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Any Advice On The Cdc
I've Been Taking Practice Cdc's And Have Not Been Doing Well On Them.

I Purchased A Study Cd For It And Still Haven't Been Doing Well On Them.

Anyone Who Is Or Has Been In The Air Force Can You Please Give Me Some Study Tips For This Exam?!

DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
Was in the AF for 24.5 years and have helped many a troop pass their tests. I'd be glad to pass along what I know and be a sounding board to get you through them the best I can.

A few preliminary questions:

What is your career field?

Are you assigned to the same equipment you're being tested on? I know that question may seem dumb but it was common for aircraft maintainers to be tested on aircraft they may have never worked, thus the reason I asked.

How much are you studying and what are your daily study habits?

How well did you do in Tech School?

Are there any other Airmen near you taking the same CDCs or do you have family with you? I'm thinking group study or having someone asking you the end of chapter review questions over and over and over until you can recite them in your sleep...same goes for the Unit Reviews and Final tests... One simple, well known fact; if you memorize the Final tests and Unit Review Tests you WILL pass the CDCs. If you want an added cushion/better score you need to memorize the questions at the end of each section/page as well...this will get you in the 90% range.

Get back with me with these answers or just PM me if you'd rather do it that way. You can get through these!
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
Basket Weaver Wrote:What is your career field?

2S0X1 - Supply

Are you assigned to the same equipment you're being tested on?

Not at all. I simply give make sure individuals have proper gear.

How much are you studying and what are your daily study habits?

Two-Three Weeks.. i've gone thru the self test (714 questions) once

and the URE's at least 3 times..

How well did you do in Tech School?

84 average

Are there any other Airmen near you taking the same CDCs or do you have family with you?

Not really

If you want an added cushion/better score you need to memorize the questions at the end of each section/page as well...this will get you in the 90% range.

i've been doing well with instantcert, but that gives explanations. The CD is just answers. I think the material is very very very dry. I've been trying to find it interesting but it's been failing. Everyone is saying to study the URE's, but no one said anything about the final questions. I guess that might help as well. I simply want to achieve a passing score somehow.

Get back with me with these answers or just PM me if you'd rather do it that way. You can get through these!
answers are in bold
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
This was about 7 years ago for me, and I finished my commitment to the Air Force 3 years ago.

I took my CDC volumes and scanned the questions at the end of each chapter.

I ran those images through an text recognition software.

I put those into a Word document, and printed the questions on stock paper, and then had them professionally sliced at an office supply store.

I think I end up with over 500 flash cards. I studied these daily.

Those end of chapter questions don't cover everything, but It was my only study material, and I scored an 81%.

Plus you have the added benefit of having half of your study material for when you study for staff.

Also, the education supervisor gave me this advice:
(I didn't take it, but you might)

Locate the reference material for the end of chapter questions, and hi-light them with a yellow hi-lighter.

Locate the reference material for the end of section questions and hi-light them with a blue hi-lighter.

If there is any overlap, it should appear as green...Pay close attention to those question.

That's my advice. I hope you like it.

Traditional Credits: 39 (12 used)
FEMA Credits: 9 (6 used)
NFA Credits: 2 (0 used)
DANTES Credits: 21 (18 used)
CLEP Credits: 18 (15 used)
FAA Credits: 39

EC BS in Psychology: 90/120 (38 unused)
Quote:Originally Posted by Basket Weaver

What is your career field?

2S0X1 - Supply

Are you assigned to the same equipment you're being tested on?

Not at all. I simply give make sure individuals have proper gear.

How much are you studying and what are your daily study habits?

Two-Three Weeks.. I've gone thru the self test (714 questions) once

and the URE's at least 3 times..

How well did you do in Tech School?

84 average

Are there any other Airmen near you taking the same CDCs or do you have family with you?

Not really

If you want an added cushion/better score you need to memorize the questions at the end of each section/page as well...this will get you in the 90% range.

I've been doing well with instantcert, but that gives explanations. The CD is just answers. I think the material is very very very dry. I've been trying to find it interesting but it's been failing. Everyone is saying to study the URE's, but no one said anything about the final questions. I guess that might help as well. I simply want to achieve a passing score somehow.

Get back with me with these answers or just PM me if you'd rather do it that way. You can get through these!

One of the most important first impressions you can make on key members of your organization is doing WELL on your CDCs, not just getting through them; keep in mind that your current position is not permanent, a lot of the information you're now studying will serve you well in other assignments. I know it probably sucks to be doing what you are doing, but it will pass after you've put in your time. My trial was chipping ice in Alaska when we had no aircraft work...I would go home sometimes barely able to open my hands after hours and hours of chipping ice (yes we had salt, but that would have been less workRolleyes ); that truly sucked but I'm alive and my hands still work.

The fact that you hand out gear to personnel might actually help you on the CDC final. Yeah, I know, it sounds crazy. The reason I say this is after you actually work in the area you test on, you quickly find out that it's nothing like the test's questions...each area has its own way of operating and each base has it's own operating plan which deviates from/adds to the written regs. By only knowing what you have studied, you will not be confused by what really happens in real life, day-to-day operations. I tested on 5 different aircraft and found the easiest test questions were on the aircraft I hadn't worked yet; I could recall the info from the study material instead of deciphering from the way it was really done in the field. Hope that makes sense.

