06-10-2006, 11:12 PM
snazzlefrag Wrote:I am even considering taking some extra exams that I don't really need for my degree, simply because they look interesting and I think I would enjoy studying for them. I might graduate with 450 credits! LOLThere is always the option to get another BS degree. You may want to find other things to study that might be more pertinent to your career. Maybe microsoft office such as excel, word or powerpoint. I'm taking AutoCad online at the state of Georgia's expense. How about Lean and Six Sigma courses. Also check out the site for college lectures. i have a boat load of them and i used to listen to them on my 30 minute commute. They are great.
It's a real shame we can't test out of a Master's degree too. Wouldn't that be cool?
I honestly don't think any of us should EVER stop learning. It's good for the mind and healthy for the soul. Of course, once we have graduated, it would no longer be about passing or failing an exam...it would be purely about the learning!
I love to learn also. I plan on studying things that I've wanted to study for a long time, when I finis the degree. I would like to study more theology, philosophy and again, CAD. I'd love to get a Masters in Theology but it wouldn't help me in the Manufacturing field.

Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]
Douglasville, Georgia
Finished my degree 6-15-06
56 previous college credits (from 1987)
9 Dantes (Statistics, Ethics, World Religions)
9 CLEP (Socialogy, Prin of Management, American Gov.)
67 credits for my A&P license (Airframe and Powerplant)
TESC - BSAST- Aviation Maintenance Technology[/COLOR]