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At a Crossroads, and unsure
I have a problem. Hopefully, after reading what I write, we'll be able to generate enough ideas around to arm me in making an informed decision.

Way back in 2005, I stumbled upon the the site,, I was amazed by the Author's ability to achieve so much. Through his site, I learned about, and I joined because so the Author's recommendation. I was inspired by that Author and set to follow his path, and try to earn a BS in General Business completely by exam.

A short time later, I learned of Excelsior's Requirements for a BS in Psychology could be completely tested out; so with the aid of Snazzlefrag (a Moderator at the time, if anyone remembers him), I modified my Degree Plan to suit my new interest. I enrolled in Excelsior and have a 2006 Academic Policy date.

After I finished my commitment to the Air Force, I was believed I was finished with Aircraft Maintenance. I moved back in to my parents' house, and tried to finish my degree. That was 3 years ago. Yeah, I fail at life.

Here is a short list of my Academic accomplishments:

Community College of The Air Force.
31 Jan 03 Basic Military Training (Physical Fitness) (4/0)
09 Jul 03 Turbine Engine Theories/ Principles (4)
09 Jul 03 Jet Engine Principles (2)
09 Jul 03 Jet Engine Inspection and Repair (14)
09 Feb 04 Aircraft Engine Operation (2)
30 Jun 05 Auxiliary Unit Operation (1)
06 Sep 05 USAF Journeyman Skill Level (8)

16 Aug 05 Principles of Statistics (3)
09 Aug 06 Introduction to World Religions (3)
23 Aug 06 Principles of Supervision (3)
02 Mar 07 Principles of Public Speaking (3)
10 Sep 09 Ethics in America (3)
10 Oct 09 Astronomy (3)
19 Nov 09 Introduction to Computing (3)

11 Jul 06 Introductory Sociology (3)
01 Aug 06 Introductory Psychology (3)
16 Aug 06 Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (6)
20 Sep 06 Principles of Management (3)
17 Dec 09 Information Systems and Computer Applications (3)

Excelsior College
28 Jun 07 Information Literacy (1)

Federal Aviation Administration (ACE)
30 Mar 09 Powerplant Examination (25)
30 Mar 09 General Examination (14)

FEMA (Fredericks Community College)
24 Jul 06 Principles of Emergency Management (1)
24 Jul 06 Emergency Planning (1)
24 Jul 06 Effective Communication (1)
24 Jul 06 Decision Making and Problem Solving (1)
26 Jul 06 Leadership and Influence (1)
27 Jul 06 Developing and Managing Volunteers (1)
27 Jul 06 Exorcise Design (1)
23 Jul 09 Emergency Manager (1)
23 Jul 09 Radiological Emergency Management (1)

National Fire Academy (ACE)
28 Jul 09 Community Safety Educator (1)
30 Jul 09 Fire Service Supervision (1)

Straighterline (Fort Hays State University)
01 Jul 09 English Composition I (3)

About a year ago, on my 27th birthday, I realized how much of a loser I was. I don't know what happened, but I lost my focus. I resolved to try to get out of the rut I was in, and start my life (like getting a job and moving out of the parents house). Getting a job proved to be quite a challenge, as I had a very limited skill set.

I realized I needed to capitalize on my only skill, and try to get back into aircraft maintenance. Because of the recession, none of the airlines were hiring Certified A&P Mechanics, let alone an unlicensed one. Unfortunately, my military work experience only qualified me to take just the Powerplant exam, which I passed; but now I'm just a half-fledged Mechanic.

Now, for the relevant conundrum:

I am about 15 Exams shy of a BS Psychology from Excelsior's Liberal Arts Program.
I've come to realize that this Degree will not add too much to making myself more marketable.

Thomas Edison State College has an BS in Applied Science and Technology. I think I can get that with just a College level Math class, Physics 1 and 2, English 102, and and handful of AMT classes.
Really, though; is a generic BSAST going to be marketable though?

Maybe I should enroll in an aviation school, to fill the requirements to earn an Aircraft Maintenance Science Degree, and the rest of the License. If I did this, maybe I'll be in school for 4-5 Semesters.
The Company that I've been looking at to try land a job with is L3 Communications, and, from what I was told, they'll hire anyone with aircraft maintenance experience. So the License, and the AMT degree may not even factor.

If they don't factor, and L3 wants someone with a real academic background, like a BS in Aerospace Engineering from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Most of the Credits I've earned so far won't even apply to a degree like that. I'd have to use my GI Bill and go there for 4 full years, AND maintain a high GPA.


