01-28-2007, 02:45 PM
I would personally try the 6 credit social sciences and history first, it wasn't that bad. I am assuming it's the Clep General right. The rest of your order is fine. There is plenty of spill over from the other subjects.
Working On:
Finished: Graduated BSL 15 Feb 08, Waiting on the USPS to deliver the cert.
All Clep Generals (Except Math)
ECE Composition,Clep Intro to Soc,DSST Human Cult Geography,World Conflict,HRM,World Pop,Ethics,ECE Research Methods in Psych,Abnormal Psych,
DSST Technical Writing, Intro World Religions,
MIS,Drugs and Alcohol, R+F USSR,Intro to Computers,Civil War,Criminal Justice,B. Math
Environment+Humanity,Info Systems+Comp Apps, CLEP- US History 1+2,Ana. Lit, DSST- Intro to Buisness [/SIZE]
Finished: Graduated BSL 15 Feb 08, Waiting on the USPS to deliver the cert.
All Clep Generals (Except Math)
ECE Composition,Clep Intro to Soc,DSST Human Cult Geography,World Conflict,HRM,World Pop,Ethics,ECE Research Methods in Psych,Abnormal Psych,
DSST Technical Writing, Intro World Religions,
MIS,Drugs and Alcohol, R+F USSR,Intro to Computers,Civil War,Criminal Justice,B. Math
Environment+Humanity,Info Systems+Comp Apps, CLEP- US History 1+2,Ana. Lit, DSST- Intro to Buisness [/SIZE]