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BS in Homeland Security and Emergency Management as a second BS
I am completing a BSBA General and I am interested how many additional courses I need to complete to also receive a BS HSEM. I am building a degree plan to figure that out.

As long as my English, Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Science, and Gen Ed electives are met by the BSBA I only have to take the Area of Study, Area of Study Electives, and Free electives... is that correct?

Also, free electives can not count towards both degrees right? I need to have enough free elective credits to cover both?

Thank You!
Intro to Sociology 60 - 7/13/12
A&I Literature 65 - 7/13/12

Completed 7/10/12:
IS-120.a -- An Introduction to Exercises
IS-130 -- Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning
IS-230.b -- Fundamentals of Emergency Management
IS-235.b -- Emergency Planning
IS-240.a -- Leadership & Influence
IS-241.a -- Decision Making and Problem Solving
IS-242.a -- Effective Communication
IS-244.a -- Developing and Managing Volunteers
If I finish my BSBA on time I'm looking into BA Psych or Soc. and I was told that I would need 24 new credits.

As stated elsewhere on the forums some advisers advice may conflict another ,but depending on the degree chosen I believe its 24-30.

When I do the online evaluation to see which courses I need for 2nd degree, I think it ended up being like 27 that I needed for Soc. (area of study/ soc elec.)

Your free electives can be used again, but keep in mind that technically you can't start earning credits until your first degree is conferred. So if you took 3-4 classes now that were supposed to be for your 2nd degree and then first degree was conferred they wouldn't be considered new credits.

So for my BA in Soc. technically I have to wait until my BSBA is conferred in Sept then I can start classes for next degree.
SL Freshman - Intro to Psych,Intro to Bus,Bus Comm,Macro & Micro Economics, Biology w/lab,Crim Just,Acct1&2, Intro to Soc.
SL BOGO - English Comp II,Western Civ. I,
Fema - 12 classes
Aleks - Intermed. Algebra, College Algebra, Business Statistics, Pre-Calculus
CC B&M 45 Credit Hours
Penn Foster - BUS 110 BUS 425 BUS 430 FIN 301

A.A.S Computer Studies Conferred March ,2012 - TESC (34 B&M,12 Fema,12 Aleks/ACE,3 SL )
BSBA CIS - TESC (waiting for confirmation 9-2012)
CompTIA A+, Net+, Linux+, Security+
Microsoft MOS, MCITP,MCSA 2008
That is very helpful... I would have started taking the other credits but will wait now. Thanks!
Intro to Sociology 60 - 7/13/12
A&I Literature 65 - 7/13/12

Completed 7/10/12:
IS-120.a -- An Introduction to Exercises
IS-130 -- Exercise Evaluation and Improvement Planning
IS-230.b -- Fundamentals of Emergency Management
IS-235.b -- Emergency Planning
IS-240.a -- Leadership & Influence
IS-241.a -- Decision Making and Problem Solving
IS-242.a -- Effective Communication
IS-244.a -- Developing and Managing Volunteers
:coolgleam: Keep in mind you can still study or if you plan ahead you may be able to come up with a loophole Smile hehe ,but of course everything down that path could be a tad risky.

Spelled out a little clearer. Your mileage may very ,but depending on how / where you take a course sometimes the only information sent is when it was completed...... Not when it was started. :reddevil:
SL Freshman - Intro to Psych,Intro to Bus,Bus Comm,Macro & Micro Economics, Biology w/lab,Crim Just,Acct1&2, Intro to Soc.
SL BOGO - English Comp II,Western Civ. I,
Fema - 12 classes
Aleks - Intermed. Algebra, College Algebra, Business Statistics, Pre-Calculus
CC B&M 45 Credit Hours
Penn Foster - BUS 110 BUS 425 BUS 430 FIN 301

A.A.S Computer Studies Conferred March ,2012 - TESC (34 B&M,12 Fema,12 Aleks/ACE,3 SL )
BSBA CIS - TESC (waiting for confirmation 9-2012)
CompTIA A+, Net+, Linux+, Security+
Microsoft MOS, MCITP,MCSA 2008

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