Should I Finish my BS Psychology?
Should I try for a BS in Applied Science and Technology?
Should I Try for a BS in Aviation Maintenance Technology?
Should I Give up on Every thing I've accomplished so far, and start fresh with Engineering?

I'm weighing all my options carefully now, but new ideas and fresh perspectives always help in the decision making process. So please advise.

Traditional Credits: 39 (12 used)
FEMA Credits: 9 (6 used)
NFA Credits: 2 (0 used)
DANTES Credits: 21 (18 used)
CLEP Credits: 18 (15 used)
FAA Credits: 39

EC BS in Psychology: 90/120 (38 unused)

I guess my question is what do you want to do with your life? Will you be happy in a career of aviation maintenance or something related to that? Or, do you want to change careers?

I know that you want to move out of your parents house and right now, it sounds that you are somewhat depressed about what how much you have accomplished. However, consider that there are plenty of others who have accomplished far less. Also, many of us did not finish our first degrees until we were much older than you are now.

Looking over your accomplishments, I believe that you have a strong basis for becoming marketable in a couple of areas. I also think that you may have overlooked an option. Since your background is in Aviation Maintenance, it is my opinion that you should attempt to get the BS in Aviation Maintenance degree. However, after completion of that degree, you should enroll in Embry-Riddles Master of Science in Project Management online degree program. Master of Science in Project Management, Graduate Degrees, Worldwide Campus, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University This accomplishes two things, it makes you marketable in aviation maintenance and it makes you marketable for a management position. Also, if you can finish the Bachelor's in 4 or 5 semesters, you can probably finish the Master's degree 4 or 5 semesters after that.

Good luck,
BS in Accounting(General) from Excelsior College
Enrolled in MBA program at Upper Iowa University.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Well, first off, you're not a loser. You're only a loser if you accept defeat and don't try and change your situation. Sometimes you have to ask yourself 'Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?'

That being said, as Simon stated, 'What do you want to do with your life?' ('I wanna rock!' is not a valid answer for the discussion at this time)...

One way to look at the psych degree is that you're almost done. You say you're 15 tests out from completion, but you also list that you have 90/120 credits which would put you about 10 or less CLEP/DSSTs out. One thing you can do is switch from Psychology to a straight Liberal Studies degree. While yes, it is a nebulous degree, and may not shoot you straight to the top of anything you're trying to do, a degree (of almost any sort) will often help your prospects more than no degree at all in the civilian sector. And it also will tend to open the doors if you decide down the road to go to grad school.

Simon's suggestions as far as the Aero tech are quite good.

Everyones' lives go through ups and downs... The main thing is, don't let things get you so down that you can't take time and laugh. (at appropriate times of course ;P ) All joking aside, I know where you're coming from. I'll also say that you have a lot more solid education than I did at your age. I went through 4 schools and ended up with 30 credits total in 4 years because of ADHD and the inability to handle structured class environs. I lucked into a good job which accepted me on my skills (doing computer tech work for a building full of people with multiple masters degrees and every other person had a doctorate as well.)

Good luck, and chin up.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
Why do you put yourself down like that? I am not the greatest reference as to what degree you should get , but I would suggest you complete the general degree you were working towards for a BS and then go on for a more specialized Masters in something that interest you.

I am a 55 year old still working on my BA. When I started college more then 35 years ago I wanted to be a nurse, I had wanted to be a nurse most of my life, but responsibility got in the way I married at 18 had a child at 20 and divorced at 21. I spent many years using the few science courses I had completed working in a laboratory. I liked it most of that time, but it has lost its excitement after 30+ years. Now I want to be a teacher.

So you are not a loser you did some service and some schooling and now at less then 30 years old you will start a new chapter.

Good luck in whatever you decide and remember you are only a loser if you give up and quit trying.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
TMW2010 Wrote:'Was it over when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor?'

You may want to brush up on your history... Rolleyes

Shadowcross, I understand deeply the need to leave the nest. I've been out of work and doing school for about a year now, paying money out of my pocket for rent when I could very easily be living with my parents rent-free across town. Thing is though, I can still afford to do it and it is still worth it to me. Some people cannot. Also consider that leaving mom and dad in your early twenties or even at 18 or 19 is a relatively new idea that came along with this era of prosperity in the industrialized countries. Even in places like Italy today, men usually don't leave mama's house until they are like 30. In America today, many extended families are being forced to conglomerate and live together; 30 or 40 year old men are bringing their wives and kids to their mother's or grandmother's house to live because they can no longer afford to keep their own house. Times are tough, is my point. Try to keep your life in perspective.

