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Amount of studying everyone does?
Hey everyone...!!

I was just wondering how much studying time everyone puts in for the Harder and Easier clep/dantes exams?

I'm taking substance abuse dantes which is an easier one and have been studying for 2 weeks. I have been studying for humanities for at least 1 month now and I still don't feel comfortable with it.

I know someone who takes one test every week and I find it absolutely shocking!!
It depends on the subject. Last October I CLEPed out of 24 credits. I usually study about 1-2 weeks per subject. I read a lot, so I do have a good foundation to start with. A&I Lit, Intro to Computing and HG&Development I studied about 2 hours each. It just depends on your strength. I've taken 2 tests on the same day when the subjects seemed to be similar.

Humanities took me about a month. I ended up making a huge poster with the different composers, artist, architects etc. separated by time period. It was my first test and I was really nervous. As you take more tests it gets easier to gauge your readiness.

Good luck on your tests! I'm sure you'll do fine.

(If you haven't taken a Peterson's test you might want to...they are a great readiness indicator. If you can get 50% right or more then you are ready for the CLEP. Peterson's is always much harder than the real thing)

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin
Thank you so much for replying with such helpful tips!! Glad to know I'm pretty much on the right path, I hear humanities is the hardest test of them all, I think I'll wait on that one. I really like the poster board idea-smart.

Yes, the Humanities test was pretty hard compared to the others, but I used three great study materials:

- Comex Humanities clep study guide
- Princeton Review's Cracking the CLEP
- InstantCert

I also skimmed through the REA CLEP General Exams study guide. After taking several practice tests and studying for about a month, I took the exam and passed with a 68.

Humanities has been my hardest test so far, out of a total of 8 exams. Have fun! Rolleyes
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
You know, it really depends on the test and how many tests you've done.

Many tests overlap somewhat. So you might spend weeks on one but need less time on another, if they share some of the same material. Plus, a lot of the simpler tests are basically about memorizing the jargon. Big Grin So it's not all the difficult to study for. You've just got to get the jargon to "stick." Other tests require you to actually be able to understand and apply the material. Bummer. hilarious Those take longer. Smile

Some of it depends on your experiences and what you're good at. And it also depends on what kind of study habits you have, the amount of study time you have, and how quickly you get a feel for the material.

I think the longest I spent on a test was maybe three weeks. Usually I gave myself about a week. However, I have a flexible schedule and had more available study time than some people.

But hey, the main thing is that you get in the amount of studying that is right for YOU. The beauty of distance learning is that it works for YOU and YOUR needs and YOUR schedule. If someone else goes faster or slower than you, it doesn't matter. Do what you're comfortable with.
Easier tests, 2-3 weeks. Harder tests, 4-6 weeks.

I think Microencomics took me 6 weeks.
I agree - it depends on the test. I've done as little as a couple of days for Analyzing & Literature (I really only did the practice tests for that exam.) or about 7 weeks for American Literature.

That having been said, I work full time and have 3 kids. Sometimes it's really hard for me to get uninterrupted school time. My "weeks" might include several days where I could grab 20 minutes and some "weeks" where I study for several hours each day. It all just depends on how hard I think the test is, and how well I'm scoring on the practice tests.
Smile Cleps:
Introduction Business Law 65
Principles of Management 70
Principles of Marketing 71
A&I Literature 68
American Lit 59
Educational Psychology 68
Social sciences & history 65
Western Civilization I 64

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
I just took this test today and got a 444..needed a 400. There were quite a few questions that i felt were not covered by the IC cards and that I did not study.
Needed to know schedules of drugs and examples
Many questions about Haldol and antipsychotics
number of people who become addicted to marijuna
What opium is made from (morephine and codeine)
Which son would be most likely to become alcoholic, biological or adopted son of an alcoholic,
drug most abused by women
which form of heroin is easily mixed with water
Most common way heroin users administer the drug
Know what the DSM IV TR is
percent of people that die from smoking
what percent of the 10% of the heaviest drinkers makes up the alcohol consumption in America.
Make sure to know the neurotransmitters.
Which neurotransmitter nicotine affects.
Know the drug that stops heroin effects.
Most hazardous effect of inhalents

These are just some questions that are fresh in my mind. Will post more if I remember. I had 98 questions on my test.

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