An 84% average in Tech School is above average so you have the capability to do well. You also appear to be doing well on your testing out so you have the capability to knock this out. Studying military material that has nothing to do with your daily position IS VERY denying it, but its something you have to get past. The CD you bought is primarily for people taking their WAPS test; it's sort of a refresher to do well on the SKT. All you need to know to do well on the CDC final is in those questions you should already have in your CDC's. If you make it through all of the material's questions and have a hunger for more, then I would delve into the CDC, but not before.

The first thing to do is go through and verify that all the answers you hopefully wrote in, are correct. Shadowcross brought up an excellent point of using multi-colored highlighters...this really does work! From here you want to find some way to segment your material...the old adage of "how do you eat an elephant" comes to mind..."one bite at a time" being the answer; the same is true for your CDCs (as well as the IC cards for that matter). You need to make it less daunting by breaking it down into manageable sections that you can more easily comprehend/memorize (at this stage it really is just memorization until you actually perform the job). Take the section, separate it from the rest of the material and go through it until you have it down...then go to the next section. When you finish with section 2 go back through the first section again. This is overkill but you WILL know the material. I found it extremely helpful to have someone else drill me on the questions...heck, pay them if you have to. You'll know when you have it down when they ask, or you read, half of the question and you already know the answer; you're in the zone at this point and ready to move on to the next section.

One final point I have will probably be unpopular here...We never let any troops studying for their CDCs take college courses at the same time. Your attention is divided and and the material you're studying is very dry....keep in mind your career is riding on you doing well. Additionally, all of your promotion tests will be based on this material; a good foundation is critical. There will be time for taking the college classes later, for now you need to concentrate on establishing yourself...and your career. The study for your CDCs won't take long and you'll find yourself less distracted and more focused on the task of doing WELL on your CDC final. If your interested in getting promoted Below The Zone, doing well on your CDC is crucial and often a deciding factor when the board's staring at a pile of near-identical promotion folders...I know because I've been a member/president of the BTZ boards.

If you need additional info, I''m here for you. You can do this...more importantly, you can do WELL on this. Don't settle for second best, set your own mark and make a name for yourself. I know it sounds cheesy, but what your doing here will set your attitude for the rest of your career. If you're not career minded, it will still set the stage for whatever you choose to do after you separate. Good Luck and keep in touch.
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
I concur with all the great advise I read here. I offer four major elements to any successful closed-book test.

1) Use Yellow/Blue = Green Highlighter method with a twist. First read with a Yellow highlighter in your hands. As you read through, highlight anything you would feel is important in yellow. Next, as you complete STS, highlight the location of the answer in blue. Finally highlight all UREs answers in green (I dont mean the UREs themselves. Do not study the UREs as 75% of it is bad information that can confuse your mind. this is why IC is so great, never study wrong answers becaue your mind will retain the infomration.

2) Write your own notecards starting with green highlight answers, then blue and if you have time, yellow. Dont just write random facts on the cards. Write the front of the card in the form of a question. If the reading defined and periodic inspection as 90 days. Then write a question like what type of inspection on xxx equipment has a 90 day interval. The idea is to try and keep the answers short. If the answer has multiple parts (bullet points), then ensure you write cards asking specifics about each point. This immediate repetition will help you remember the data.

3) Study your cards as you go. So as you write questions to Ch2, you will get tired. During that break, review missed Ch 1 notecards, and what you wrote so far for Ch 2. Then take your 15 min break.

4) Once you have a good grasp and you are preparing for your EOC, use your highlighted book as a guide. Pretend you're a teacher and stand in front of a mirrior with your book in front of you. Glance at the main subjects of your CDCs and then look up and teach an imaginary class. The idea is you see the green points that lead your mind to everything related to that subject. Any area you say ummm uhhh and your not sure is an area you simply dont know. If you can teach it, you will pass.

All these steps do different things on a cognitive level that help to retain more information then just reading and using that CDC test program. As this is CDCs and not a WAPS test, work together, however, don't cheat yourself and copy other people's study resources. Its the reading, highlighting, writing, and teaching that synergistically seal the data in your LTM.
well.. i passed... 69 is better than nothing. i made it through..
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
I should not say this; but I studied 3 days prior to my EOC and scored a 77 or 79 I passed and that is all I needed I crossed trained over to Bio in the reserves and did not have time to study with Work and Family.

But, it was doable.:ack:
CCAF-AS Logistics Management
CCAF-AS Bio-Environmental Science
Cerro Coso Community College-AS Administration of Justice
Excelsior College-BS Criminal Justice-2008
TESC-BA Liberal Studies-2009
2 Different Bachelor Degrees completed in under 2 years!
I started my cdcs a few weeks ago and ive tried several different ways. Im not sure which is best but i was told by my supervisor that i had to get at least a 90 or i wouldnt go onto the next one. Is there any way i could get help with it?

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