussion board first and then get less study time in.hilarious When I studied Statistics I had to take my laptop into a room away from anyone including my wife. Someone asking me a question or just making a statement to me can totally derail me. The discussion board has really benefited me though. I believe it has shortened my study prep material by getting peoples suggestions.

One thing I heard works is having peppermint candles burning while studying. I got a little heater thing from AVON from my wife that you put a few drops of scented oil in and it will slowly vaporize it with the mint smell. I really think it helps.

I listen to no music while studying and I don't listen to too much music anymore in general. I get dumb lyrics stuck in my head the whole day and can't concentrate. I really value silence and I enjoy meditating on the deeper things in life. So no music unless it is classical.

I can't study with people around at all. I am quite social and I usually end up talking. I can't concentrate when others are talking around me. I feel for those in a baracks. I've been there.

I know just how you feel. I get so easily distracted or annoyed with anything little noise or distraction. And I know what you mean about scents; I can't use candles in the library, so I put on a perfume that's uplifting.

I finally figured out what works best for me. I go to the local university. In fact, I have someone drop me off since I don't have a parking permit for the school; this helps since I can't talk myself into leaving quite so easily without my own car. The library there is huge, and has a couple of "Quiet" floors, and I find a private table away from a window - one time I sat by a window and spent 2 hours looking at the turtles in the pond below. I pop in earplugs and have a big thermos with coffee, and a few snacks. That'll carry me through for hours. Sometimes I get up to look up something on one of the computers, but I generally stay focused.

I used to go to the public library, but it's always full of young children and teenagers who run around and talk aloud or on cell phones, and it makes me crazy. I feel like shushing everyone like an elementary school teacher. I guess everyone has something that "works" for them, and it takes us a while to find our own methods.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]

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