That said, why did you want to go for psychology in the first place? If you wanted to get away from aircraft maintenance, there must be a good reason that is probably still valid. Maybe you should do some soul searching and really ask yourself about the kinds of craft you would be willing to devote yourself to completely. Instead of trying to tailor your education to the market, I think you should instead try and make yourself the master at something, whatever it is that lights your fire, and then find a way to make money at it. If you are the best at something, you can make it profitable. That is the framework I am working with, at least. You still have your GI Bill, right? If so, you still have the flexibility to pursue the rest of your degree, or maybe even a brand new one and it would only cost you time.

Also, the easy solution of course would be to simply finish your bachelor's in whatever and go get your butterbar, but that in no way guarantees you would be happy doing that.
[SIZE="1"]BS General Business, March 2010

CLEP College Algebra 51
CLEP Natural Sciences 63
CLEP Social Sciences and History 59
CLEP A&I Lit. 74
CLEP Intro to Sociology 67
CLEP Info Systems and Computer App. 58
CLEP Intro to Psychology 66
CLEP Intro to Business Law 64
CLEP Principles of Management 73
CLEP Principles of Marketing 63
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 61
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 62
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling 49
DSST Principles of Supervision 61
DSST Substance Abuse 441 (Pass)
DSST Business Law II 67
DSST Management Information Systems 436
DSST Principles of Statistics 466
DSST Principles of Finance 435
DSST Civil War and Reconstruction 57
DSST Criminal Justice 431
ECE English Comp C :mad:
ECE World Population A
ECE Ethics, Theory and Practice A
ECE Organizational Behavior A
ECE Human Resource Management B
EC Business Policy B
Straighterline Accounting I B
Straighterline Accounting II B
CSU Pueblo Ops Management A
shadowcross Wrote:The Company that I've been looking at to try land a job with is L3 Communications, ...

Perhaps my mind is to linear, but it seems to me that perhaps you need to be talking to the Human Resourse representative at this business to see what they would be looking for, and not for the bottom rung. Ask about their policies about moving people up from within, whether they reimburse you for pursuing education once with them, etc.

These facts would greatly benefit you decision making process and in the meantime you might meet someone it would be helpful to know.

Set up a series of question you have for them before hand. Researce the organization very thoroughly and know it. Then ask for an appointment to inquire about what a company like L3 Communications would be looking for in an employee. Remember, you would not be interviewing for a position but investigating them as a potential future employer.

Sometimes different times, require different tactics!
In my opinion, I'd probably try to finish up my BA first even if it means switching it to Liberal Studies if that's faster for you. I was a Psych major too and switched because Psych courses didn't interest me and I preferred to be more broad in my selection of courses. In many cases, I think in today's world you almost have to have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree to fit in not just professionally but somewhat socially as well...brutal truth. I, myself, was self employed for 8 years and never thought I would need to apply for a job ever again. But when I lost my business due to a poor economy and some other factors I was completely lost. It's almost as if my prior experience running a business never happened. I couldn't even apply to most of the "average" jobs out there because I couldn't mark the box for a degree. Now I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm almost done with my BA and now planning out a Masters in Criminal Justice. I started out just thinking about a Bachelors only but through this process I've expanded on my goals. Everybody's case is different, but I think if you accomplish one thing that you started it may change your whole outlook on your future. Take care and I hope you make a good decision.
JanusthePhoenix Wrote:You may want to brush up on your history... Rolleyes

Bah, do you not recognize one of the greatest motivational speeches ever made in a college setting?

It was an attempt at levity to lighten the OP's somber mood.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
JanusthePhoenix Wrote:You may want to brush up on your history... Rolleyes
That's a quote from an amusing motivational speech in the 1978 classic film "Animal House": YouTube - Animal House - Bluto's Inspiration Speech

BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.
TMW2010 Wrote:Bah, do you not recognize one of the greatest motivational speeches ever made in a college setting?

It was an attempt at levity to lighten the OP's somber mood.
Another connoisseur of cinematic masterpieces. I salute you sir/madam for your great taste! Big Grin
BA in History, TESC, Graduated September 2010
MA in History, American Public University, currently pursuing
Virginia teaching license, currently pursuing

Check out Degree Forum Wiki for more information on putting together your own degree plan!

My BA History degree plan.

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